Sentences with phrase «much less the issue»

Also, this morning, I had much less issues getting up than I have had the past several months.
And I wish I could remember the mag even, much less the issue, with a tour of MaineCottage's founder's home.

Not exact matches

Even at work, where the issues are much less daunting, challenges and conflict can become motivators and blessings to help guide you to a positive outcome.
However, the Fed then issued a much less restrictive set of final rules.
John Kirton, co-director of the G - 20 Research Group at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs, called the summit a «very solid success,» pointing to broad agreement on the agenda, much of it focusing on less controversial issues such as women's empowerment and promoting digitalization.
So, not only have we issued a lot more debt, we're doing so at much less standards.»
With Chinese growth slowing, a paramount issue for President Obama and American business will be learning what the direction of Chinese policy will be — toward greater opening of its market in the tradition of Deng Xiaoping, or much less welcome alternatives.
«Business owners realize that if they spent more time working and less time trying to fix their technology issues, their business would be in much better shape.»
The issues covered were much broader and less restrictive than those imposed by the Minister of Finance for his current round of pre-budget consultations.
On June 29 the Federal Reserve issued its final debit interchange rules, and they appear to be much less onerous than had been feared.
Therefore, Greece pays less than the countries with much lower debt - to GDP ratios; however the payments falling due this year are the real issue.
Even when they had the White House (George W) and both Houses of Congress the GOP never even introduced, much less voted on, any bill banning abortion, allowing prayer in school, banning gay marriage or any other of the wedge issues they use to attract a certain mentally deranged segment of the population to their side by pretending to defend those things that are important to Christian conservatives.
A group that barely tolerates gays, Muslims, and other minority issues (much less the rest of mainstream America) can not be considered to have a diverse group of opinions.
The model of salvation history seems much less appropriate for the current theological situation of the church in America, particularly in its efforts to respond to global issues.
Where, at the beginning of the novel, marriage has already occurred, love may well be sought outside marriage; the rendering of a love that both issues in marriage and develops and matures within it is much less usual... The more recent convention that «love» is the precondition not of marriage but of» sex» is a natural development of tradition rather than a reaction against it.»
and asked given that Jesus spoke so much about wealth and heaven that they don't preach about that concept while spending so much time on other issues that Jesus either never mentioned or brought up much less frequently.
But when it issued its report in 1995, the membership couldn't even agree on what the problem was, much less how to fix it.
Christians have in recent years thought much about political issues and rather less about politics.
Ethical issues were not discussed in my childhood home, life's answers were considered to be clear and self - evident, leaving little room for discussion, much less for debate.
Given how much ink has been spilled on the subject by an obsessed and advocating press, and the strong moral certitude with which Democratic (and occasional Republican) members of the House and Senate are making their evolutionary pronouncements, it is difficult to remember that at this time last year, the issue of gay marriage had much less energy surrounding it.
Notice how the side that the right, who is driving this bickering, is not even discussing those true issues, much less presenting ideas to deal with them?
The heterosexually oriented majority in the church has much to gain from a deeper grappling with this issue: an enriched capacity to love other human beings more fully and with less fear.
So now that this issue has been brought much more to public light because of the passing of this harmful bill in Uganda, suddenly we have different language — much softer, much more compassionate; that sounds much less like an agenda was met.
I'm not sure about sin, but I'm pretty sure you'll have much less medical issues if you stick to oral... then again thrush sucks... literally
Instead, I think the big issue for women (and much less so for men) is their lack of confidence in their ability to fulfill their life - goals, which is why marriage, family, and the extremely fraught issues of sexuality loom so large in our cultural politics.
It seems strange that we can all hear God on fairly trivial matters — which church to attend, which course to study, which job to take — but on big issues dividing the Church, we seem to hear much less clearly.
Because it originates from the coconut, it has a somewhat coconut - y flavor, which makes adding less sugar to your baked goods much easier less of an issue, if you're battling a sweet tooth.
I want the «I can't make it» obstacles removed as much as possible so that becomes less of the glaring issue.
But this season it has been an issue, if he does get caught out there's no recovery, and Koscielny has produced some exceptional moments that have made his mistakes a lot less crippling than they could have been... The reason i'm torn is because i love him so much as an Arsenal player..
with this, the LB hole that's always been the issue should be reduced MUCH less.
Also, if I had to choose between Rambo and Xhaka in CM then it would be Xhaka, Rambo has less def awareness than Xhaka and his positioning is just as much an issue for us.
However as LB goes it is about pace and tackling not so much heading, so height is less of an issue here.
Babies who are held often and upright will be much less likely to have these issues.
Smoking is much less of an issue today as it was with my first child, but if necessary, protect her and your unborn child from other people's recklessness.
(or a class of «behavior challenged» Middle Schoolers who could care less about taking a test) Sad that this is what education has come to in an effort to make sure that no child is «left behind»... This is the underlying issue right here ~ too much emphasis on penciling in the correct letter circle and not enough student driven cirriculum.
Separates are much less likely to get bacteria problems (stink and rash issues) than sewn - on synthetics.
When parents are able to argue over some child - rearing issue, reach an agreement, and stick to the compromise, children show much less anxiety, insecurity, and distress.
In more good news, the 2013 survey found that on a wide number of issues — how much free time dads have, how overwhelmed their partners felt, as well as how overwhelmed they felt — dads today are less frustrated than they were in 2006.
I want to thank the reporter, Claudia Feldman, for taking time to speak with me about issues I — and most of you — care so much about: trying hard to feed our kids well in a less - than - healthy food environment; improving school food; and yes, my pet peeve of food in the classroom for birthday treats or performance rewards.
I feel so much less of a failure after reading so many of us with same issue.
And if cattle had less - crowded and more hygienic living conditions, disease wouldn't be as much of an issue in the first place.
This means that if your baby is less than 12 weeks old, you can ENJOY YOUR BABY without stressing about whether or not holding him too much is causing a sleep issue.
Where too much liquid is an issue, you'd probably be better off using the «juicing» method, where the color is more pronounced and less is needed.
As you can see it is much less bulky than some competitors and is a great option for families with small cargo spaces or storage issues.
When school boards and whole cities are refusing to even consider putting in gardens, much less aquaponic systems because of LIABILITY issues, do we stand a chance?
This particular populist revolt doesn't seem to have much of an online component, but it's also more of an issue for the older and less - wired (I'd argue that kids these days grow up in a much more multi-cultural social and media environment and are much less likely to oppose immigration as a result).
For this question, bearer shares issue is just an example and I am interested in an estimation of how much a less compliant country might delay implementing a directive before facing real serious consequences.
(And there's a much broader, less direct 3rd issue which is environmentalism activism against any facilitation of increased oil production)
Elected officials, perhaps sensitive of the gender dynamics at play — after all, the male Naked Cowboy has worked shirtless in Times Square for years without much pushback — have repeatedly tried to tie the issue less to nudity and more to aggressive panhandling.
Dementia at an advanced age was a significantly less salient issue in 1789, when life expectancies were much shorter, than they are today.
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