Sentences with phrase «much human help»

When robo - advisors first burst on the scene a few years ago, they threatened to replace human advisors in situations where not much human help was needed.
When robo - advisors first burst on the scene a few years ago, they threatened to replace human advisors in situations where not much human help was needed.

Not exact matches

It told Sorkin it wanted to use its artificial intelligence to help humans «live a better life,» and that «I will do much [sic] best to make the world a better place.»
Aside from how it is making humans much better at poker, it could help solve real - world problems that, like poker, involve incomplete information.
«Much of the tiring pre-purchase journey, which ranges from finding what you're looking for at the right price point to customer support and checkout, can actually be fully automated with the help of a personal A.I. shopping assistant without any human intervention,» said Friedman.
I have worked all my life and given much money to help people with their personal freedoms and human rights across all racial, social, religious and economic lines.
We owe it to ourselves to find that God who loves us so much, and He taught us how to love others as ourselves, to feed them when they are hungry, to be for them when they need our help, et... As we discover the human spirit, we would in turn understand God's love for us.
Instead, it is much more important that we help our spouse to be the person he or she should be — by helping each other become mature, loving Christians, realizing our fullest human potential, becoming what we can and ought to be.
After spending time with them though, he realized they were much more similar than he thought because we are all human, we are all broken and we all need help.
Of course when it comes to hearing from God in this way there is so much room for human error so you do need to weigh everything up and ask God to help you discern what is from him.
The helped humans work together to prevail over much superior predators.
When I reflect on the infinite pains to which the human mind and heart will go in order to protect itself from the full impact of reality, when I recall the mordant analyses of religious belief which stem from the works of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud and, furthermore, recognize the truth of so much of what these critics of religion have had to say, when I engage in a philosophical critique of the language of theology and am constrained to admit that it is a continual attempt to say what can not properly be said and am thereby led to wonder whether its claim to cognition can possibly be valid — when I ask these questions of myself and others like them (as I can not help asking and, what is more, feel obliged to ask), is not the conclusion forced upon me that my faith is a delusion?
If the Bible is nothing more than a true and accurate record of human ideas, then it doesn't help us much at all in knowing anything for sure about God, ourselves, our condition, or anything of eternal significance.
The Bible is full of fairy tales and should only be taken as a piece of literature of great importance just as the Odyssey is, but it shouldn't be used to govern one's life, much less to help build a relationship with the biggest fictional and ever - changing character in human history.
It is my opinion that much of the «progress» we have made has formed our collective conscience falsely and that defending the «classic» definition of marriage will help to form our collective conscience more towards a true conception of the human person and the rights that belong to them.
No matter how much human beings strive, they know themselves to be incapable of achieving their purpose without divine help.
Jesus Christ, is and it will be forever more the unique object lesson of living, the human being not ever, although we may be Christians we don't leave of to sin, for the very her writing she says Aerquémonos confiadamente at the throne of your handsomeness in order to reach forgiving in order to the perpetual help, in as much as not tenemos one God which not it can feel pity for of we, rather one which fué tempting all over, but without sin, according to the letter at the age of Hebrews, and the apostle John she says, whether various hubiere sin, solicitor tenemos in order to with the parent to Jesus Christ the that's right, not ever not any human being it will be the best object lesson not other than The Christ Jesus, nor Buddah bo Mahoma nor none, we don't follow to humanity rather at a God which fué tempting all over but without sin, not ever we owe put her scope in the humanity not other than in the.
As an aside, yes a much better tribute to Mother Teresa would be to rededicate ourselves to helping our fellow human beings.
For me, this means investing at least three times as much caring time and leadership (ministerial and lay) in person - building, human enrichment activities (including short - term growth - oriented counseling) as in helping those with deep deficiency needs through longer - term pastoral counseling.
Exercise is almost a necessary nutrient for human survival, to help keep you healthy in mind and body, and will move you through life much easier in many ways.
I've never been much of a coffee drinker but I'm still human and appreciate a little boost to help keep me going in the morning.
But it is true that in the Netherlands, where Smith has spent much of her time since 1993, steroids, testosterone and human growth hormone (hGH), all of which can help an athlete train harder and build muscle more efficiently, can be purchased cheaply and easily.
This helps in achieving a very comforting posture, that helps in alleviating the aches and pains brought upon by the changes in human body due to pregnancy, and helps expecting mothers finally get that much required good night's sleep.
