Sentences with phrase «much methane per»

This means the Aliso Canyon well is emitting 62 to 98 percent as much methane per hour as the entire Barnett Shale.

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Although the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is much higher, at around 385 parts per million, methane is a worry as it is much better than carbon dioxide at locking in heat from solar radiation.
Perhaps someone with a better background on geology could explain why there's so much more methane extracted per unit of coal resource in coalbed methane than is vented in regular coal mining.
The study shows that during drilling, as much as 34 grams of methane per second were spewing into the air from seven natural gas well pads in southwest Pennsylvania — up to 1,000 times the EPA estimate for methane emissions during drilling, Purdue atmospheric chemistry professor and study lead author Paul Shepson said in a statement.
Perhaps someone with a better background on geology could explain why there's so much more methane extracted per unit of coal resource in coalbed methane than is vented in regular coal mining.
Hydrate is condensed phase, so much higher density overall, but it's only one methane per many water molecules.
More than half of China's non-CO2 GHG emissions come in the form of methane, which can trap 28 times as much heat as carbon dioxide on a per metric tonne basis.
And much to their surprise, they found 34 grams of methane leaking per second, per square kilometer, at seven well pads in the drilling phase.
That is, methane, nitrous oxide, CFCs and minor GHGs add TWICE as much forcing in GISS - E2 - R as per the AR5 best estimate.
1µmol CH4 = 1.6e - 5g / l = 1.6e - 2 g / m ^ 3 1.5 e9 g / day / 2.4 e15 m ^ 3 = ~ 6.3e - 7 g / m ^ 3 / day = ~ 2.5e - 6 micromolar increase per day diluted over the volume of the Gulf, However, given the 80 fold variation in concentrations observed above under much milder conditions, and the observations of clathrate formation at the wellhead, there are undoubtedly plumes of near methane saturated water (with volumes orders of magnitude less than that of the Gulf) drifting in the currents, slowly dissipating by diffusion and biogeochemical oxidation.
Put another way: one liter of methane accelerates climate change as much as 80 liters of carbon dioxide does, at least in the short term (more on this later), and cows burp it out continuously, to the tune of more than 150 liters per day.
Regardless of the discounting, the SCAR valuation per ton is much larger for methane and the five aerosol - related species than for CO2, with a ton of methane causing ~ 30 — 100 times more damage than a ton of CO2 and a ton of the aerosols causing up to ~ 7800 times more damage.
The analysis was partly based on a methane leakage estimate of 1.5 % of natural gas consumed, a figure assumed by the federal government, methane of course having much more climate impact per gram than CO2.
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