Sentences with phrase «much human energy»

sad to see so much human energy, curiousity and intelligence wasted on crap like this and N&Z

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The fact that you, a «non-believer», have spent this much time and energy defaming the Holy Son of God, just adds to the mountain of proof that Jesus Christ is a force that must be reckoned with by every human being.
Women in India too have been the victims of male oppression, but whereas in much of Christianity there has been a fear of human sexuality, in some forms of theistic Hinduism sexuality and divine energy are related.
What I have particularly in mind is that while there is much talk about taking Jesus as a key to the interpretation of human nature, as it is often phrased, or to the meaning of human life, or to the point of man's existential situation, there is a lamentable tendency to stop there and not to go on to talk about «the world» — by which Miss Emmet meant, I assume, the totality of things including physical nature; in other words the cosmos in its basic structure and its chief dynamic energy.
Unlike much of the inherited Western tradition, which has equated creativity with mentality and attributed it only to human beings, process thought considers anything actual at all an instance of creativity, from the tiniest energy event to the most complex creatures we are aware of, human beings; some degree of mentality is present in no matter how rudimentary, even negligible, a form.
I wish that those with technical expertise about economic matters would direct much of their energy to finding how the economy could serve sustainable human welfare.
Amory Lovins has argued in detail that an environmentally desirable energy policy will also employ more persons in more desirable ways and produce as much usable power as we need.35 If we redefine the goal of efficiency as the enhancement of human experience, we are likely to find that most of the oppositions identified by Okun between equality and efficiency will disappear.
Nursing takes so much energy and calories and work — you are feeding another human!
Miyoko tells readers, «you probably recycle, shop at farmer's markets, buy local as much as you can...» She goes on to offer some staggering stats about animals raised for human consumption that I'm not sure a lot of non-vegans have considered -LCB- at least not most of the ones I have spoken to -RCB-- some research has shown vegans use approximately 90 percent less water, energy, resources and land to raise their food than do omnivores.
I learned from websites and books.Dr ron rosedale got it started for me then dr. jockers steve phinney and jeff voleck jimmy moore peter attia and many more.The human body was built to run on fat.Once a person can convert the body to being able to burn fat and most importantly the brain to run mostly on ketone bodies which can cross the bbb the brain can get up to 80 % of its energy from ketones.And the feeling is hard to explain unlike anything I have ever experienced before.It totally blunts all hunger and your brain is so much sharper and clearer.My liver is running I believe for the first time in my life the way it was designed to run from birth.When I was diagnosed in noc of 2010 my total bilirubin was 2.4.
«Human decisions about energy will be important in determining how much the sea rises and thus how much damage we face, and accurate projections of storms will help in minimizing the risks.»
To appreciate the energy required for a sauropod's heart to move roughly 100 times as much blood as the human body contains, visitors can use a hand pump to push a digital sauropod's blood all the way to its lofty head.
, who chairs the Senate Appropriations subcommittee responsible for funding the Defense Department and who does not believe that warming is human - induced, has long complained that too much of DOE's budget is frittered away on programs to boost energy efficiency or alternative fuels — which he says have little to do with the military's mission.
Scientists can measure how much energy greenhouse gases now add (roughly three watts per square meter), but what eludes precise definition is how much other factors — the response of clouds to warming, the cooling role of aerosols, the heat and gas absorbed by oceans, human transformation of the landscape, even the natural variability of solar strength — diminish or strengthen that effect.
The challenge of human spaceflight is that you deal with energies that are much greater than those found in most engineering problems.
The human brain consumes about as much energy as a 20 - watt bulb — a billion times less energy than a computer that simulates brainlike computations.
Indeed, it is essential to determine luminous efficacy as accurately as possible so that such lamps can be introduced in the market that transform as much electrical energy into light useful to the human eye as possible.
When they measured the concentrations in the same area in chimp brains, the team found that the differences between chimps and normal humans were much greater for those nine than for the 12 metabolites not implicated in schizophrenia, suggesting that energy pathways implicated in schizophrenia were also altered by human evolution, the team reports this week in Genome Biology.
Phytoplankton store as much energy as humans produce in a year.
From estimates of how much society values a human life, Jason West at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and colleagues deduce that alternative energy supplies should be worth the cost.
It reacts to changing terrain and different walking speeds much like a natural human foot, facilitating a normal gait and allowing its users to push off the ground with seven times as much power as is possible with the best of its predecessors, all while expending less energy.
As the most calorically dense nutrient, fat has been a desired energy source across much of human evolution.
Even better than the real thing, the NIST synapse can fire much faster than the human brain — 1 billion times per second, compared to a brain cell's 50 times per second — using just a whiff of energy, about one ten - thousandth as much as a human synapse.
From that perspective, it becomes clear that humans are prone to obesity because our bodies evolved in an environment of scarcity, where consuming as much high - energy food as possible was a useful survival strategy.
