Sentences with phrase «much liquid cash»

I didn't have as much liquid cash because I hadn't sold my rental house yet, but it was the Trump presidency and high valuations that gave me hesitation.
«If someone is thinking of entering into business ownership for the first time, they should be able assess how much liquid cash they are willing to risk, and what their lifestyle goals are, and whether they have an exit strategy,» says Anne Barr, president of the Dallas - based advising firm Franchise Opportunity Specialist.

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In terms of finance, liquid investments are investments that can be converted into cash without much effort.
The $ 1.8 trillion in liquid assets — the line item most people are referring to when they talk about «corporate cash» — accounted for 5.4 % of all assets held by nonfinancial corporations in the second quarter, down from 6 % in 2009 and pretty much flat for the past two years.
The main reason is REIT property is much easier to convert to cash (liquid).
You have to decide how much cash is the right amount, but I still recommend having $ 1,000 or so in liquid cash.
• The higher payment requires higher cash reserves — as much as one year's worth of income in liquid savings.
Mutual funds are highly liquid: adding funds, reinvesting interest and cashing out a portion of your portfolio are much easier with mutual funds.
However, given you have the means to take more risk a generally smarter scheme would be to invest much of the money in a broad liquid bond funds with a somewhat lower percentage in stocks and then reduce the amount of stock each year as you get closer even moving some into cash.
He knows how much will be needed and when, and has planned out updates to his asset mix so his investments will be 100 % safe and liquid by the time he needs the cash.
I would much prefer to take advantage of low mortgage rates, put a reasonable down payment down, and keep the cash more liquid.
Specifically, cash is highly liquid (meaning you can convert it into money in hand without much delay or hassle) and broadly includes relatively short term bank certificates of deposit, bank accounts, and money market accounts that can currently return up to 1 to 2 % annually (as of November 2017).
Beyond what's in your wallet, cash is also any investment vehicle that is highly liquid (meaning you can convert it into cash in hand without much delay or hassle) and pays very little interest or other return.
i.e. if your annual expenses = $ 50K and you have $ 200K in a taxable trading account, how much cash really needs to be liquid and easily available?
It's important to have a robust liquid emergency / savings fund, but apart from that, putting too much of a portfolio into cash equivalents can concentrate inflation risk.
Unfortunately, most wise investments tend to be very structured and not very liquid so before you think you don't need to have any life insurance in place, just ask yourself exactly how much cash would your loved one be able to access during the first 30 days after your death.
A pawnbroker, much like a personal bank, exchanges money for valuable items with those in need of immediate liquid cash.
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