Sentences with phrase «much less consumption»

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So far, those concerns have had much less impact on sales in emerging markets, where entrance to the middle class includes consumption of higher - calorie, higher - fat food products that are only available with more disposable income.
But though he gave up his claim to conscience, he by no means gave up his claim to material wealth; Homo Sovieticus was on average much poorer than Western man, but certainly no less consumption - oriented.
The lower levels of baseline sugar sweetened drink consumption in the UK compared with the US may in part explain why the effect on obesity that we estimate in the UK is much less than that estimated in the US.12 The differences with respect to other modelling studies may also be partly explained by their use of higher own price elasticity values for sugar sweetened drinks than we have calculated and used here.18 22 52 We can not make direct comparisons between the results of our study and the results of recent studies of the effect of reducing sugar sweetened drink consumption on body weight in children, 5 7 as the relation between energy balance and change in body mass index in children who are growing is different from that in adults.
Miyoko tells readers, «you probably recycle, shop at farmer's markets, buy local as much as you can...» She goes on to offer some staggering stats about animals raised for human consumption that I'm not sure a lot of non-vegans have considered -LCB- at least not most of the ones I have spoken to -RCB-- some research has shown vegans use approximately 90 percent less water, energy, resources and land to raise their food than do omnivores.
In fact, much of the overall decrease in energy consumption can be traced to the shift from coal to gas, because modern gas - fired plants may use up to 46 percent less energy to produce the same amount of electricity.»
If you reduce your caloric intake without reducing your consumption of high - glycemic carbs, you are much less likely to lose the desired amount of body fat.
Experts recommend that you limit caffeine consumption to 400 milligrams a day or less, about how much is in four cups of coffee.
«Because peanuts [which do not grow on trees] are much less expensive than tree nuts, as well as more widely available to people of all races and all socioeconomic backgrounds, our study finding suggests that increasing peanut consumption may provide a potentially cost - efficient approach to improving cardiovascular health,» Shu said.
Research shows these «germ - destroyers» become much less effective at their job when sugar is consumed (table sugar, fructose and even orange juice), and this immune malfunction can last up to six hours after consumption.
Been drinking Hunza water now for a few months instead of adding sea salt which has really helped to replenish minerals and leave me feeling much more hydrated as well as less of a need for electrolyte consumption during and after long endurance sessions.
I think there is much less of a true debate surrounding nut consumption than there appears to be in the WFPB diet world.
Maybe eating a diet with less meat and processed foods would cause the same, healthy result that they portrayed in the movie with the plant - based diet (they never said it wouldn't, they just said they chose to promote a wholly plant - based diet), but it is indisputable that the current «western diet» encourages consumption of way too much meat and processed foods than what the average American should be consuming.
The studies have identified important health risk factors including: persistent organic pollutants consumed through contaminated food may be linked to diabetes; eating meat or eggs before pregnancy may raise gestational diabetes risk; taking in less than a single alcoholic drink per day may still raise the risk of breast cancer; daily consumption of the amount of cholesterol found in one egg may shorten a woman's lifespan as much as limited smoking; meat intake may be an infertility risk factor; there's a positive association between teen milk intake, especially skim milk, and teen acne; and nut consumption does not lead to expected weight gain.
Note, that most physicians (unless they make a point to) aren't very educated regarding nutrition, much less gluten intolerance or celiac disease and the over 300 conditions that gluten consumption can cause over time.
Of course, tracking your calorie consumption is essential, since you'll need to consume less than you need to lose weight, just as much as you need to maintain, and a bit more than you need to put on muscle mass.
This makes the fuel consumption of the sonorous and smooth twin - turbo V8 all the more amazing: It averages just 10.2 liters per 100 km (23.06 US mpg), much less than its competitors.
Whether you roll or flex it, it gives you the feel of a paper and furthermore, its energy consumption is significantly lesser than the LCD (as much as 100 times) as it is able to display an image in absence of power and backlight.
Rarely have I given less than 3 stars to a book (though I can be much harsher on films) since I know writing a book is putting one's heart and soul out there for public consumption.
