Sentences with phrase «much higher amounts»

The industry experts advise people to get insurances for much higher amounts.
For a higher premium, you can get much higher amounts of coverage.
The face amount of coverage on a burial insurance policy will typically run between $ 5,000 and $ 100,000 — although there are some life insurance companies that offers much higher amounts of protection.
There, the courts have to award much higher amounts (close to double) to ensure that the client gets what the client needs because the courts know that a very large percentage (nearly half) is going to the lawyers.
Another significant and surprising finding with regard to damages to corporations is that in the 2003 - 13 data, punitive damages were awarded to corporations much more often, and in much higher amounts, than to human plaintiffs.
However adding in a mile earning debit card you could pay much higher amounts.
Kittens, because they're growing so rapidly, need much higher amounts of energy in their food.
But it includes nutrients for joint support in much higher amounts (1,100 mg / kg of glucosamine and 300 mg / kg of chondroitin), which I think makes it suitable for dogs already suffering from joint problems.
Diets with much higher amounts of protein will be rejected by most hamsters and may lead to selective feeding and imbalanced nutrition.
Although the average debt is only around $ 37k, many students are saddled with much higher amounts, at a much higher interest rate.
Like PNC Bank, Wells Fargo makes secured and unsecured personal loans, but for much higher amounts (with secured loans providing even higher amounts).
A 20 % or less reserve may be viewed as reasonable, though some publishers attempt to hold out for much higher amounts.
Second, the income - contingent loan (ICL) repayment system put into place in 1998 is what makes it possible for students to safely borrow much higher amounts than they could in the U.S. system.
While cassava is a food which can have the exact same amount of CGs as flaxseed, and in some cases, much higher amounts, it is also a food that is less compact and more porous than flaxseeds, and it would be expected to respond differently to cooking.
In many cases, much higher amounts contribute to significant health improvements and preventive measure.
Avoid factory - farmed animal meats as it will contain much higher amounts of omega 6 fats not to mention they are pumped full of antibiotics, arsenic, and hormones to make them grow faster.
Many kids might balk at the idea of 100 milligrams or less, because they are often accustomed to drinking much higher amounts.
Soy formula contains much higher amounts of fluoride than BF or CMF, as well as other problematic minerals such as aluminum, manganese and cadmium.5 Human breast milk contains virtually no fluoride, a mere four parts per billion, about two hundred fifty times less fluoride than is added to water in fluoridation programs.
In particular, many people find they lose weight even when they eat much higher amounts of protein (and lower amounts of fat) than might be suggested.
During the follicular phase (before ovulation), the concentration of progesterone in the bloodstream is less than 1 ng / ml, although still present in much higher amounts than estrogen.
It contains much higher amounts of flavanol antioxidants than milk chocolate.
Other teas have much higher amounts of caffeine — up to 50 mg of caffeine; a cup of coffee contains 120 mg of caffeine per serving.
Results of the Canadian study were so promising that one of the lead investigators, Roman Przbylski, is currently collaborating with Canadian - based Kade Research to develop new buckwheat varieties with much higher amounts of chiro - inositol.
In part because it plays a role in reducing weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and so on (for more details on how this distorts the results, including evidence from other studies on how these statistical tricks hide real health benefits from much higher amounts of running, see my earlier blog entry).
The meat of game animals living on wild plants and grass also contains much higher amounts of omega - 3 fatty acids than does the meat of modern domesticated animals.
This two - step strategy would starve cancer cells — which tend to require much higher amounts of energy than normal cells — by limiting their two major pathways for ATP production.
The Republicans noted that some of the same unions that worked with de Blasio in 2014 gave large donations to Nassau Democrats during the Kaminsky campaign, many for much higher amounts than they had ever given the committee before.
Vitamin K2 has a very high transfer rate to breast milk and colostrum contains much higher amounts of K2 than mature milk.
Traditional cultures consumed much higher amounts of K2 then we do today because their diets included more organ meats and naturally fermented foods.
The researchers note that avocados are unique among fruits and vegetables in that, by weight, they contain much higher amounts of the key nutrients folate and potassium, which are normally under - consumed in maternal diets.
This is an outstanding ratio considering that other brokers normally require much higher amounts to initiate a trade.
The latest Powerball prize may be estimated at $ 900 million, but you have to wonder: If a private company ran it, would a national lottery routinely give weekly payoffs of much higher amounts than the Powerball average of just $ 80.7 million?
That could lead to people signing up for the short - term plans because of cheap monthly premiums and paying much higher amounts when they need care.
Hardware wallets are also, technically, online wallets, but with a much higher amount of security.
Flaxseeds also have a much higher amount of omega - 3s as compared to omega - 6s, which is particularly beneficial in the Western diet of which tends to be overloaded with omega - 6s (this can cause health problems).
Lyon have confirmed that Arsenal have submitted a $ 35 million (# 29m) bid for striker Alexandre Lacazette while categorically denying claims the Gunners have since offered a much higher amount.
Bikes must remain compliant for 50,000 km (less for smaller bikes) Myth busting reality: Bikes release a much higher amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons than cars Catalytic converters can be fitted to motorcycles and routinely are Bikes over 7 years old will not be banned from entering town centres Measures Outside of Type Approval
The object has a chemical composition similar to Halley's Comet, but it is 100,000 times more massive and has a much higher amount of water.
[5] Our body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, a much higher amount than you can get from eating foods.
Drinking pomegranate juice on a daily basis has a better overall impact on improving the antioxidant function in comparison to any other fruit since it has a much higher amount of phenolic substances.
It takes guys quite a bit of time to get bigger muscles and they have a much higher amount of testosterone so don't think you will lift a few weights and suddenly look big and muscley because it just wo n`t happen.
Vegetable juices provide our body with much higher amount of nutrients than raw vegetables.
Even though the monthly payments are lower, however, over the long period of the loan you need to repay a much higher amount of debts.
This is no small chunk of change, and when interest is included, could balloon to a much higher amount.
However, in case of a sudden increase in the market rates, you will end up paying a much higher amount than what you had started with.
Or that she was earning a much higher amount than he was.
Now, because scoring can accurately predict default risk, individuals are allowed to carry a much higher amount of debt than once was thought safe.
Unsweetened or baking chocolate contains a much higher amount of the potentially toxic theobromine than milk chocolate (approximately 10 times the amount on average).
In its financial report, the company outlined that while a traditional game and a live game (which means a game that's still being worked on to bring new features to players, either via online services or DLC), might generate the same revenue in the first year of their release, in their second years the live game will continue to generate a much higher amount of revenue.
So if oceans continue to rise in heat, and the atmosphere continues to trap a much higher amount of heat (let alone, as GG levels continue to rise, more and more of it) current air temperatures don't come close to representing a stases condition, and can't.
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