Sentences with phrase «much harder»

It's much harder, and not the least bit comforting, to think that God isn't hating my enemies, that he loves them as much as he loves me.
But it's much harder to embody a political alternative — that's what saints do.»
It is much harder to believe that all we have and all we are given is simply and only by the grace of God.
The bright side is that if al - Qaeda really is recruiting Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, they've fallen on much harder times than we thought...
Had C.S. Lewis encountered only Christians like yourself, I'm afraid he would have had a much harder time leaving atheism and embracing the Christian faith as he so admirably did.
However, some things are much harder to determine how we learned it.
We have far superior stone - cutting technology that makes perfectly flat, perfectly smooth, perfectly square sides on stone that allows far more surface to surface contact than any stone in whatever pyramid you could mention, and we can do it on much harder stone much much faster.
It's much harder to do than what they are doing now.
If you read it through and withold judgement till the end (neccessary for learning; if you judge it as you read you will have a much harder time understanding it as your mind will be closed to the information and will be busy rationalizing the information away), you might learn why your statement was incorrect.
I hear that some Asian cultures use rice, since bread is much harder to come by.
When «everybody knows about the fight, it is much harder to go to that place of grace known as saving face.
It's very easy to voice disdain for the current system and much harder to come up with a viable alternative.
But encouraging someone is actually much harder than it sounds.
How much harder would it be for the world to label us as judgmental, condemning, intolerant, superficial hypocrites, if we actually lead by example, by service, by radical, ridiculous, unconditional love?
I have at times, even I, have felt self - righteous toward others and spiritually superior and have had to confess and repent, so how Much harder it must be for those who have lived «righteous» lives.
Equal sacrifice is much harder to achieve, if not impossible, than giving ten percent.
Surprisingly, winning one when you're fasting for Ramadan is not that much harder.
But she didn't trust herself to do that, or maybe she believed it would just make everything so much harder.
The other two are much harder to achieve.
He filled a role I needed to have filled for many years — this made losing him all that much harder.
But on the flip side of that, it seems much harder to not feel isolated and lacking relationship.
But Scripture, Auerbach, Lynch, and the Western novel say something much harder and more joyful, harder in that the literal and the transcendent are not opposed, but neither is their relationship discovered «in an instant» or with the top of the head; more joyful because, as Lynch says, «who wants to overcome the literal?»
In Cobb's model, it would seem that the schizophrenic would have to work much harder than the normal subject to disunify his experience.
The other possibility, the evocation of the transcendent good — grace, beauty, God — through the hard temporal realities of individuals in action is much harder to carry off, as evidenced in Greene's The Power and the Glory, Charles Williams» Descent into Hell, C. S. Lewis» Out of the Silent Planet, Tolstoy's Resurrection, and perhaps most poignantly in the dismal failure of most literary attempts to portray the central mystery, the life of Jesus — Kazantzakis» The Greek Passion, Faulkner's A Fable, or — most dismal of all, historical novels about Jesus (what could be less hidden?)
Seems the Internet, while bringing us all closer together, is making unity that much harder.
If you want to derail the issue, you will need to work much harder.
God is the author of the bible and I find it much harder to take things out of context if we read and study a book line by line and chapter by chapter.
It is much harder to believe than not to believe.
It's much harder to prove an improper motive.
Easier to do in person, much harder to do in writing.
Much harder to prove in court.
If this was happening in any other organisation, the penalties would be much harder and swifter.
In one sense you're right, at first it will not get better and in fact it will be much harder.
The Book of Revelation, for example, is much harder to interpret than, say, the instructions in a user manual for a television set (unless the manual has been auto - generated by some translation program, of course).
That makes it much harder to deal with grief, because people say in their minds, «Well, OK, you've had the funeral — you've had the memorial service — and now you have to kind of go on.»
Pursuing relationship is much harder than pursuing the latest Jesus juice.
The people who could have reinforced my faith condemned me for daring to exercise it in the face of questions and conflicting evidence: not just encouraging me, but demanding me to believe that much harder in what I could not see.
Taking care of lives is much harder than planning cool ministry elements of uping the creative factor of our website.
I assure you it was much harder for the author of this article to find these idiots than you'd think.
But this was a challenge because we have to work so much harder to make the audience believe this is real.
The late French journalist André Frossard was a convert to Catholicism from the fashionable atheism of his class, an atheism that was once a Parisian intellectual fad but that has taken on a much harder, Christophobic edge across the twenty - first - century Western world.
They work a lot and are some of the hardest working kids out there, but there lives will be much harder because of the greed of a lot of people at the top.
But they make it much, much harder to form real connections with people.
It is true that sometimes we need to hear correction from each other but I think that correction is way to easy to do and really loving each other comes much harder.
I know some of the struggle she's been through, but I think somehow to be raised female for five years and then have to switch to male is much harder.
Not talking about race will not magically change the fact that the criminal justice system is much harder on black and other non-white suspects than it is on white people.
«That mindset has framed things, which means I have had to work very much harder to get things done even where they are what the Home Secretary agrees with and where it has been helpful for the Government and the department.
Women don't come off well in MUD; they're mostly about setting up men for lives — driven by love — that are much harder than they seemingly need be.
If you aren't flexible in life, I believe you will have a much harder time succeeding in whatever you are trying to do.
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