Sentences with phrase «much less practice»

Laura commented about how I need to write more about SLOs as states are increasingly adopting these, but states are doing this without really any research evidence in support of the concept, much less the practice.
Traditional universities do the opposite — they teach a lot of theory and much less practice.
This lemur was not previously known to eat other mammals, much less practice cannibalism.
Investing is an art not often learnt, much less practiced.

Not exact matches

Very often, the most disruptive solution for a specific industry is hidden by best practices that make that option much less exciting or visible.
With all the extra time on their hands sans practices, games, and travel — and with most of them not even 40 yet, much less 65 - plus — how will these men spend their time?
When the BYOD craze started, company officials had no clue about network security, much less the best practices that would be necessary to reduce the risks introduced by employees using their personal computers, smartphones and tablets for company business.
In contrast to other prominent banking institutions, some of which are interested in exploring other use cases for the blockchain, Carstens did not appear impressed by technologies related to digital assets: «In practice, central bank experiments show that DLT - based systems are very expensive to run, and slower and much less efficient to operate on conventional payment and settlement systems.»
I am not sure that a practicing believer of any faith, taking a break from verbosity about their religion, will be any less religious... or gain much insight into the commonality of humanity and human experience.
But I will never believe in the religion, nor its hypocrisies, outdated dietary rules, misogynistic origins, brutal treatment of baby boys, nor the silly practices + clothing favored by the orthodox, much less the Hasidim.
I get confused about what excellence can mean from institution to institution, given the American practice of grading colleges; even the much less than superlative schools claim to be excellent.
The oriental traditions too have their intellectual tradition but in America today there is much less emphasis on studying the sutras, say, than on the practice of meditation.
Uniting so many of these new voices, it, seems, is not a theory of hermeneutics, much less a revised correlational method for theology, but a new hermeneutical practice that actualizes that theory and that method better than many of the theorists do.
How that took place in practice is described in some detail in the mission discourse: At the very beginning, before there were sympathizers, when there were no safe houses to which one could turn, much less house churches, the committed few disciples (and no doubt Jesus himself) walked, barefoot and without any supplies, from place to place.
Jesus followers who are unchurched talk about spiritual matters half as much as most practicing Christians, and four times less than evangelicals.
It takes best of estates many years of practice just to implement each part, much less perfect them.
It takes best Hualalai estates many years of practice just to implement each part, much less perfect them.
Sometimes people practicing intermittent fasting do end up eating less — especially those who have a tendency to snack at night — but even if you eat just as much, it's likely you'll still end up losing weight, according to Dr. Hyman.
I am a yoga person, and that's so much more flexible for time — I sometimes end up doing hours of yoga practice, but I can also have a nice practice in far less time than that.
In the Rogers years, Kush was an untouchable and, in fact, Rogers rarely mentioned him, much less invited him to a practice.
If Wenger loves his passing game so much, he should notice it has become less effective and at least advise players to practice their long shots more or something.
Coaches have been lamenting the lack of practice time ever since the 2011 collective bargaining agreement mandated a much less intensive schedule.
As I watched games and practices each week and spent extended time around the coaching staff, it was clear to me — as it has been to many others who have had the same opportunity — that the pro- gram is much less about athletes and sport and much more about people and growth.
As someone who has dialed back significantly recently because of work (starting my own practice), have found that I miss STR much less than I expected.
Getting an active child to sit down for a meal of any kind, much less a well - balanced, made - from - scratch meal with the entire family, as he rushes off to or home from school, sports practices or games, or other activities that cram virtually every nook and cranny of a child's day, has become virtually impossible for many families, especially those headed by single parents.
Especially at the youth level, where trained medical personnel such as certified athletic trainers are much less likely to be at games, and even less likely to be at practices, it is coaches and game officials who will most often have to make the initial remove - from - play decision in cases of suspected concussion.
It provides fine motor practice and can be much less messy than a traditional paintbrush.
How would the adult come to be an adult, much less, have children, if they «eat their young» as a general practice?
If medical malpractice were required for midwives, it would pretty much be the end of homebirths, because homebirths are more or less way outside the scope of standard medical practice, so every time it goes bad, all the plaintiff has to do is to put any doctor on the stand and say, «Doctor, can you indicate whether the homebirth was warranted?»
Even though life is less conducive to unusual parenting practices this time around, I am doing ec much earlier and more often in the day than with baby # 1!
By the end of our fourth trimester, I could change a diaper in 90 seconds or less, in the dark while half asleep, because I had so much practice doing exactly that.
Anthropologists who travel throughout the world studying infant - care practices in other cultures agree that infants in babywearing cultures cry much less.
We know a lot about the developmental impacts of migrants» economic remittances, but much less about the ideas, identities and practices which migrants send home or carry with them when they return.
He said: «Leave campaigners were quick to praise the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, but have been much less keen to see it exercised in practice.
Less than a year ago, however, new revelations came out about NSA surveillance as a result of Edward Snowden's leaks, and this time the Right was deeply divided: establishment Republicans continued to support the surveillance practices of the NSA, whereas conservatives and the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party voiced concerns about whether the NSA was giving the government too much power.
Also, the biggest liberal concerns about Islamist practices and abuses involve matters that can only be implemented with majority control of the government (e.g. excessive use of corporal punishment in the criminal justice system), but which are much less harmful to non-Muslims, at least, when Muslims can only enforce their ideologies on co-religionists and can only do so via institutions of civil society rather than institutions of coercive government control.
Enlightened practice in this arena begins with the recognition that to get a job done, much less to get ahead, you have to be able to work amicably with other people,» Kiechel wrote in an early column that I keep by my desk.
NSF's official rules are no less confining, but in practice, NSF - funded scientists appear to be granted much greater flexibility in following changing directions.
He said that sensitivity includes water vapour and arctic sea ice, but I suspect that the changes in sea ice in the models are much less than we are seeing in practice.
We tried to do the Lamaze breathing, but, I had been the one who practiced it, not my husband, and by about 6 centimeters, I couldn't spell my name, much less remember complex breathing patterns, so that was worthless.
Yin Yoga postures are more passive postures, mainly on the floor and the majority of postures equal only about three dozen or so, much less than the more popular yang like practices.
If you have an ongoing practice of being honest, the «hurt» will be much less so, because you've learned not to take things so personally.
Don't forget that yoga was designed as a spiritual and religious practice, much less a physical exercise.
Emotionally, yoga serves a purpose as well, those who practice yoga several times each week just feel happier and more relaxed; less easily wound - up, less given to worry and are much more optimistically inclined.
At least now that am practicing these is when am finally seeing much less acne than ever before and yes I am seeing a reduction of the cellulite.
«Many yoga teachers are convinced that standard Sun Salutations feel the best for everyone, but there are ways to practice that are less risky and can feel so much better, especially for beginners and women in middle age, who due to hormonal changes, have less stability in their joints.»
Eating more whole foods and less processed items, incorporating regular movement and practicing self care can improve energy, degrease aches and pains, improve mental health and so much more — no staring at the number on the scale required.
First, modern industrial farming practices have drastically depleted soil of its nutrient content, this means we are likely receiving much less than we used to.
The idea of minimalism is interesting; one of my favorite bloggers is awesome at this and I love reading about how to de-clutter and live with less but it's not something that I can put into practice myself, much less tell anyone else how to do it.
It takes years of practice and thousands of dollars just to get good enough to attempt free fall on your own, much less be a master wing suit pilot.
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