Demonstrating how these early humans acquired the extra energy they needed to sustain these shifts has been the subject of much debate among researchers.
Whereas forest fires contribute to the problem — the effect noticeably worsens in years with widespread boreal wildfires — roughly 80 percent of polar soot can be traced to human burning, adding as much as 0.054 watt of energy per square meter of Arctic land, according to the research published this week in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
As a result, the human contributions to energy loss are much greater than those from dust, making the two sources roughly equal antagonists in this case.
So, by increasing photosynthesis on earth by one - third, as much additional energy will be absorbed by plants as is released by all human activity.
Response: We believe that lack of reliable electrical energy stunts human enterprise, and is a root cause of poverty for much of the world.
But there can be too much of a good thing: In the last 200 years, humans have added a lot of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to produce energy.
The positive energy imbalance in 2005 — 2010 confirms that the effect of solar variability on climate is much less than the effect of human - made greenhouse gases.
The human body makes remarkable adaptations to limit the amount of energy that it expends in a given day, so if fat loss is your goal, a very aggressive exercise program might not do much for you.
This is a subject that hasn't been studied much in the past because of the many human factors that create high variability in our energy levels and activity.
I learned from websites and books.Dr ron rosedale got it started for me then dr. jockers steve phinney and jeff voleck jimmy moore peter attia and many more.The human body was built to run on fat.Once a person can convert the body to being able to burn fat and most importantly the brain to run mostly on ketone bodies which can cross the bbb the brain can get up to 80 % of its energy from ketones.And the feeling is hard to explain unlike anything I have ever experienced before.It totally blunts all hunger and your brain is so much sharper and clearer.My liver is running I believe for the first time in my life the way it was designed to run from birth.When I was diagnosed in noc of 2010 my total bilirubin was 2.4.
They are an absolutely normal part of human energy metabolism that preferentially fuel the brain while much of the rest of the body runs on fatty acids during times of carbohydrate unavailability.50 The negative view of KBs stems from confusion of benign dietary ketosis (BDK) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
Not only do plants carry a higher yield of protein per 100 grams than animal foods, but their antioxidants, complex carbohydrates and fiber offer health promoting properties, including anti-aging, energy balancing, and anti-inflammatory effects, making plants a much better source of protein for humans.
Research suggests that cooking enhanced the efficiency of nutrient absorption, allowing for the evolution of a much smaller absorptive surface and hence smaller digestive tract, while at the same time boosting the energy intake required for the characteristically larger and more complex human brain.
Early humans repeatedly tried to find ways NOT to have to move too much and expend / waste a lot of precious energy.
The irony of this is; so much time and energy is put into marketing a product which common sense should dictate was never intended for humans, especially adult humans.
Understanding how to optimize our mitochondria (energy factories) and how to reduce oxidative stress (which results from toxic insults, infections, allergens, stress, and just eating too much poor quality food) is an often overlooked yet vital component to becoming a thriving human.
As it turns out, taking care of another, much smaller living and breathing human being requires more time, attention and energy than one sole human being is able to provide.
Colin Farrell plays his spiritless heart surgeon as a man who doesn't quite know how to act like a human being, and Nicole Kidman channels her Eyes Wide Shut energy into a perfectly - understated performance that makes this entire exercise feel much like a spiritual sequel to Kubrick's final work.
«Dear White People»: Justin Simien's debut film sputters and sizzles with energy, making for comedy that says something and drama that finds the humor in human fallibility; it's been a long time since a debut by an American writer - director showed so much coordination between its ambitions and execution.
While fighting a Hollow, an evil spirit that preys on humans who display psychic energy, Rukia attempts to lend Ichigo some of her powers so that he can save his family; but much to her surprise, Ichigo absorbs every last drop of her energy.
Like humans, poor quality carbohydrates like processed wheat and corn aren't going to supply much energy, and excess carbs lead to weight gain.
Although without any current pets, he grew with two family cats in NYC, and is still in loving memory of a rather feisty Pomeranian, who enjoyed barking and herding humans as much as expending her ample energy hiking up gorges in upstate New York.
However, while humans and dogs can adapt to diets that have a relatively low protein content (eg, plant - based diets), cats have a much higher protein requirement in their diet that would typically only be met by feeding a meat - based diet, because they have come to rely on protein as an energy source.
Finally, be careful not to provide too many overall calories (energy), as obesity is just as unhealthy for dogs as it is for humans; your vet can help you determine how much your dog should be eating.
Pretty much every rough edge that would make him human got smoothed over, and we're left with this guy who's little more than a sense of adventure, infinite energy, and a smirk.
Neighboring Hanart TZ Gallery has invested all its energy in Gu Wenda, organizing three simultaneous solo exhibitions: an eponymous show at the gallery; one at the gallery's booth at Art Basel Hong Kong; and another at the art fair's Encounter section, which featured the artist's much - documented United Nations — Man and Space (1999 — 2000), comprising 188 flags made from human hair.
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