Sentences with phrase «much latitude»

I think my point was that allowing management too much latitude in regards to dividend growth is a bad idea.
Sometimes, their opinion changes about how much latitude to allow.
The whole system grants teams as much latitude as possible to dial in the suspension right where they want it.
How much latitude do you have in making decisions about your teaching (e.g., curriculum models, teaching strategies, scheduling, etc.)?
Kids given too much latitude, such as regularly staying at a friend's house after school with no adults present, were more likely to engage in riskier behaviors.
However, it's best to focus on finding someone you trust thoroughly, and giving that person as much latitude as possible.
But provided you're getting good service, that cost can be well worth it — particularly when you're close to retirement or retired and don't have much latitude for making mistakes.
In the process of rethinking NCLB, policymakers must ask whether states have been given too much latitude in deciding for themselves what counts as progress.
«You have so much latitude in that selection,» Shamoo says, that it's sometimes difficult to assess what is just sloppy or plain unethical.
The total field is so under - determined by its boundary condition, experience, that there is much latitude of choice as to what statements to reevaluate in the light of a single contrary experience.
John — I don't see much latitude here for disagreements between lawyer and client that would require an arbitration clause.
Dev Trivedi reminded them that the city does not have much latitude on the issue since the Lockport Township Park District has the final say.
It is inconceivable that Iain Duncan - Smith and his, as yet, unfurled universal credit reforms would have been given so much latitude under either Blair or Brown.
This is mainly because of ambiguity in how the sequester is supposed to be applied: the cuts are described as across - the - board, but how much latitude agencies will have to manage reductions at the programme level remains unclear.
Though we have to consider the legal statutes and case law, the mediation process still affordsl much latitude for you to work out an agreement that is suitable for the entire family.
We'd like the mayor to have as much latitude as all other mayors have had.»
4) The language on capital targets is weak, and allows the banks way too much latitude in performing their own calculations.
Lord Justice Jackson recognised that allowing litigants too much latitude in case preparation can result in significant wasted costs and an inefficient system.
Why do we grant so much latitude to economists, especially when they have proven time and time again that they can't predict momentous economic events?
I have since had meetings with one of the major life insurance carriers just to see how much latitude they will allow in -LSB-...]
Risk - averse brands will want to think twice before privileging Twitter interactions or giving their Twitter team too much latitude.
But with Congressional legislation written with the carpet - bombing approach in mind, it's unclear how much latitude they have in inserting exceptions and exemption that would avoid collateral damage.
I think it's kind of interesting that investors are giving so much latitude to the managers of unconstrained bond funds.
Still, Jews know that they can not fault believers for being faithful to their holy texts, even if they would like to see dramatic portrayals (in which there is much latitude in the way a message is presented) show some more insight in regard to their impact on viewers.
I have not much latitude to tune the third round successes (1xAP1 or 1xPB or 2xStarter, 42 %), but the second round worked out nicely (1xAP1 or 1xPB or 4xStarter, 50 %)
«It really depends on who is appointed to be Special Prosecutor and how much latitude that person has,» he pointed out.
«In California, physicians often have far too much latitude about who should and shouldn't be listed as a marijuana patient,» Savino said.
• In our story on European migration, we gave a little too much latitude to the labels on the accompanying map (14 June, p 14).
Critics argue that this arrangement gives the Vatican too much latitude to impose its Catholic positions on the Italian public.
There are scenes of wild parties, and Ferrell is given a bit too much latitude to incarnate the spirit of John Belushi, but sometimes it works.
To keep the peace, schools often resort to giving teachers as much latitude in their classroom practices as possible.
While TIER is pleased that ESSA maintains mandatory student assessment, we are uneasy about how much latitude is being returned to state and local entities.
School districts vary widely in how much latitude — and support — they give teachers in determining what curriculum and methods to use to teach the current standards.
Do individual classroom teachers have too much latitude to shape the subject and grading policy?
You will see in current online discussions of KDP Select that Amazon is no longer giving these sites that advertise free downloads as much latitude and support as they had in the past.
No other large firm that I know of offers as much latitude to its operating units.
The ground rule here is to stick with the model Spencer actually used, and show how he got his result, how much latitude he gave himself for curve - fitting, and how indefensible his parameter choices are within the model limitations he himself chose.
How much latitude will plaintiffs have in discovery?
«Delivery on 2nd September could not... be a reasonable performance of an order asking for delivery «on or about» the 1st day of October... The words «on or about» in the context in which they are used, do not allow of much latitude.
«Part of the issue is whether the consent model that we have in Canada currently gives too much latitude to companies based on long privacy policies to craft a contract whereby they say they have consent to use it for other purposes.»
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