Sentences with phrase «much heat energy»

With Venus storing up enough heat so as to finally subduct its entire surface when it got so much heat energy that it couldn't hold it any more.
The top few meters alone store as much heat energy as the entire atmosphere, and the oceans average 3.7 kilometers deep.
What a U-value does tell us is how much heat energy in Watts is being lost across a given square metre area of a building element, for every one - degree temperature difference between the heated internal space and the outside world.
My query: how can there be ice cover on the shores when there is so much heat energy in the Great Lakes water system?
The specific heat of water is 4 times higher than that of air, so that possesses low water 200 times as much heat energy as the total atmosphere (for the entire ocean, this is even as much as 1200 times).
I recall mention that Katrina was unusual because while crossing the Gulf «Ring Current» the deeper water pulled up by the hurricane was almost as warm as the sea surface, so the deeper water fed almost as much heat energy into the storm as the surface.
A calorie is an absolute measure of how much heat energy a foodstuff, or anything else for that matter, actually contains.
For instance, at a single stroke, twice as much heat energy can be stored than in the gaseous state.

Not exact matches

However, in cold climates these energy - efficient light bulbs create a new problem: the new bulbs don't generate as much heat as the traditional ones.
Debates about this will easily generate much more heat than light unless the energy of both sides is focused on the right question, which is: «Given that 200,000 abortions a year is far too many, how can a deliverable change in the law most effectively reduce that number?»
In this way, heat is generated in the cookware and not on the cooktop surface, which is much more energy - efficient than traditional gas or electric ranges.
Our stores include a range of features such as treated roofs to deflect heat and keep stores cooler, insulated precast concrete exterior walls which require much less energy to make compared to bricks, and cladding made from 70 per cent softwood content sourced from renewable forests.
Derrick Williams and James Johnson brought energy off the bench and helped extend the Heat's lead to as much as 18 points in the second quarter.
I know that uses energy, but not nearly as much because we are not heating the whole house.
Newborns aren't able to adjust their body temperature very well, this step of keeping them warm is important so they don't lose too much heat and have to use energy to keep themselves warm.
The Lasko # 100 MyHeat Personal Ceramic Heater comes in several colors, and at its price, it's a solid investment if you're looking for a way to heat up your desk or bathroom without using too much energy.
If babies lose too much heat, they have to use more energy and oxygen than they can spare to try and keep their temperature stable.
Stevenson, Buffett and other researchers suspect that the theory of the moon's fiery birth might also solve the problem of how Earth kept its geodynamo running before the inner core formed: Much of the impact energy of primordial collisions, like the one that may have caused the moon to form, would have been converted into heat, liquefying Earth's interior.
Much of the impact energy of primordial collisions would have been converted into heat, liquefying Earth's interior
But nearly twice as much of the sunlight energy captured by phytoplankton in the ocean is released as heat than is used to make food, researchers report January 7 in Science.
Scientists can measure how much energy greenhouse gases now add (roughly three watts per square meter), but what eludes precise definition is how much other factors — the response of clouds to warming, the cooling role of aerosols, the heat and gas absorbed by oceans, human transformation of the landscape, even the natural variability of solar strength — diminish or strengthen that effect.
Not surprisingly, Atlantic coastal communities are projected to take a toll from rising seas and strengthening hurricanes, but also much of the South and Midwest will be hurt by a decline in farming caused by rising temperatures, along with increasing energy demands to keep up with the heat.
For example, photonic crystals could funnel excess heat from a power plant's generator and release it over a much smaller band of frequencies to drive engines — such as those in electric - powered cars that can absorb energy only within a small range — much more efficiently.
The impactor's kinetic energy is transformed into heat, which melts the permafrost, releasing methane and water vapor and expanding the size of the resulting crater by as much as a quarter.
Much of the electrical energy that powers your mobile phone or computer ends up heating the circuitry, for instance.
The new connections can allow these cells to operate at solar concentrations of 70,000 suns» worth of energy without losing much voltage as «wasted energy» or heat.
The same is true when you use a mixer in the kitchen, or a drill, or turn on a fan — unless you're trying to beam radio signals to aliens, pretty much all of the energy you use will end up heating the Earth.