In addition, if this is not about the fixed million but about reaching a level of wealth that allows you to retire: people who have practised moderate spending habits as adults for decades are typically also much better able to get along with less in retirement than others who did went with a high consumption lifestyle instead (e.g. the homeowners again).
As we age, we expect to spend less of our consumption budget on sports cars and much more on health care.
Last year, for example, researchers from Texas Tech and William Patterson University documented what they called «a retirement consumption gap,» or the fact that many retirees were spending much less than they could actually afford based on the size of their retirement accounts plus income from Social Security and other sources.
Put another way, not seeing that the colossal size of the multi-trillion dollar global economy is soon to become unsustainable in the relatively small, bounded world we inhabit is a misperception; not seeing that increasing per - capita consumption of Earth's limited resources by six billion, soon to be nine billion, people can not go on much longer, much less forever, is a mistaken impression; and not seeing that absolute global human population numbers, just like the population numbers of other species, can not increase endlessly, relative to a limited resource base, is a misconception, I suppose.
In terms of energy consumption, it should be much less than having a conventional boiler.»
It also impacts how much a customer pays; depending on their energy consumption patterns, customers may pay more or less for the same amount of energy under different plans.
In the long run, much of the economic growth of developed economies is likely to involve less energy - intensive sectors because of demand - side factors such as 1) the amount of stuff people can physically manage is limited (even with rented storage space), 2) migration to areas where the weather is more moderate will continue, 3) increased urbanization and population density reduces energy consumption per capita, 4) there is a lot of running room to decrease the energy consumption of our electronic devices (e.g., switching to clockless microprocessors, not that I'm predicting that specific innovation), 5) telecommunication will substitute for transportation on the margin, 6) cheaper and better data acquisition and processing will enable less wasteful routing and warehousing of material goods, and 7) aging populations will eventually reduce the total amount (local plus distant) of travel per person per year.
They add: «Direct air capture could become a major industry if the technology matures and prices drop dramatically... Direct air capture might require much less land [than other negative emissions techniques], but entail much higher costs and consumption of a large fraction of global energy production.
Personally, my hypothesis, also untested, is that fat people don't eat 40 % more (I believe there are several studies showing that food consumption in calories hasn't changed much in the UK, and anyway, these show food purchased rather than consumed) but that actually they exercise 40 % less, thus earning a net saving in CO2 over all those people pounding the streets and the Gyms.
As an example I gave the case of Denmark where although having the highest wind energy proportion of electricity generation in the world, the consumption within Denmark is much less than is generated; Denmark has the highest cost electricity in Europe and near the highest CO2 emissions from electricity generation in Europe.
Other links in the food chain from production to consumption are sensitive to climate but such impacts are much less well known.
In econ - speak, the explanation is that demand is very inelastic: a price increase of (say) 10 percent reduces consumption by much less than 10 percent.
This is not a coincidence; when your LCOE is less than your marginal utility rate, you want to offset as much of the homeowner's energy consumption as you can.
Since Australia exports a lot of embodied carbon, the tax on final consumption would raise a lot less revenue, and cause a much smaller economic shock.
OCDE countries consumption per capita is stagnating and even decreasing since most of the fundamental needs are fulfilled, and we can expect some improvement in their use (although much less than a factor 4 i fear).
The Dayton fan appeared to provide nearly as much airflow as the other fan with far less power consumption.
Foraminifera - bound δ15N is up to 2 ‰ lower during the last ice age than during the Holocene, suggesting as much as ~ 25 % less complete nitrate consumption during the former.
Disclaimers on websites seem less prone to this problem, since websites are for the general public's consumption much like a billboard or newspaper ad, so naturally everyone visiting the site will have access to the disclaimer.
Sony hasn't posted official numbers for how much «greener» that makes the PlayStation 3 Slim, but the power supply goes from 280 watts to 250 watts, meaning it uses at least 10 percent less electricity at peak consumption.
He is right bro SD650 and 650 is heating upto 46 - 47 ℃ just after light gaming, so i also think SD625 is much wiser choice may look like a downgrade but that's not makes any difference in real work they both handels most graphic intensive games at same smoothness level but SD sd625 at less heating and less battery consumption.
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