Sentences with phrase «much life left»

Whether its cosmetic annoyances like chipped paint or a leaky faucet or a 20 - year - old HVAC system that doesn't have much life left, pre-listing inspections can be instrumental to a quicker and smoother sale.»
by fall, there was not much life left in the garden.
But if you have a desktop that you can easily open and work on, or you have an old laptop that's out of warranty and didn't have much life left in it, you may want to go ahead with this process anyway.
So much life left to be lived.
«There are so many good dogs like Nellie who have so much life left to live.»
These dogs have so much life left to live even though they are a little bit older.
As an elderly girl who is suffering from a myriad of issues, if she doesn't have much life left, she deserves to leave this earth with dignity.
My suspicion is that management's motives were mixed when they filed — they wanted the best deal they could get for themselves, but may have assumed that there wasn't much life left to the equity anyway.
Already on its fourth remodel since arriving, we don't see much life left.
Even at 200,000 miles, it still has so much life left which is great because we just had our first child, so it's nice to rely on such a fine vehicle.
Still, with all the new sport - utilities on the market and more coming - including another one from Chrysler, the all - new Dodge Durango compact sport - utility due this fall - it's hard to see how the Cherokee could have much life left in it.
Still, the forces of technology are progressing and the J200 is unlikely to have much life left.
I'm a widow, but I have too much life left to live to spend it alone!
And for all the skill Pablo Hernandez has, he doesn't have much life left in those legs (yes, I realize he's younger than I am, screw it).

