Sentences with phrase «much hand someone»

The idea is to pretty much hand someone a document and they can follow the instructions to replicate the same end result you would have.
Many companies believe internships and job - shadowing require too much hand - holding and should be reserved for college students with more experience.
Knowing this information will allow you to avoid making communication mistakes that could either make you look like you need too much hand holding, aren't doing enough, or are too quiet, depending on the style of your manager.
After much hand wringing regarding the state of the patent system in America, the cogs of political, academic, and legal reform are slowly turning.
The experience is fairly open - ended, encouraging players to explore and experiment without much hand - holding.
Amarillo, for instance, banned using cellphones for talking, texting, looking for directions and pretty much all hand held usage.
Much hand - wringing is occurring over how our economic apparatus will handle this surging demographic threat, but there is also a broader social component emerging.
(Consumerist, Use Too Much Hand Sanitizer, Fail An Alcohol Test)
Rather, they go very much hand in hand, with the temperature continuing to rise as the CO2 goes up.
Much hand - waving about establishing benchmarks for surface temp monitoring.
There is much hand - wringing about large energy interests getting involved in politics — especially in the USA — but Business Green and the REA seem somewhat unashamed to admit that their own interests lie in particular election outcomes.
What is the importance of things like climate and race to the «future of mankind» that causes so much hand - wringing, such that billionaires donate huge sums of money to research institutions like the Smith School and Martin School at Oxford, The Grantham Institute, amongst a number of others, including the Tyndall Centre, to answer such questions?
«There has been much hand - waving of late,» the respected climatologist William Kellogg complained in 1971, «and the «prophets of doom» have taken the spotlight of public attention.
Rather, they go very much hand in hand, with the temperature continuing to rise as the the CO2 goes up.
Much hand wringing is evident about why there are deniers.
Today, when there is much hand - wringing over the value of an art education, it feels more timely than ever to reflect on an institution that asked pertinent questions about art, pedagogy, and their relationship to a more democratic society.
Also, it seems there is much hand - wringing about the current lack of «progress» or avant - garde in painting lately.
So, if so many more people are investing (ideologically, at least) in the white cube model, why is there is so much hand - wringing about finding alternatives to it?
Playing Portal is a awesome experience and while the earlier levels might feature a bit too much hand holding you'll really be proving your skills towards the end.
Too much hand holding in today's games has made me weak!
The hints in the menu will help clarify your goals in case you forget, but don't anticipate too much hand - holding if you get stuck.
«The motherboard and the mechanical structure go very much hand in hand,» explains Del Castillo, pointing to the external ports that will end up on the rear of the console, once fully assembled.
Essentially we learned why there is so much hand holding in most modern games.
This page tells you about how much hand baggage you can take into the cabin with you, as well as all the items you can and can't take onboard.
Too much hand holding - we are very independent travelers and prefer to walk ourselves to our room, deal with our own luggage etc but our requests to do this were not well received.
Unfortunately, the direct vs non direct recognition conversation is not simple and thus is the subject of much hand wringing in the infinite banking community.
The 10 - year U.S. Treasury yield touched 3 % last week for the first time in more than four years — inciting much hand - wringing.
If you'd like more control over how much you hand out, creating prepackaged bags of sweets may be the route to go.
Interview (Starts at 6:03)-- Mike Shatzkin, founder and CEO of The Idea Logical Company in New York, spoke with me on April 23rd by Skype about why there was so much hand wringing at the recently concluded London Book Fair, what's ahead for authors and readers if Amazon's dominance of the book business grows, and how his father, the late Leonard Shatzkin, who also had an illustrious career in publishing, probably would have been more inclined to applaud Amazon's disruption than is Leonard's son.
Also, LSI doesn't do much hand - holding.
The scores come after much hand - wringing on the part of the school reform movement, which has used international rankings to claim that America's school system needs a serious overhaul if it wants future generations to compete in a global economy.
The mentors provide guidance, tools, and support, and students build confidence so they can complete similar tasks in the future without much hand - holding.
Much hand - wringing often ensues.
Has a mere moment in a film ever generated as much hand - wringing as the revelation that Josh Gad's LeFou is gay in Beauty in the Beast?
Loud and obnoxious but not in any way that's worth much hand - wringing over, Zack and Miri is the pinnacle of laziness in every single respect.
If anything, Yehezkel does so much hand - wringing over his decisions (the film's favorite shot is Revach's worried face in close - up) that the atmosphere feels too funereal.
Gloves, too, seen sensible to me, when considering how much hand sanitizer we use now we don't wear them regularly.
And so much hand stitching!
There is much hand - wringing, with recent comments ranging from, «Why make Grandma cry?
From the diaper changes to the «mom come wipe me» s, there is much hand washing in our house.
Depending on how much hand - holding your family needs, meal plans can vary in detail.
The Honolulu City Council's budget committee restored money for the Office of Climate Change after much hand - wringing last week.
The crisis has garnered massive media attention, much hand - wringing and a load of campaigns aimed at saving the honeybee.
There's already much hand - wringing, finger - pointing and abject denials in the wake of Susan Zimet's nominating petitions for state Assembly being
But it's become clear that despite much hand - wringing, there is little scope for united action around the world.
The labor - backed party endorsed Cuomo in 2010 and, after much hand - wringing and dissent within its rank - and - file, again in 2014.
Once you have done your own little bit, as you have done for months now, to damage the Corbyn campaign, by your constant nitpicking of his competence and leadership skills and policy development shortcomings, and regular defence of the «soft Left» who have so blatantly failed to support him all year, from a supposed position on the Left (so much more effective in the current battle for the dominant narrative than criticism coming openly from the Labour right), will you too finally, (sorrowfully and with much hand - wringing») declare for Owen Smith at the opening of voting, David?
Your goal here is to keep yourself moderately preoccupied with an activity so that he'll get on with his own without too much hand - holding from you.
While the anticipation of the announcement led to much hand - wringing among athletic directors and among the N.C.A.A. compliance community, what sort of precedent this punishment sets remains unclear.
There is only so much hand holding the NFL can do.
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