The intense heat generated by its 42,000 - mph free fall caused it to blow up in midair; much of the explosion's energy struck Chelyabinsk, 14.5 miles below.
Too much, and the excess energy disappears as heat.
«Whatever the cause, some heat does indeed leak back toward the solar surface, but the total amount of energy so transported is really quite small, and can not raise the photospheric temperature very much.
Magnetic reconnection, in addition to pushing around clouds of plasma, converts some magnetic energy into heat, which has an effect on just how much energy is left over to move the particles through space.
The most powerful jets, called quasars, arise when black holes weighing as much as billions of suns fling infalling matter and energy back out into the galaxy, heating up loads of dust and gas and creating blinding beams of energy.
The ground underneath our feet holds so much heat that tapping only 2 percent of it could satisfy current annual U.S. energy use 2,000-fold for each and every year of the foreseeable future, according to an analysis from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Although a microwave may not save much energy or money over a stove burner when heating water, it can be much more energy - efficient than a traditional full - size oven when it comes to cooking food.
Helmut Stein, Nokia's head of research and development, says: «Multiply 10 watts by the number of TV sets in a country and you realise how much energy is being wasted as heat
Rudy Diaz, an electrical engineer at Arizona State University in Tempe, likes the concept and execution, but he suspects that in a consumer device or inside the body the antennas will give off too much heat because of their high energy density.
The energy being added to the area can be measured in several ways, including gauging how much the section expands when it is heated and how it glows.
«In theory, if you know how much energy is coming in from the sun, and how much is reflected or radiated away, the difference is how much is heating or cooling the planet,» says Adam Szabo, a heliophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
That is not much but, given that the average vehicle loses roughly 70 % of the energy supplied to it by its fuel to waste heat and friction, recovering even a small percentage of this with thermoelectric technology would be worthwhile.»
The temperature scale measures how much motion, or kinetic energy, lives inside an object, and «heat» refers to the way this energy passes from one place to another — from hot to cold — in streams and swirls and currents.
«White - light flares correspond to the most extreme cases of this phenomenon, where so much energy is dumped into the chromosphere and corona that the energy propagates downward to the photosphere, heating it up, and producing the excess brightness that we observe in white light,» according to another of the authors, Jorge Sánchez Almeida, of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC).
The gravity of the early protostar attracts much of the surrounding gas and dust cloud and when the material falls close to the young star, it slows down and the energy is converted into heat.
«This new material is better than the traditional material, Bismuth telluride, and can be used for waste heat conversion into electricity much more efficiently,» said Zhifeng Ren, M.D. Anderson Chair professor of physics at UH and the lead author of a paper describing the discovery, published online by Nano Energy.
The internal structures of giant planets are much less well known than those of main - sequence stars because of uncertainties in the equation of state of degenerate gas, the composition (typically non-solar), the interaction with the magnetic field and, in the upper layers, the relative magnitudes of internal heat and energy deposited from the sun.
For as much as atmospheric temperatures are rising, the amount of energy being absorbed by the planet is even more striking when one looks into the deep oceans and the change in the global heat content (Figure 4).
If the energy delivered to Earth by the Sun or by impacts (or both) were 40 % greater, the Earth would experience a runaway greenhouse.3 That is, more water would evaporate from Earth's surface, so too much heat trying to escape into outer space would be blocked by water vapor in the atmosphere.
So much energy that this heat baked the skies and boiled the oceans.
Whereas on Jupiter and Saturn there's so much spin, so much heat created that these are held in the gaseous state or what we call gaseous state by the energy that's coming out of them, where as the smaller ones cooled off so much that they turned solid.
Has anyone thought what propagates these waves (like is it dark matter or dark energy) and I wonder how much they affect the sun and earth - given they stretch / squeeze spacetime, could they slow the earth spin, flip poles, agitate fault lines as well as volcanic activity and heat up the sun causing more flares, etc..
The temperature of an object, usually measured in degrees - Fahrenheit or degrees - Celsius, tells us how much heat, or energy, the object has.
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