Sentences with phrase «much evangelism»

Meanwhile, they're not really doing much evangelism and ministry themselves.
I am convinced that one of the reasons so much evangelism fails today is because people can not see the love and grace of God in our lives and actions.
Anyway, yes, much evangelism today sounds more like a MLM.
Much evangelism today is based on meeting needs.

Not exact matches

I believe that this would be much more effective than the situation you described above as «hit and run» evangelism.
We have to utilize MUCH prayer in our evangelism or outreach efforts.
I have seen so much evil done to people in the Name of Jesus from the institutions / parachurch orgs / evangelism that when someone tells me they are a pastor my first reaction is not what they might expect.
No matter the style of evangelism, crusade, one on one, or whatever, non of it has much lasting value unless it points to a deeper relationship with Christ, and leads to a relationship with His body in this world, the church.
Regarding your answer, I again see some misconceptions that show me you probably don't have much experience with Crusade Evangelism.
In the Missouri Synod Lutheranism of my childhood, the style of evangelism was not much different from that of today's SBC.
Even if we can not pray for some of these goals with much affirmation — even if we find ourselves praying for the salvation of liberals before Christ returns, or the redirection of evangelical social concern to its proper sphere of evangelism and world mission, or the disappearance of the electronic church — God will answer our prayers, with corrections if necessary, and will either change our minds or the minds of those for whom we are praying.
Frequently highly personalized, this music is aimed not so much at evangelism as at confronting the already evangelized with their shortcomings.
It may indeed be strategic to keep evangelism conferences focused on proclamation of the gospel and not diversify too much into social, cultural and ecumenical concerns, provided the validity of these is granted.
for one group that gathers on a certain day in a certain place to focus more on teaching and knowledge gifts, and not as much on service and evangelism, while another group at another place and time focuses on service and evangelism, but not as much on teaching and knowledge, and that from God's perspective, this is all okay?
The stories also show how much time, energy, and money goes into evangelism training with the end result being that churches rarely accomplish any actual evangelism.
In the tradition of revivalism and mass evangelism in America, however, so much attention was given to conversion that the other five sixths of the convert's life were simply neglected, with the result that most converts aborted their pilgrimage near its beginning.
There has been much good material put out by the churches in the past decade, and denominations seem no longer to feel that they must reinvent the wheel in order to provide their own original materials on every aspect of evangelism.
We'll also see that his approach to evangelism left much to be desired.
In evangelism, people do not need admonishments as much as they need to be carefully heard.
This is pretty much what I teach in my ministry about evangelism.
Despite all their talk about missions and evangelism, not a single one of the churches I was looking at were doing much to reach, love, and serve those in their own communities that needed Jesus most.
Wonderful What if evangelism was just as much about right living as it is about right believing?
We can not earn our way to heaven by following and obeying the laws of Jesus, that is discipleship and is not the way to heaven What if we didn't focus so much on evangelism, but on discipleship?
What is needed is a much closer linkage of evangelism with theology, and a recognition of the interplay of divine with human factors in both spheres.
I didn't really talk about it in this post, but so much of evangelism and witnessing today is limited to just getting people to heaven when they die, and the Gospel is about so much more than that!
Grady predicts the movement will look much different in a few years as it refocuses on evangelism and overcoming what he calls the distraction of «materialism, flashy self - promotion, and foolish carnality.»
Churches would be much more effective at evangelism if they were much more effective at loving one another.
The following books will challenge your thinking in these areas and provide much - needed clarity on the Gospel, evangelism, and eternal life.
Since there is so much confusion around evangelism, maybe we should start talking about gospelism instead.
About this Thomas wrote later, «In a speech on evangelism given by the British evangelical, John Stott, he criticized me for seeing too much convergence in the theologies of evangelism of the Lausanne Conference 1974, the Roman Catholic Bishops» Synod 1974, and the WCC Bangkok Consultation 1973.
If we share the gospel with words, and they reject it, we can still be friends, because our life is «gospelism» (evangelism) just as much as our words.
While most Christians would not condone a «convert or die» message today, we nevertheless provide our full backing and support for the «turn or burn» message of much Crusade Evangelism.
I find it interesting that your email had two parts, one discussing evangelism and one with the following quote from Lewis, «But what I approve of much more is everybody minding his own business.»
Nor, in his view, do pastors fare much better in the parish, where they find themselves awash in books detailing the success stories of particular ministers and congregations and in practical how - to - do - it manuals on everything from evangelism to stewardship generated out of programmatic approaches to questions of growth, size and organizational effectiveness.
Yet, and I think most of us feel it: evangelism has fallen out of style in much of evangelicalism in America the last decade or so.
It's much easier and much more glamorous for the Church to invest time and energy into building programs, evangelism techniques, and theological debates.
The story also shows how much time, energy, and money goes into evangelism preparation and training with the end result being that churches rarely accomplish any actual evangelism.
Evangelism, in the sense of reaching out to find and convert people not already reached, is ineffective, although in some of the ministries much is made of the importance of reaching people outside the United States.
Indeed some fundamentalist literalist evangelical theologians accuse him and a host of others for heresy while not doing half as much in evangelism, spirituality and charity.
(ENTIRE BOOK) There is need of a much closer connection than we have had thus far between theology and evangelism.
In short, there is need of a much closer connection than we have had thus far between theology and evangelism.
This research insight may imply that religious programs on television will be limited in their effectiveness with those age groups which do not use television as a source of gratification for serious content, and therefore that television should exist as only one element in a much broader strategy for ministry and evangelism.
It's onlt in the past few years that I have come to believe that our militant style of evangelism is not that much different than the crusades.
It does appear that the Roman Catholics, whose orders carry out much of the evangelism and social action, and whose pastors and bishops are also celibate (breaking thereby some of the extraordinary power of kinship connections), have fewer difficulties on these fronts.
The problem with many modern Christians is that we've seen and experienced too much bad evangelism: the crazy street preachers shouting at strangers, the late - night televangelists peddling for money, The Westboro Baptists picketing funerals, the corrupt pastors who eventually make the news for all the wrong reasons.
There has been too much «God has a WONDERFUL plan for your life» evangelism.
This relationshipping style of evangelism is much more «time consuming» if you will, and you don't see the big numbers that many like to see but it is such a rewarding and what I think is the way Jesus always intended - entering into each others lives -
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