Sentences with phrase «much food cause»

Another huge factor is that I am more energetic and less hungry, and not needing too much food cause I hate the feel of a full stomach.
Previous research has linked GL of the diet, a reflection of how much a food causes a rise in blood glucose, to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes but it had not been established how GL is related to weight - gain over many years.

Not exact matches

And with many questioning the sustainability of importing so much food from so far away, we are beginning to ask if switching to a vegetarian diet to cut emissions caused by meat production is as sustainable as one might think.
Given the company's crunchy Vermont roots, it should not come as much of a surprise that Ben & Jerry's would use Twitter to support a cause promoting sustainability and fair treatment of food producers.
Or maybe you can offer help to people who smoke and eat too much cancer - causing foods.
I think she would not object then to the cross... she does not even realize that obviously the man on the cross has been very good to her and her family if she has so much time on her hands to spend on this cause instead of sacrificing every minute trying to find a way to bring food and shelter to her family.
The Deng regime claimed that high rates of population growth, lower deathrates caused by modern medicine and a generally poor and badly educated population had forced China to spend too much on housing, food and employment, and fresh water was becoming a limiting factor.
Sharing a recipe for such a serious cause might seem very modest, but if you think a little, everything starts in a plate, and it's important to remember how much food matters in search for a healthy life.
However, be careful not to let these foods be a significant percentage of the total food you eat, because they're not nearly as nutritious as all of the basics mentioned above and too much sugar, even from natural, unrefined sources, can cause or exacerbate a whole host of problems.
The most common causes of candida overgrowth are antibiotics, steroids, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, oral contraceptives, mercury dental fillings, drugs or alcohol, chlorinated drinking water, meat or dairy products from animals fed antibiotics, and diets full of too much sugar and refined and processed foods.
Once I received my results though and removed these foods that were causing my body so much distress, the entire course of my medical conditions changed dramatically.
While real food is normally a safe bet, sometimes even too much of specific foods can cause problems.
«As a chef that takes heed to Michael Pollan's approach to eating — «eat food, not too much, mostly veggies» — I think Meat Free Mondays are a fantastically creative way to generate momentum behind a cause.
Roughly one third of the food produced in the world (~ 1.3 billion tonnes) gets lost or wasted, with fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers having the highest wastage rates.33 Much of this is caused by the rigid product specification requirements of retailers and export destinations, which will be increasingly harder to meet as farming conditions become more unpredictable and varied.
Consuming processed sugars or even just too much sugar from whole - food sources can cause blood sugar to fluctuate tremendously.
If people don't sanitize their food processor properly, they could be introducing bacteria or excess moisture to the homemade version, and that would cause it to spoil much more quickly than a bottle that is manufactured and jarred in a properly sanitized environment.
But today's processed foods, which contain refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup, are much easier to overeat, which has been one of the main causes of our current problem with sugar in our diet.
Initially, Alex volunteered with OzHarvest assisting with food rescue and at Cooking for a Cause events, over a few months he learnt as much as he could from the talented chefs and even led a NEST class to cook up the most delicious Pad Thai (a family recipe).
And the greatest cause is often thought to be the mothers» concern that they ate poorly or even just ate too much «snack food» to be able to make enough milk.
Malnutrition from not enough food, meals lacking in proper nutrients and minerals, or a diet that includes too much sugar can inhibit brain development and physical growth, cause tooth decay, or set a toddler up for issues with obesity.
Giving too much solid food too soon can cause constipation in a baby.
Attempting to develop more cultural diversity caused one parent to complain that the district was not serving «American food,» while another argued that the food was «too much what the people in Los Angeles look like.»
Or, there may be a dietary issue where too much or too little of a food is causing constipation or diarrhea.
This hormone normally helps the body use and store sugars and starches from food, but too much of it causes the body to release an excess of male hormones called androgens.
Too much salt from sources other than natural foods like veggies and fruits, breast milk and / or formula may damage baby's kidneys and possibly even cause brain damage.
In sum, the gassy condition in babies is caused by many reasons including feeding improperly, consuming too much lactose, food allergy, the immature digestive system, and crying too much.
Amazing that school food causes SO much obesity?
The BRAT diet is one that is used to combat diarrhea, so feeding your baby too much of these foods can actually cause constipation: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast.
Mild diarrhea could be caused by food poisoning or an upset stomach, while a restless or shaky child could have ingested too much caffeine or sugar.
It may also increase the amount of food your baby eats and can cause your baby to gain too much weight.
Sometimes too much of these foods can cause constipation in little ones.
Too much citric acid can cause heartburn in babies, and with this preservative in almost every food item on the market, it's easy to overdose.
Upgraded nutrition standards — including more helpings of vegetables, more whole grains, fewer French fries and other potato products, and much less salt in food — are expected to cause more paying kids to reject the federally - subsidized hot meal.
The things that would be really important like household products that might cause harm, it gets lost in the shuffle because there's almost too much information... \ [Biotech foods \] have been used for 20 years in 29 countries and consumed by millions and millions of people including pregnant women and children over nearly two decades.»
My research into the causes of these leads me often to food sensitivities, but the WHY of it all took me much further.
It could be caused by drinking too much juice or eating a certain fruit or some other food.
She suggested not letting him eat so long because she thought he might be getting to much food, which was causing the spitting up, vomiting and screaming.
And becoming overly hungry can mean over-compensating and eating far too much when you do finally eat.Ward explains how: «Eating late at night can cause poor sleep patterns and increase your chance of weight gain because the body is trying hard to digest the food when it really wants to be sleeping.
Unhealthy food is now a much bigger cause of death in the UK than tobacco.
Barnes and his colleagues showed four years ago that female rats fed soya bean products and dosed with cancer - causing chemicals were much less likely to develop breast cancer than those eating proprietary rat food.
«Possible causes include drinking too little water, exercise (too much or too little), obesity, weight loss surgery, or eating food with too much salt or sugar,» reports the Foundation.
However, Michigan State University Foundation Professor Kelly Klump has found that the increased food intake causes some women to become much more preoccupied with their body weight and shape.
These 19th - century additives caused anemia and bone disease, but as British biophysicist Walter Gratzer demonstrates, the modern food supply may not be much safer.
«That kind of demand would have made them much more susceptible to food shortages caused by fluctuating climatic or other conditions.»
While algae and other microscopic plants, which form the base of the marine food chain, are vital to a healthy ecosystem, too much can cause murky water, reduce sunlight and oxygen levels, and ultimately cause harm to marine life.
The bacterium that causes the most cases of food poisoning in the U.S. could someday be responsible for much of the country's transportation fuel.
In the summer of 2005 warm sea waters caused these reefs and others across the Caribbean to expel the algae that normally gives them their color and much of their food, leaving them white as a skeleton and often starving — a process called bleaching.
A junk food diet can cause as much damage to the kidney as diabetes, according to a study published in Experimental Physiology.
The cause of the disease is a mix of genes and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, combined with too much unhealthy food.
The CO2 content of the oceans decrease, pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere, depriving plants of their food source, causing agriculture to fail, and the dreams of the humanity - is - a-cancer-on-the-face-of-the-planet types comes true: the extinction of human life, and much animal life with it.
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