Sentences with phrase «much higher quality job»

18 years ago it finally dawned on me that, for example, 3 highly experienced partners will always do a much higher quality job than 20 associates, 4 junior partners, chief trial lawyer, etc WHY?

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«Small business owners should not worry about [a higher minimum], because they will get a higher quality of work, and your business will get much bigger returns from happier customers if you have happy employees doing a good job for you,» Nguyen says.
Parents who work in low - wage jobs can face real difficulties affording quality child care — in 2013, the average cost of full - time care for an infant at a child care center was about $ 10,000 per year — higher than the average cost of in - state tuition at a public 4 - year college - and much higher in some locations.
«Providing New York state manufacturers with the much - needed tax breaks,» King said, «will enable them to do what they do best: create high - quality manufactured goods, sustain and grow family - supporting, well - paying jobs, and generate much - needed revenue for our state.»
While supporting a school on Project - Based Learning, I saw much passion and desire to do a high quality job.
Gordon MacInnes shows that it's possible for high - poverty schools to do a much better job of teaching low - income youngsters to read, through the tale of how a package of reforms, including high - quality pre-K and intensive, data - driven literacy instruction in the early grades, dramatically improved reading performance for children in some of New Jersey's highest - poverty, most troubled districts.
Even if she wanted to turn it around to something to do with the economy, she would have done much better to point out the «Green Jobs» connection — that the things we need to do to fight climate change have a big impact in creating high - quality skilled jobs of a nature that can't be exported to cheap - labor countries.
For example, «I remained focused on getting a quality education throughout high school and college, which didn't leave much room for working a full - time or part - time job.
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