Sentences with phrase «much food while»

New research suggests people eat twice as much food while watching a fast - paced action flick compared with those watching a slow - moving talk show.
And what really warms my heart to you is that you can chow down on so much food while focusing on television.

Not exact matches

Having raised about $ 6 million, Wagz created a unique ID tag to attach to either their collar or your own and can connect to its water bowls (measure intake, while also providing multi-vitamins), food dispenser (to feed your dog when you are running late), dog door (for bathroom breaks) and we are guessing much more.
In - depth content will factor much more strongly for a B2B's audience, while shortform content will likely be better suited to addressing impulse - buy items such as snack - food or toys for a B2C organization.
If you have so much of this debt that you can not pay it off in five years — while staying afloat with food and shelter — you should be talking with a bankruptcy attorney or credit counselor.
While the StatsCan data can't put a dollar amount on the increase in bread prices, it can offer insight into how much bread prices changed compared to other foods bought at Canadian grocers over that time period.
The class - struggle argument, however, had much more resonance in the days when stocks, bonds and other wealth were held by a tiny minority while the masses struggled to buy food and pay rent.
I've been reading the monastics recently, and it strikes me that while much of modern evangelicalism echoes their teachings on self - control and self - denial when it comes to sexuality, we tend to gloss over a lot what this great cloud of monastic witnesses has to say about self - control and self - denial in other areas of life — like materialism, food, relationships, and hospitality.
It's so much easier to spend an hour each week sitting in a seat listening to music and a sermon, and once a year packaging a box of food to send to poor people in another country, all the while ignoring the guy we drive by every day who lives under a bush.
While I struggled to make everyone happy with lists of what foods they liked and didn't like, looking for recipies, strategizing ways to have more than one option available... in the back of my mind was the old - fashioned idea of saying grace — I knew we had so much to be grateful for, why was that so hard to connect to?
And I just stumbled across this again yesterday: Ezekiel 16:49 says that the sin of Sodom was eating too much food and spending too much time in leisure while ignoring the poor and needy in the community....
A little later my dad came in and sat down on the edge of the bed and said quietly that we should have a conversation about Sunday Mass, and probably I was now old enough to make my own decisions about attending Mass, that he and my mother did not think it right or fair to force that decision on us children, that we needed to find our own ways spiritually, and that while he and our mother very much hoped that we would walk in the many rewarding paths of the Church, the final decision there would be ours alone, each obeying his own conscience; that was only right and fair, and to decree attendance now would perhaps actually force us away from the very thing that he and my mother found to be the most nutritious spiritual food; so perhaps you and I and your mother can sit and discuss this later this afternoon, he said, and come to some amicable agreement.
I often have a problem with over eating at meals (because I love food so much) but this was the perfect size and compared to a regular takeout pizza that I would eat once in a while, I don't feel lethargic or sickly - full.
While much of the food in Mexico is not vegetarian, I love renting a home with a kitchen then going to the market and sampling all of the beautiful fruits and vegetables on offer.
While the vegetables cook make the pesto; simply add all of the required ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth, adding as much water as to your taste.
While we don't mind eating leftover supper for breakfast and leftover lunch for supper we eat a variety of foods depending on the season (the vegetables in our veg box change every week so we get the variety without too much planning on our part) and how we're feeling — so if we're cold and tired then we prefer cooked food and when it's hot we enjoy plenty of raw foods.
While you can use a blender or food processor for this recipe, an immersion blender makes this soup much less of a hassle.
I don't know if that's because I'm always starving when I make breakfast, therefore it seems like it takes forever to prepare, or if it's because you have to stand at the stove babysitting the food while you cook it (which is why I use my slow cooker so much) but I digress.
I've been longing for another opportunity to gain experience and to learn from experts while at the same time spending time with like - minded people who enjoy the sight of food just as much as I do.
I learned this method of tuning in and then adjusting from Ayurveda, and though to explain it, the idea sounds trite, I've noticed improvements in my digestion and mental health from the subtle change in how I season foods, the mindset I prepare them in, and how much attention I give while eating.
While trim waste and spoilage also contribute to this problem, simply preparing too much food is the single biggest reason that foodservice establishments waste food.
