Sentences with phrase «much evidence below»

Not exact matches

Inflation is running well below 2 percent and there is not yet much evidence of acceleration.
There is much empirical evidence for mental operations of high complexity below the level of conscious attention.
P - values are a notoriously difficult concept to grasp and are often misinterpreted, but the original paper's message was clear: A P - value, or α, below 0.05 is much weaker evidence that the results aren't wrong than people think; lowering it makes studies stronger.
2) There is much evidence that elevated body stores of iron (Fe) are a bad thing (serum ferritin should be below 100 mg / L, preferably in the 40 to 60 mg / L range), so intakes of iron should be limited to actual needs.
The model of aflatoxin - dosing used in these studies, discussed in more detail below, was much more realistic than the model used in most of Campbell's studies, and thus the balance of the evidence suggests that adequate protein likely offers very powerful protection against cancer in someone who hasn't already developed the disease.
While these are also noted as statistically significant, using the table below one can determine that statistical significance does not necessarily mean that such «very weak» to «weak» correlations are of much practical significance, especially if and when high - stakes decisions about teachers and their effects are to be attached to such evidence.
As evidenced in the pictures above and below, the Operating System looks very much like the one used by the PlayStation 4.
I'd like the comment thread below to focus as much as possible on evidence and on useful resources that help clarify these points.
For instance, ground source heat pumps tend to have higher efficiencies than air source units during the heating season due to the relative stability of ground temperatures below certain depths, though air source units — which involve much lower capital costs — have closed the gap in recent years as manufacturers have refined their design, and there is evidence to indicate that space heating demand in many Irish buildings may be peaking in Ireland's frequently relatively mild but windy weather, as the guide to air source heat pumps in Issue 24 of Passive House Plus discussed.
Furthermore, much evidence indicates that today's warm temperatures remain below peak temperatures experienced during the Medieval Warm Period of 1,000 years ago, the Roman Warm Period of 2,000 years ago and the Holocene Climatic Optimum of 5,000 years ago.
«Arctic Oil & Gas cites recent scientific evidence that huge, floating mats of azolla - a prehistoric fern believed to have covered much of the Arctic Ocean during a planetary hothouse era about 55 million years ago - decomposed soon after the age of the dinosaurs and exist today as «vast hydrocarbon resources» trapped in layers of rock below the polar ice cap.»
The article builds upon the Breakthrough Institute's «Energy Emergence: Rebound and Backfire as Emergent Phenomena», a comprehensive literature review pointing to the expert consensus and evidence that below - cost energy efficiency measures drive a rebound in energy consumption that erodes much of expected energy savings.
Both bottom - up and top - down studies indicate that there is substantial economic potential for the mitigation of global GHG emissions over the coming decades, that could offset the projected growth of global emissions or reduce emissions below current levels (high agreement, much evidence).
I've designated Technology and the future of the law a Classic because Michael's message and argument are so true as the passage of time is proving — and yet the evidence is that the large majority (perhaps as much as 85 %, in Bill Henderson's rendition of the innovation of diffusion curve below) of law firms are not listening.
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