Sentences with phrase «much glory»

There's not as much glory in revising as in just having a completed draft or book, and they're often unprepared for how much time it will take.
Isn't it amazing how much glory can fit in to one bowl?
They shall wear no names and win much glory.
Beyond that, the schools programs have received much glory.
After all, if all students must meet a defined external standard, there may not be much glory in failing and being subject to a consequence as harsh as not graduating.
This year also, the event was held on March 9, 2018, which brought much the glory for Palace on Wheels for winning the PATWA International Award.
But of all the prodigies, none burst on the scene so remarkably or garnered as much glory as Steve Cauthen, 17, who just 12 months ago was a bug boy at a bush track and now is Sportsman of the Year.
I was not at all interested in how changing these things would impact the spiritual effectiveness of our congregation or how much glory God would or would not get out of us cutting something from our service schedule.
he wants to much glory of the goal he needs to take a seat at home and watch others play.
If not with Wales, you deserve much glory with your club side.
Non-American films rarely see much glory in the best picture category — The Artist was able to win, for example, only because it didn't contain any foreign language.
In a sport like this — hard work, not much glory, but still popular in every century — well, there must be some beauty which ordinary men can't see, but extraordinary men do.
So much glory in this word... Thanks to such titles as Night of the Living Dead, Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead and many other «dead» and «of - the - dead» movies, a whole culture was crated around zombies back in the 80's, and now the undead are on the rise again.
I agree... We need to rest and be content where the Lord has us, but always persevere to bring much glory to Him.
In the crucible of discipleship we come to see just how distorted our vision for our own power has been and how small we have become, but we also discover just how lavish our Father's goodness is and how much glory is waiting for us, how much more we are meant to be.
Why do we want to place Him so much in the spotlight, and give him so much glory, when really, His goal is to glorify Jesus?
Such a pitty, the same person who brought us so much glory and fame is now the object of shame.
Good e-Reader will be attending the Consumer Electronic Store in Las Vegas from Jan 10th to 13th and there will be much glory to be had.
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