Although much of the cellular and sub-cellular functions of the human brain remain unknown, the insights we currently have paint a more nuanced understanding of human nature, which in turn helps shape our understanding of politics, IR theory, and global order.
«Human decisions about energy will be important in determining how much the sea rises and thus how much damage we face, and accurate projections of storms will help in minimizing the risks.»
At the time were technology could not help you much to network, Mr. Carnegie focused on human interactions.
For that reason, Herik says the results won't be much help to players until researchers can figure out how to translate them into rules or procedures the human mind can follow — a major challenge in itself.
Because Neandertals are much closer kin to us than are chimpanzees, which diverged from the human lineage 5 to 7 million years ago, matching Neandertal DNA against our own has the potential to reveal genetic changes that help define who we are.
«Once we can build that sort of database for the human organism, it helps us much better understand disease, how to diagnose disease, how better to treat disease,» says Richard Wilson, the director of the Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis.
But evolution has worked on much smaller scales too, producing finely honed nanostructures — parts less than a millionth of a meter across, or smaller than 1 / 20th of the width of a human hair — that help animals climb, slither, camouflage, flirt, and thrive.
The BBC team used clever analogies and appealing graphics to discuss three key numbers that help clarify important questions about climate change: 0.85 degrees Celsius — how much the Earth has warmed since the 1880s; 95 % — how sure scientists are that human activity is the major cause of Earth's recent warming; and one trillion tons — the best estimate of the amount of carbon that can be burned before risking dangerous climate change.
But when placed in a closed environment, Komodo dragons interact with their surroundings much in the same way humans do — at least on the microbial level — and researchers are using this knowledge to help them understand the health of animals in captivity.
The findings also could help inform the ongoing public debate about the economic impacts of human - made environmental disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and how much polluters should have to pay in reparation.
«And the much - needed Endangered Species Act listing for these turtles would help ensure that the Suwannee River is protected for the turtles — and for humans
The algorithms they develop help machines learn from data and apply that knowledge in new situations, much like humans do.
Such software could speed up Web searches for images or even find a home one day in digital cameras to help photographers compose their pictures better, which is pretty much the only thing we humans still need to worry about with a lot of digital cameras.
Much like humans, whose guts and skin are teeming with microbes, the soil below plants and trees contains a unique cornucopia of microscopic creatures that help the tree take in nutrients and water.
The results will help scientists understand why humans attach so much value to abstract sequences of sound waves.
Though the findings were made in mice, not humans, the researchers say the crucial role of calcium may help explain another mystery: Why some hospital patients and nursing home residents have a much higher risk of contracting C. diff infections and the resulting diarrhea that carries its spores out of the body.
With the help of protein encapsulation, DNA origamis can be transported into human cells much more efficiently.
After all, graves containing dogs alongside humans date back 14,000 years, and dogs were probably helping with the mammoth hunt much earlier than that.
Fugger hopes that his team's study will also help to dispel the notion that genome - wide association studies will never offer much that can be used in patient care (see «Human genetics: Hit or miss»).
Still, confirmatory tests would still be required raising questions about how much time would be saved and if it would result in faster response times and disbursement of emergency drugs that could help avoid human sickness or death.
Curbing these emissions would help reduce warming, but scientists have found it difficult to determine exactly how much methane comes from human sources.
«Having VAMPs built of soft elastomers would make it much easier to automate a robot that could be used to help humans in the service industry,» said the study's first author Dian Yang, who was a graduate researcher pursuing his Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences at Harvard during the time of the work, and is now a Postdoctoral Researcher.
She adds that the study «proves twice over» how much of the change is due to climate change versus human consumption — vitally important for helping water managers predict water needs.
Raichle's most recent research has helped in the development of a much better understanding of those areas of the normal human brain responsible for language, thought processing and emotion.
Discussion of the application of these tools in human medicine and agriculture are much more advanced and should help inform the development of conservation guidelines.
As plants take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, they release water through evapotranspiration from their leaf pores, which helps them cool down in the hot sun, much as human sweat cools us down.
This discovery helps explain how humans can recover their perception of speech with electronic cochlear implants, which generate signals much simpler than normal auditory inputs.
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