Sentences with phrase «much explanation about»

Still, this is made easy with a mapping system that is quite complete, although the player shouldn't expect much explanation about it.

Not exact matches

Seems everyone has an opinion about what it is that makes Silicon Valley generate so much value and so many crazy start - ups, but I think a lot of those easy explanations are full of hubris and miss the real magic of what is happening here.
She also offers an explanation for what you need to think about around each question, so check out the post in full for much more detail.
With the GDPR's implementation date looming, there has been much discussion about whether the regulation requires a «right to an explanation» from machine learning models.
and Dr. James White is a member of your cult so I trust his magical fairy tale explanations about as much as I trust Joseph Smith or L. Ron Hubbard or crazy Ken Ham!
While we may believe in the Holy Spirit as a manifestation of God's presence in the world, we sometimes wonder if the church's early theologians invented this connection as an explanation of the continuity between Jesus and themselves, and if this invention didn't in turn and inadvertently lead to orthodox formulations about the Trinity that belied the Spirit's reality, much as the Kinsey Report misleads readers about the real joy and meaning of sex.
Oh, the Calvinists could make perfect sense of it all with a wave of a hand and a swift, confident explanation about how Zarmina had been born in sin and likely predestined to spend eternity in hell to the glory of an angry God (they called her a «vessel of destruction»); about how I should just be thankful to be spared the same fate since it's what I deserve anyway; about how the Asian tsunami was just another one of God's temper tantrums sent to remind us all of His rage at our sin; about how I need not worry because «there is not one maverick molecule in the universe» so every hurricane, every earthquake, every war, every execution, every transaction in the slave trade, every rape of a child is part of God's sovereign plan, even God's idea; about how my objections to this paradigm represented unrepentant pride and a capitulation to humanism that placed too much inherent value on my fellow human beings; about how my intuitive sense of love and morality and right and wrong is so corrupted by my sin nature I can not trust it.
So while the we are not told here (or anywhere) much about these spiritual beings — we don't have an explanation of their powers or of what kind of effects they can have on the believers — Paul's point is that we don't need to worry, because Christ is far above them.
I think there isn't much more than that to it, but maybe there's some detailed explanation somewhere, some book or article about Solomon's Temple.
And even if it were the case that in the past we spent less time defending and discussing specific dogmas, there seems to me to be a much more plausible explanation than «no one really used to care about dogma», which is this: it's not that we didn't care about dogma, but rather that the truths of faith have come under unprecedented scrutiny and attack in the modern period, not least fromdissenters within the Church, so it has become essential that we do talk about what we actually believe.
It makes about as much we we as any other explanation.
Thank you so much for the very awesome and real explanation about attachment, we especially enjoyed your comical presentation style.»
Baez has always had an explanation for her attendance... what you fail to realize is that even with the attendence record she has brought so much resources to her district... do your your homework... cabrera knows the system cause he worked in it... ha what a joke what about maria understand her district cause she was one of us... a single mom struggling to raise her daughter... 1199... working families... Bronx Democratic County Committee... all those organization & company based their decision on political moves not on her track record... cabrera is an outsider... Mujers For Baez!
The site is a potpourri of useful material: audio files telling the story of Snow's investigations; an exhaustive collection of Snow's original writing; a vast library of articles written about Snow's legacy; annotated maps of London, including Snow's famous map of the Soho outbreak; short biographies of the major figures in Snow's life; excerpts from books that mention him; dozens of photographs, including images of Snow and landmarks in London related to his life; modern - day scientific explanations of the cholera bacteria; and much more.
I didn't know much about agricultural policy — I still don't — so I didn't catch all the nuances of his explanation.
Through Exultant Ark Jonathan Balcombe makes the case that, although much of animal behaviour has come about as the result of evolutionary adaptation to serve a straightforwardly practical function, there are elements of play that require a more joyful explanation.
Thanks to biomedical engineer Mike Davis for writing an explanation of «Exosomes: what do we love so much about them?»
The concern about flatulence is much overdrawn, and a rather obvious explanation lies in what the Cleveland Clinic / Stanley Hazen study (2011) found about GI bacterial populations of omnivores vs. vegans.
I think the solid light blue color might be an explanation so is the balanced length of all the elements, but the point is that I can't stop obsessing about this «too much» kind of dress.
Alaska, USA About Blog Follow this blog to get answers to all sleep questions and also explanations of sleep disorders to the newest in sleep technology and much more.
Rarely does so much talking say so little: Even after 30 - plus minutes of shocking pronouncements and sweeping exposition, no explanation has been offered for why we should care about any of these characters or anything that happens to them.
There's very little rationale as to why Guy can spell pretty much anything thrown at him, or any explanation as to how he ended up learning the spelling of just about every word in existence.
The impulse to explain too much about the creature midway through the film (even to the extent that it is a creature) hurts the flow of the picture with monologues and tortured explanations that add little to the texture of the monster's lore and sway.
Characters drop in and out of the story with no explanation (Emmy Rossum is terribly underused as Lena's dark Caster cousin) and there's so much babble about destinies, curses and rules that it becomes a jumbled mess of boring exposition.
In the course of the movie, we visit Italy, France, Finland, Slovenia, Germany, Portugal, Norway, Tunisia and Iceland — with no explanation as to why these countries were chosen — meet a few folks here and there, and then listen to Moore's grandiloquent sermons about how much we can learn from our (mostly European) neighbors across the Atlantic.