WHAT?!!!! Ok, I'll be eating more Summer salads, fruits, and foods while I am there, one last drop California before I come home to much cooler weather.
Cake pops are one of my favorite recent food trends, not because I think they taste all that much better than regular old cake, but because once and a while we all make that cake that doesn't rise or come out just how we planned and won't serve to people but can't bear to throw away.
While researching an essay on pesticides realised her baby daughter would be receiving the highest dose of chemical exposure and that much of that would come from food.
While most Good Food recipes call for large eggs, unless otherwise stated, for individual servings, such as when frying or poaching, size doesn't matter so much.
I actually don't watch very much daytime tv at all anymore, but I happen to have the Food Network on a bit back while I was getting ready for the day.
So while these are by no means diet food, they are much lighter than most of the recipes for creamy delicious enchiladas I've come across, for example I cut 4 cups of cheese and swapped full fat sour cream for fat free greek yogurt.
As much as I love my cook books it's often what I happen to see while looking at Pinterest or food blogs that now ends up on my plate!
Depending on the company I'm in I try not to slouch or reach and, while my elbows end up on the table more than they should, you can take me pretty much anywhere without the risk of a Neanderthal fist grip shovelling of food or overzealous plate scraping.
The more whey you use, the less salt you need because the whey will speed up the fermentation process so that you do not need as much salt for preservation while you are waiting for the fermentation process to get to the stage where the food won't mold or go bad.
While you're making mindful decisions about what foods to eat, you also need to be mindful about how much water you're drinking.
While it may not be getting much attention at COP21, food loss and waste plays a huge role in the global climate change battle.
«Our menus are very much in tune with where food tastes are evolving while still concurrently creating something that New Yorkers saw as being accessible and comfortable.
Because of the thick walls, these cookers will cook food much faster than traditional grills, while maintaining a humid cooking environment.
So much of this type of thing is happening in our food system at all times, where we are told we are getting A, while actually getting B. Of course, in today's world, it's difficult to be in the know about everything, and we have to pick our battles, but it's always good to have some of those veils lifted.
Olives are also low in calories per serving while being nutrient - dense, and while I don't count calories, I do believe in eating mostly whole foods instead of refined versions like oil and sugar as much as possible.
Those of you who have been following for a while know that something like this needs a hell of a (food) celebration, and still being all summery and high on holiday feelings I wanted to create a little something very much inspired by the flavours of Crete.
You see, raw foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and a few others), consumed in the same state as we'd find them in nature (technically, nothing heated above 115F46 C), are considered to provide optimum nutritional value while retaining the natural enzymes that may help us to digest those same foods (when foods are cooked, your pancreas must take on this monumental task on its own — not too much fun for the l'il pancreas).
While these unique packaging materials offer a competitive edge in the food industry, they are much more...
If you have been following for a while you know how much I love my fermented food like sauerkraut, kombucha or miso paste.
Dark chocolate, (too much) coffee, Thai food and people watching (preferably while consuming one of those three things).
Home - cooked food always tastes so much better while traveling — even though people stare at us for it, hah.
While I too love beautiful food photography I would much rather have reliable recipes that I can turn to time and again versus pictures to stare at.
While, I think it's fine to treat yourself to more indulgent foods as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise, it's still important to make sure those treats are made with better ingredients — whole foods or unprocessed (or very minimally processed) foods, as much as possible.
While real food is normally a safe bet, sometimes even too much of specific foods can cause problems.
Been reading this blog for a while now, and I use for every dinner party and pretty much every time I make food!
While I have nothing against restaurant food — I love dining out as much as the next person — there's just something...
While I try to make a conscious effort to eat healthy (ish) as much as possible, when the foods that I normally consider more of a treat are readily available at my fingertips every time I turn around, the 80/20 rule goes right out the window.
While its main focus is on educating and appreciating good wines as an essential part of a good living, the magazine also regularly spotlights hot travel destinations, beautiful vineyards, food and wine pairings, serving suggestions, and much more.
I'll go all - out for a stunner cake every once in a while, but when it comes to actual food — like the stuff we survive on;)-- easy is pretty much the only language I speak.
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