Sentences with phrase «much irreversible damage»

But many researchers now think those trials failed because they started too late — after too much irreversible damage had been done to the brain.

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But until he understands how the cells are stressed in the first place, he won't know much: «We frankly don't have a clue as to how much microwave radiation is needed to cause irreversible damage to cellular proteins.
From the data presented, I would predict that much of this damage would be irreversible in these mice even once the infection was controlled.
too much of it can have irreversible damage.
Dogs experiencing heart irregularities (arrhythmias), those whose stomachs have already suffered irreversible damage and those who could not get to the vets soon enough are at much greater risk of death.
But even though they don't show us much in the way of outward symptoms, chronic dental / periodontal disease can cause severe and often irreversible damage to internal organs.
«Many cats with severe hypertensive ocular damage present with blindness and bilateral mydriasis resulting from complete retinal detachments and / or intraocular haemorrhage; the changes are often irreversible... Lesions that are not associated with an impaired menace response or pupillary light deficits... are much more amenable to anti-hypertensive treatment... highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and management.
Your bird can overdose and irreversible damage can be causedby adding too much vitamin and mineral to a bird's diet, yet sometimes caretakers are unaware of gaps in their bird's diet because they are unaware of the true amount of pellets their bird is actually consuming.
It is only a question of how much time we may have in facing irreversible climate change and damage.
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