Sentences with phrase «much land belonging»

Too much land belonging to the king, the aristocracy, and the church had been dispensed to too many members of the Third Estate to turn back the clock.

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And to see the dynamics at work, one needs an index that distinguishes how much real estate value belongs to the land and how much to buildings.
we are no longer servants but friends, we are no longer exiles but home builders, we are no longer fighting but farming, we are no longer orphans but family, we are no longer meant for the brickyard but for the Promised Land, we are no longer broken but we are mended and healed and whole, we are no longer wanderers but we are the ones who belong, with just as much a right to Love and to grace and to redemption as every one who draws breath from the breath of God.
However much in other times and places widespread want belonged among the things that could not be changed, it endures in our land only because we consent to it, or, at least, do not decide to cast it out.
What seemed to be Canadian land actually belongs to the U.S.. For inexplicable reasons, the guys, who caused so much trouble and had an «incident» involving a former well - known child actor, are recruited to enforce the laws on the highways of this soon - to - be extension of Vermont.
Bradley Campbell and Deanna Moran of the Conservation Law Foundation write, «Much of this land belongs to the public, on «loan» or licensed to private developers so long as they are serving public purposes.
A serious tragedy almost costs this woman her sanity, costs her family much more and only the land, the citrus groves, the belonging to something bigger than herself saves her that time.
Despite this, the U.S. government has a long history of giving away our public land to coal companies — so much that today, 40 percent of the coal mined in the United States belongs to taxpayers.
While many people did not oppose the original native title determination in 2012, they always recognized that traditional land use was much broader, with heritage and culture belonging to people who spoke other languages including Lower Southern Aranda and Antekerinja.
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