Sentences with phrase «much lower levels»

Today's mortgage rates have held near much lower levels and took another dive over the summer thanks to Brexit.
By taking this strategy, the Wall Street investors are strategically pushing down the price for in order to re-enter at much lower levels and potentially set Bitcoin up for another rocket rise to unprecedented highs.
That appears to show substantial variations since 1850 with the current solar cycle 24 returning to much lower levels.
«We are already looking at an area that has much lower levels [of pollution] than the current [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency] standards, and we are reducing those levels by a little bit,» said Simeonova, who presented the research at the American Economics Association meeting in Chicago in January.
This would result in moderate reduction in emissions, although much lower levels of electricity generation.
This too is impractical given the much lower levels of electricity generated.
Precisely when CO2 is released within this timeframe is largely irrelevant to the outcome, but very relevant to the problem in that the continued release of carbon over time, even at much lower levels than today, eventually leads to an accumulation with the same 2 °C or higher outcome (the slow running tap into the bathtub problem).
«In the past years, we would let our inventory go down to much lower levels and order larger orders on a less often basis,» said Soldan.
These have much lower levels of fat and calories, but unfortunately, most of them do not have the bulk in them to counteract for the lower fat, and so your cat will not be satiated, and be perpetually hungry on these diets.
Canned foods have much lower levels of carbohydrates because they lack the grain needed to process the dry kibble.
I felt paralyzed to do anything, wondering if the market was going down even further (headlines were visualizing Dow at much lower levels).
As the Federal Reserve welcomes a new chairman and the markets grapple with possible trade wars and a ballooning fiscal deficit, make a plan for what to do with a $ SPX chart at much lower levels.
While a 529 plan allows for tax - free contribution limits of $ 14,000 per year, contributions to IRAs are capped at much lower levels.
I had a decent TRIB stake at that point, after buying it as a cheap (& slightly busted) growth stock at much lower levels.
Though anecdotal reports in California said teachers from disadvantaged schools fled when new positions opened up in other schools when class sizes were reduced, what the follow - up studies show is that after rising temporarily in all schools, teacher migration rates fell dramatically to much lower levels than before, most sharply in schools with large numbers of poor students.
Moreover, the bill is specifically aimed at assisting disadvantaged children, who have long achieved at much lower levels than their peers.
Various pediatric groups recommend much lower levels for fetuses, infants and children.
Only three are «above 75 per cent capacity and much lower levels are common».
It is an attempt to address the substantial differences in funding levels that had developed, with some parts of the country receiving much lower levels.
The government says that figures from the Health Protection Agency show much lower levels of flu - like illness in the winter 2010/11 than in previous years.
Most states have set their proficiency bars at much lower levels, perhaps because it causes less embarrassment when more students can make it across the proficiency bar, or because it was the easiest way for states to comply with the NCLB requirement to bring all students up to full proficiency.
Herbal teas contain much lower levels of these nutrients, sometimes none at all.
Autolyzed yeast extract is sometimes used to substitute for MSG, but has much lower levels of glutamate so adverse reactions are unlikely.
In fact, women who strength - train have much lower levels of intra-abdominal fat, the deep, visceral kind that's so hard to get rid of — in some cases, up to one - third less than their less - fit peers.
This study here found that smoking was associated with much lower levels of vitamin A in the body.
-- Hormonal imbalance: Raised levels of testosterone and other male sex hormones results in many of the symptoms of PCOS (all women produce testosterone, but normally in much lower levels than men).
-- Since hormonal imbalance (raised levels of testosterone and other male sex hormones) results in many of the symptoms of PCOS (all women produce testosterone, but normally in much lower levels than men) it is very important to regulate hormones by using the following natural remedies:
Women also have male hormones such as testosterone in their bodies, albeit at much lower levels.
Women make a small amount of testosterone in their ovaries but have much lower levels of the hormone than men.
For example, heat treated milk contains much lower levels of vitamin C and B vitamins.
Concentrated shots of yerba mate would potentially carry similar risk at much lower levels of consumption.
Wild fish that are lower on the food chain can still be very healthy, but will have MUCH lower levels of mercury.
That's why post-menopausal women are at higher risk for osteoporosis — they have much lower levels of estrogen than when they were younger.
A study published in 2013 in the International Journal of Obesity found that women who were overweight had much lower levels of two enzymes that are used to convert vitamin D into a useable form.
In healthy foods mentioned above, you'd find much lower levels of saturated fats than beef, cheese, and ice cream.
The good news: most of the arsenic is located in the bran (or outer husk) of the rice, leaving white rice with much lower levels.
Without the bran and germ, these new refined flours lasted longer on the shelf but contained much lower levels of nutrients.
Personally, I avoid the grains (and legumes except rare occasions), soak nuts overnight, and trust that the much lower levels in other plants won't harm my intestines too much.
And it has much lower levels of fishing.»
Dust levels in the atmosphere were up to 25 times higher than present, reflective of much lower levels of precipitation in most places.
Mice that lacked HIF2alpha had much lower levels of VE - PTP and had much leakier blood vessels than mice that can make HIF2alpha.
Treatment plants in Pennsylvania are accepting Fortuna wastewater with much lower levels of radioactivity from the company's wells there, Kessy said, but if plants can't take the higher concentrations, it could be crippling.
These human astrocytes apparently did so, the scientists suggest, by secreting a protein called tumor necrosis factor - α, which mouse astrocytes produce at much lower levels.
To see what was happening in the brains of these ankyrin - G mutant mice, the researchers analyzed the cell components in inhibitory synapses connecting with pyramidal neurons, finding that two proteins known as GAT1 and GAD67 — responsible for making the neurochemical GABA that dials back nerve impulses — were at much lower levels in the synapses on pyramidal neurons in ankyrin - G mutant mice than in normal mice.
«However, some of our tasters are much more sensitive than others to the flaw and pick it up at much lower levels
In this study, UCLA researchers tested a number of other pesticides and found 11 that also inhibit ALDH and increase the risk of Parkinson's, and at much lower levels than those at which they are currently being used, said study lead author Jeff Bronstein, a professor of neurology and director of movement disorders at UCLA.
Researchers were particularly interested in studying the effects of the drug on young mice, which are still growing new bone and have much lower levels of sclerostin.
«If they're exposed to a neurotoxin it would take much lower levels to see observable effects.»
In fact, in another study published last year, National Institute on Aging (NIA) researchers discovered that people with what's called a CR1 gene variant — the presence of which heightens Alzheimer's disease risk — had much lower levels of amyloid protein compared with those without the mutant gene.
«Zurich, for example, has stronger planning legislation, much higher levels of public transportation and much lower levels of road traffic than Montreal and Quebec,» she says.
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