Sentences with phrase «much gimmickry»

Not exact matches

«This was an era where reliability and resilience were rated much higher than shiny new gimmickry
Aided by some budgetary gimmickry, the governor through this year has, at least technically, stuck to the 2 percent line — but has also spent any resulting excess cash before it could accumulate into much of a true surplus.
«The enacted budget avoided much of the fiscal gimmickry of the past to attain budget balance, and it starts to address the long - term implications of the structural imbalance in the state's finances,» DiNapoli said.
A lot of resources went into making G - Force — a lot of talent, a lot of money, a lot of marketing — and it doesn't have much to show for it, not even some half - way imaginative 3 - D gimmickry.
It seems the denial people use all sorts of blatant gimmickry and bullishness to make them sound confident, which achieves the goal of stirring up a lot of support among those who don't think very much.
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