Not exact matches

Just across the border, two hours from Buffalo, NY, and four hours from Detroit, Toronto can make you feel like you never left home, yet enjoy a much better cost of living and plenty of talented workers available for hire.
Further investigations reveals our changing preferences are tied to our sense of how much time we have left to enjoy life's everyday pleasures.
«Went to Lake Shasta during spring break and left the vacation with pinkeye, a broken toe, two broken ribs, a blistered sunburn, the worst hangover of my life, and an ear filled with so much wax that I thought I had somehow completely lost my hearing in it.
IL Cambodia correspondent, Steven King says, «You may find you enjoy living your affordable life of luxury here so much that you never want to leave
How much of your paycheck can you — or will you — leave untouched, no matter what else is going on in your life?
He is not, as he admits, much of a numbers person, so he's happy to leave the financial responsibilities to his business and life partner.
One of the most beautiful things about your life was that you left behind no regrets: you did so much — all that you wanted to do — and left nothing unsaid to all those you loved.
In his book Love: A History, University College London philosopher Simon May is more skeptical, writing that, similar to Perel's reasoning, love has had to fill the vacuum of meaning - making left in the West with the «retreat of Christianity» from much of public life.
EDM was exploding, and yet, during live performances, star DJs couldn't leave their banks of computers and turntables; the best they could manage for onstage theatrics was to periodically throw their arms in the air to strike the much - mocked «Jesus pose.»
They're much more basic: When we should take action early in our lives and start investing in something — anything — we typically do nothing; and later, when we have investments that we should patiently leave alone, we can't resist meddling, usually at exactly the wrong moments.
Indeed, the CNBC Millionaire Survey, which was conducted by market research firm Spectrem Group, found 19 percent of high - net - worth respondents wish to leave enough for their kids to be comfortable and maintain their standard of living, but not all they have, while 17 percent indicated they will be «very cautious» in how much they leave, because they want their children to learn self - reliance.
More from Investor Toolkit: Advisors turn to life coaches and counselors Retirees leave $ 100B in Social Security benefits on table How much those advisor fees are costing you
So we built this concept where your car tells you how much battery life it has left and where it is, when it needs to be maintained.
They left the U.S. in search of a better climate and a lower cost of living What they found in Ecuador was something much more... Dear International Living Reader, Just a few short years ago, things weren't looking too good for Read more...: 2017 Fast Track Ecuador Recoliving What they found in Ecuador was something much more... Dear International Living Reader, Just a few short years ago, things weren't looking too good for Read more...: 2017 Fast Track Ecuador RecoLiving Reader, Just a few short years ago, things weren't looking too good for Read more...: 2017 Fast Track Ecuador Recordings
As previously stated, Social Security benefits are often insufficient to cover all living expenses, much less to build savings to leave to future generations.
I don't have anywhere near that much to live so I will have the rest to leave for others.
I also got a chance to travel to Texas this past summer for several weeks of training in San Antonio which I combined with some leave days visiting Denver, the Grand Canyon, Albuquerque New Mexico (saw all the Breaking Bad film locations), and Austin, Texas (along with a fun night at 6th Street seeing a ton of live music and drinking way too much beer).
For most people, there isn't much left after living expenses.
When you purchase at your maximum upper - limit, though, it doesn't leave you with much cash for saving, investing or living — let alone paying taxes.
I was physically abused by my exhusband and it was much better to leave his abusive unfaithful butt then live with it.
«There is still much to be done before I leave, but we shall owe a debt beyond words to the people of Leicester and Leicestershire for their friendship, support and love for our family and their contribution to the enrichment of our lives
We think that's much less of a surprise than he does, but to his credit Mehdi Hasan rejects the cultural left's «my body, my life, my choice» line.
My entire life was immersed with people, including what family I have left, who were part of that world as leaders, so much was lost.
My life is so much more peaceful since I left the ministry.
We could have quoted St Irenaeus — who is indeed a saint, martyr and great teacher of the Church — at much greater length to exactly the same effect, but the succinctness of Tertullain's style serves well to express the thought no matter that the man unfortunately left the communion of the Church at the end of his life.
If the thought leaving your imaginary friends behind is just too much, or makes you want to go p00py, then try Atheism Lite ™ (agnosticism) for a period of time to ease your way into a much more rewarding, peaceful life.
All my friends who have left evangelical Christianity just say, «Give them an ultimatum and if they continue to make you feel bad, kick them out of your life,» but I love them so much and want them to be a part of my life.
Then he doesn't love us that much he just leaves it to luck like if the child is born in a good family christan family then chances are very high that he will go to heaven but to a bad family and also god knows better than me that if he destroyed satun and did whatever i mentioned in my commented the world would have been a outstanding place to live in if god can send his son to suffer then why not destroy satun or give him life sentence in hell or even better why din't he paid attention while making Adam and Eve and even if he din't why din't he renoved the tree of knowlage from the garden of Eden then he woundn't have to tell Adam and Eve not to eat any fruit from that tree
This nervous zigzaggery through life didn't leave much time or energy for loving God with all my heart and soul and mind or my neighbor as myself.
I see so much grace and love from these women — the way they interact with one another, encourage and support one another and even in the way they deal with those who have and continue to hurt them... even though they may have left the church they are still living out and spreading the message of Jesus.
Jesus said: «no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields — along with persecutions — and in the age to come eternal life» (Mark 10:29 - 30).
When we talk about the key shifts of the twentieth century — those involving politics, trade, consumption, art — we leave out what is surely the most astonishing physical change in all of human history, one that has happened mostly during the last century: the doubling of the human life span in much....
Personally I would be glad if you left America and denounced your citizenship to go live in a theocracy you seem to admire so much.
Of course the left - wing is just as hypocritical and refuses to live Jesus» teaching just as much as the right - wing.
That paraphrase, perhaps inadvertent, of what the Bible prescribes as the devotion due to God alone suggests an earnestness about ideas that might seem to preclude the intellectual highjinks, pervasive gossip, and boozy fun that, Podhoretz leaves no doubt, was also very much part of the life of The Family.
A part time consulting job to supplement our income led to another full time job and a leave of absence and all I know is that while he was ministering I saw him less than I do now even though he is working in LA (I live on Lake Superior) and he is so much happier.
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