Sentences with phrase «much love we feel»

As we chatted in the car I was thinking about how loved I felt, and how much love I felt for, all the leaders I was hanging out with.
They will NEVER know how much love we feel and how close we feel to our children at that moment.
Wearing these made me effortlessly chic and if you've been reading the blog for a while you will know how much I love that feeling.
I wish I could describe into words how much love I felt between the two of them and how wonderful it was to witness it -LRB-;
Probably don't need that anymore (as much I loved the feeling of wearing it).
I forgot how much I love the feel of velvet.
I recently partnered up with Wood Watches by JORD and was so pleasantly surprised by how much I love the feel of a wood watch against the skin.

Not exact matches

The passion these customers feel for the company rises to what we might call «tattoo - level» in that people love the company so much they are willing to permanently attest to that with some ink on their skin.
He just loved the work so much that he felt compelled to do it.
The only place I felt like I fit in was on the ice with other people who loved hockey as much as I did.
«We feel fortunate for the time we had together, and will remain friends with much love and respect for one another.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy isn't feeling much love these days, and we're not talking about media speculation over an alleged affair between his wife, Carla Bruni, the French - Italian model / singer, and musician Benjamin Biolay.
But I was just amazed by how everyone, young and old wanted to be involved... and was so deeply enriched and touched by the experience and the laughter and the love I experienced from the people I met and how women would in particular open their hearts to me and tell me the stories of where they've come from, particularly because I have the language and was coming there as a woman and just how touched they were that I was there as a woman from England who's learned the language and who's an artist and running this project and come all the way to see them so they didn't feel forgotten I think that was pretty much what they felt... that their stories were being heard so they don't feel forgotten knowing the tents would be around the world.
Suster calls this simple «passion for what are you doing,» while digital marketer R.G. Riles explains that the best CEO he's worked for «loves the premise of the startup so much that he routinely works 80 - hour weeks without feeling like he has been working much at all.»
Regardless how much people love their jobs, they are more than likely to quit if they feel underappreciated.
I'm truly honored to be a part of a company that feels like a family; a place where I refer to my peers as friends first, coworkers second; a place that I can wake up every morning and get excited about going to; a workplace environment that empowers its occupants to produce their absolute best work; and a place that is full of so much love, care, dedication, and selflessness that the only appropriate word that I can think of to describe it would have to be «magical».
One word that makes us happy: Progress [21:21] We grow because that helps us give more — share it with someone you love, it magnifies it [22:04] More excited about feeding one billion people than any material thing, so much more meaning when it's not just about you [22:19] The challenge is our brain: it's looking for what's wrong, because that helps you survive [22:30] Peak state = high energy, feel extraordinary, producing results is easy [22:46] Low energy state = say things and do things that hurt your relationship [23:39] Peak State = Beautiful state, Low - energy state = suffering state [24:08] Over achievers don't suffer, right?
«I feel like I can't see those movies again, like «Black Panther» or «Annihilation,» which makes me really sad, because I love movies so much,» she said.
Hi a helps explain why I love cold so much cold weather swimming in cold lakes and of course cold showers I always feel refreshed after I've been in the cold
And feeling like... as much as I love SEO... like I just don't fit in.
For example one question they always ask is tell us about an app or web site that you feel passionate about or love so much you tell everyone about it?
They loved deals so much that, to make sense of their behavior, economists were forced to distinguish between two types of value: acquisition value (the perceived worth of a new car to the buyer) and transaction value (the feeling that one lost or won the negotiation at the dealership).
Have you seen a site you loved and wondered if the site was done in WordPress and, if so, which theme and plugins the site was using to get this look and feel you liked so much?
I have struggled with this a great deal as I want very much to maintain a close relationship with my family but find myself growing increasingly distant because it is just too painful to be close to people that I love dearly but feel completely rejected by for something that I have come to recognize as a core part of who I am and how I view myself and the world around me.
sometimes i have felt like i love them and they can't love me as much.
Only religion presumes to label human characteristics as «sinful», making it impossible for a bible botherer to ever feel «good enough», much less worthy of love and respect.
Early Valentine's morning, I can hear the cutlery in the kitchen, and he's putting away clean dishes and I smile in the bedroom and I feel serenaded by the spooning of spoons and love isn't so much about what you give — but that you live given.
How the wonderful mercy of a forgiving Lord has helped you but that you need and they need to bridge that gap between your remorse that is eating you alive and the embrace of those you love and that love you, I wish I could say this better, May the Holy Spirit soften any hard hearts and may you feel this day the incredible embrace of our Father who loves us so much and who forgave all of this before we were even born.
So when liberal scholars and agnostics criticize the Bible and question its authority, we get defensive, not so much because of our theology of the Bible, but because it feels like they are attacking a loved one.
Feeling like you're too much and not enough, is the same fear: the fear of being wholly seen just as you are — and being wholly loved just as are.
No matter how painful your story or how much shame you may feel, God is strong and loving enough to deal with it.
Then there are the Bad Attitudes of the immature in faith: I have a hard time accepting myself; I feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and obligations I have; My life is filled with stress and anxiety; I tend to be critical of other people; I do not want churches getting involved in political issues; I do not understand how a loving God can allow so much pain and suffering in the world.
