Sentences with phrase «much interpretation»

If your resume requires too much interpretation you will have only succeeded with getting your resume to a human.
A third caveat is there is room for much interpretation in the application of each concept.
Fedex.In my opinion christianity has and is doing a lot of damage to sincere followers of messiah and those who don't know him yet.thanks for your concern.I think that there is too much interpretation of scripture which is being used to support christianty.personally I don't believe christianty is some of your other comments and you have some good thoughts.
For Forster, every landscape is a text to be read; every brush stroke is as much an interpretation as a record.
«Turns out that this version [of temperature records] particularly appeals, maybe because it doesn't require much interpretation,» Hawkins said.
Childs insists on verse 24 as a decisive clue for reading, whereas much interpretation and synagogue practice give the final word to verse 23.
If I were writing a book on Whitehead I should put forward and discuss how much this interpretation was a distortion of Whitehead; I don't believe there is any other view as definite as this that can be got out of him.
Wunderlust, translates as «magical desire», which calls for much interpretation through the eyes of the creator and the viewer.
And I agree that much interpretation of Scripture is wrongly used to support some of the damaging and abusive elements of Christendom.
Some may use the bible as an outline, but it is apparent with all the denominations that claim to use the same book that it is open to much interpretation.
Segal's point is somewhat overdrawn, but it is a healthy corrective to much interpretation of the Song.
Given the allegorical method of Darren Aronofsky's storytelling the film is open to much interpretation and criticism.
Writing is an art form — a very subjective one — and therefore always open to much interpretation and, alas, misinterpretation.
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