The only logical explanation as to why more people aren't talking about Damián Szifron's Wild Tales this year is that they didn't realize it counts as a 2015 release (in the U.S.) after generating so much buzz last year from its Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language film.
Those expecting concrete explanations about the how and why certain things happen won't get them, for the hows and whys are secondary to the emotions being conveyed — and it's a credit to the work of Soderbergh and Clooney that so much is said with literally so little.
Characters drop in and out of the story with no explanation and there's so much babble about destinies, curses and rules that it becomes a jumbled mess of boring exposition.
There are a couple of decent laughs to be had, and about a dozen or so smiles, but unlike its predecessor, Legally Blonde 2 has several stretches of scenes where the levity and mirth take a break, leaving us a bit bored when there's not much going on except some necessary explanations in order to make this ambitious plot work.
Part of the explanation for this is the widespread ignorance on the part of the general public about just how much already is spent on public schools.
Sandwiched among the dramatic vignettes of the story, Greenwood pauses to pepper the book with historical sidebars about the «secret code» language used by those who helped shuttle slaves north to safety; a biographical sketch of Harriet Tubman, known as «Moses» to those along the route; a brief history of storytelling among southern slaves; a scientific explanation for the «swamp ghosts» many slaves encountered along their escape routes; an inside look at some of the methods used to hide slaves from capture; and much, much more.
Rich explanations often include as much information as possible about the new word, including information conveyed through defining, providing synonyms, pointing to illustrations, and using the words in other contexts.
The explanation that hybrids «need to pressure bleed for over two weeks sometimes» clearly shows that they are lying and don't understand much about hybrids.
thank you very much for the explanation about the mechatronic unit, i have problem with my golf tsi 2014 model the gear only shit on gear 2 & 4 sometimes 6, gear 1,3,5,7 is not there and the car gave me gear error however, i still can drive the car on gear 2,4,6, after the mechanic checked my car he said i need to replace the mechatronic unit, my concern is that this is not the faulty part that causing the issue, i would really appreciate it if you can help me with this.
By the end of the process, after spending so much time absorbing the work of Dr. Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker, seeing the exhaustive way they went about verifying their cases, and getting to know Jim a bit, it was hard to imagine a more plausible explanation for these cases.
Also included are the history of salt, facts about microbiology & osmosis, ancient history, an explanation of the relationship between cholera & cystic fibrosis, DNA, proteins, much more.
I rather assumed that since all the pension administrators were providing so much information about the # 1 million allowance, with no information about any other allowance, and also providing so much explanation of how the LTA worked, that they thought they knew what they were talking about... and I didn't realise there was going to be, or expected to be, an LTA change in the budget in March...
For those who want to learn as much as possible about credit, each page also has a full explanation of the topic.
I don't think most players would complain too much about needing to read a couple paragraphs in order to feel comfortable with a game — the problem is that strategy games tend to need closer to two HUNDRED paragraphs to provide a decent explanation.
What I don't like about its storyline is part of what I'll talk about in the next section, regarding the game's length, but also that newcomers to the series really don't get much explanation outside of term definitions as you play through the game.
You're never given clear direction in Rime or any real explanation as to the boy's past or purpose; as you slowly start to explore the island you'll stumble across artefacts that shed some light on the backstory, showing a grieving monarch with an inquisitive and familiar young charge, but an air of ambiguity consistently colours the game and you'll find yourself spending the first few hours puzzling over things like just how exactly is that fox spirit connected to everything, who is the mysterious figure in the red cape who watches silently from afar and is the source of our protagonist's vivid red cape, what tragic fate befell the bipedal robots who lay littered about the place and much more.
@Robert Boyd: Although I remain unconvinced about the difficulty (depending on the engine involved) and futility of PS3, I do very much appreciate the response and explanation.
I wrote at length about this concept earlier, but here's the quick version: When puny humans are asked to justify a decision, we tend to focus on the most salient or plausible explanations and then give them too much weight.
Bits of text — be it a specific location or riddled poetic verse — provide some context, yet when we meet the artist at her downtown Manhattan studio and ask for any sort of explanation, she earnestly responds with a laugh: «I have as much of a guess about these drawings as you.»
There is an excellent article on the Keenlyside Nature letter at ClimateProgress which gives a very good explanation of what Keenlyside's analysis is actually about, and from where much of the confusion about how the model should be interpreted, has arisen:
So to answer your question (which I take to be about explanation), not much until I get buy - in from others about whether my explanation (in terms of seismic events at the two mantle boundaries) is at all realistic.
Atmospheric scientists know very much about the atmosphere, and all that fits together and the explanation of the greenhouse effect that I gave is an integral part of that knowledge about the atmosphere.
I know that you don't find much value in speculating about plausible explanations w / o relevant and informative data, but...
There are other plausible explanations which ought not be discounted, not the least of which is that the expected rate of warming (about 0.23 C per decade for the average of the model ensemble) is just much too high.
I have not much clue about the earlier 20th century warming — TSI is not an explanation.
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