I internally had so much hope, faith, compassion, love and etc. towards others, yet I couldn't feel any emotions that one may inflict on me?..
I feel that I am in a Job experience (have been for years) and don't understand why my prayers haven't been answered for a much loved child who suffers unbearably, yet reached out to God himself and was apparently ignored.
All my friends who have left evangelical Christianity just say, «Give them an ultimatum and if they continue to make you feel bad, kick them out of your life,» but I love them so much and want them to be a part of my life.
This is how much I love my religion and feel it fills me with happiness, but not the happiness you specified (e.g. singing and dancing).
I speak from my own experience, because, while there is much I love and appreciate about mainline denominations, when I visit, I always leave feeling like something's missing.
Thinking that you are always right and everyone else is wrong will indeed hurt your ability to interact with and love on your neighbors — but don't blame a wrong spirit on theology; there is precious little possibility that you could think and feel like that about yourself when it comes to theology and NOT think and feel like that in pretty much all situations with other folks.
It is sin that makes us feel separated from God, and this is the feeling Jesus expressed on the cross, and is one reason Jesus went to the cross — to take our sin and bear it away into death so that we can see that God has not left us, has not abandoned us, and has not forsaken us, but has fully entered into our pain, our suffering, and even into our sin, so that He might show us how much He loves and cares for us.
I struggled with being attracted to guys and caring for them too much (I didn't want to call it falling in love, but I only felt that once with a friend, I would do anything to make him happy everyday.)
Hi my name is Lindsey and I'm recovering heroin addict and my mother is a very devoted rightous Christian her favorite saying is I am the head and not the tail meaning she is the head is far better than me and I am the tail and because the way Christians have treated me recently through my struggle I have felt that I should convert to Hinduism when I brought this up to my mother she told me I will go to hell because Jesus is the only God which I do believe to an extent but I also believe in having peace within your own life and treating others equally fairly with love respect and dignity which my mother and my sister do not do the act as though they are better than anyone they do not sin they do not make mistakes and they are perfect in every way another one of her favorite sayings I'm not perfect but I'm going to try to be BC Jesus loves me that much.
If the writer wrote, «I know you hate me and feel uncomfortable around me, but I love you anyway because of how much undeserved love I've found in Christ,» that would be much more Christian than, «Let me tell you all the ways you annoy me and everything you're doing wrong.»
I love him so much now back then i lost feelings for him after finding out what he tried to do.
only reason y i say this is because of Santification, once we give our life to the Lord, we streight way (so to speak) begin the process of Santification, this is Christ making us like him, and this Is SUFFERING It does nt happen over night, but for the duration of our time here, as you have said, its sort of like sin being done unto us, and we are handleing it just like Christ did, (with Love) of coarse with the help of the Holy Spirit, This Does NOT feel Good At ALL since our soulful flesh is Corrupt, (but our spirit is saved) This is were your trails and tribulation, your own desire, and All play apart, Now Moment by Moment we choose by our own will, And Jesus helps in these times, as he was tempeted, but without sin, The devil can do nothing but try and decieve the Christian into thinking that he has to work for his salvation as you have said, this thing here is about your Inheritance In Christ, Its gonna be some show nought broke christian in Heaven, because their trying to set of for themseleve trasure on earth, and their is going to be weeping and gnat of teeth, but it wont be, because of their going to Hell, It will be cause they miss out on what they could have had, and it is Devistation, cause they waste so much time, and they wont be able to attend the wedding, supper of the lamb, they wont be, getting the position over city, galacy, ectt... just check it out some of the points i have made, God Bless you!
Somewhere inside I knew (and knew rightly) that unless I felt myself to be an interesting, confident, and assertive person, completely capable of exerting as much «will» and leadership as the next person, I could never really love, or allow myself to be loved, by anyone.
Zebula, please don't feel sorry for me nothing bad will come from my faith, it has actually made me a much more loving and forgiving person.
Nicole wasn't raging at Drew because she didn't respect him; she was trying to get through to the only man she has ever loved, and she didn't know how to get him to listen to how much she needed him to make her feel safe again.
I feel sad that someone with so much to say is conceding so many opportunities to demonstrate the LOVE and GRACE and PEACE of God.
«Atheists» have no proof (love that word in this topic) against God and still believe in nothing with the same amount of dedication and blindness of the «christians», getting their fuzzy feeling from chiming in about how much they «know» against God.
As someone who believes in God whole heartedly and feels he is the way through alot of the darkness on this earth but also the way to celebrate our greatest joys.I am happy she has found the love of God.But I to find the choice of religion somewhat suspiscious.As others have pointed out the dicotomy makes one wonder if the fact that her boyfriend is a Catholic has alot to do with her choice.Alot of women and men for that matter find conform to what their partners religion is because it is just easier and more comfortable at home for them.Now I am not saying this is what happened in this case.but it is somehting ti ponder.For me loving God and your neighbor as much as yourself are the most important part of believeing in a Supreme Being and all the rest of the Dogma just gets in the way and even is the cause of alot of the strife and wars in this world.So I hope she is happy but UP God for me... but no thatnks on the religion!!
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