Sentences with phrase «much more wisdom»

And I'm reluctant to contradict people with much more wisdom and experience than me, even when I'm fairly sure they're wrong.

Not exact matches

As much as his approach puts him at odds with conventional economic wisdom, Keller can also seem at odds with himself — a registered Republican who calls for more regulation of industry; a plastics maker who speaks out against U.S. reliance on fossil fuels; a nonunion employer whose wages and benefits are a model for the region.
Forget the wisdom of the crowd; this is the power of multiple people working at the same time and becoming much more efficient.
Jeffrey Pfeffer proclaims in this new book that «much of the oft - repeated conventional wisdom about leadership is based more on hope than reality, on wishes rather than data, on beliefs instead of science.»
As far as I can tell, rising interest rates are likely to impact on QE fuelled equity overvaluations (as the small rise so far did), but rising rates also directly hit the value of bonds and bond funds — so they appear to be much more correlated than traditional wisdom suggests.
This series on «practical wisdom,» which coincides with the release of my newest book, Wide Awake, reminds me that for our community here in Los Angeles, the Gospel has become so much more than this.
Wisdom is much more interested in enlightenment than esteem.
Take the risk of thinking for yourself; much more happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom will come to you that way.
I think John 1 is more poetical than theological, in much the same vein as Proverbs anthropomorphizes Wisdom..
Although it has become part of the conventional wisdom in much of contemporary anti-colonialist literature, both Eastern and Western, it is an oversimplification to dismiss the missions as nothing more than a cloak for white imperialism.
Feminist revision: «Having had a spiritual awakening a result of these steps, we are more able to draw upon the wisdom inherent in us, knowing we are competent women who have much to offer others.»
The opposite tack, taken by many moderns, is that each succeeding generation is ever so much more enlightened than its predecessors and can dispense with what passed for wisdom among the ancestors.
The summa summarum of all human wisdom is this «golden,» or perhaps more properly the gilded, ne quid nimis [nothing to excess], too much or too little spoils the broth.
May God bless you so much and to give you more and more wisdom to create more things which can help us to know god more!
in terms of China's intent in the last thirty years of returning and reinterpreting its multimillennial culture of civility and wisdom, the possibility of China democratizing is much more promising.
Wisdom says there is so much more to understand.
The problem is much more radical: the modern West's rejection of objective morality, grounded in divine wisdom and intrinsic to human nature, the knowing and following of which is the only path to individual happiness and a just social order.
For a much more in - depth look at this passage and others in Wisdom literature, see Bruce Waltke's The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 15 - 31 and Ellen F. Davis» Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs.
Remember, no matter what you believe, I am correct in saying a very large number of Christians believe that the holy ghost (giver of divine wisdom and much more) only lives in believers.
Wisdom is much more than knowledge, with which it is favorably contrasted in many of Arguedas's works.
There are leaders who have been in the trenches for marriage ministry for many many years, longer than we have even been married and with much more experience and wisdom than I could dream of having.
In the words of the great Christopher Hitchens «The offer of certainty, the offer of complete security, the offer of an impermiable faith that can't give way, is an offer of something not worth having...»»... take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.»
The one tree from which he may not eat and by not eating may, as it were, glorify God, he observes is good for food, a delight to the eyes, and much more, conveys to the eater the gift of wisdom (3:6).
«39 The present writer has found great inspiration, much truth, wisdom, and beauty, fervent witness to the numinous character of ultimate reality in the great Hindu writings through the ages, and hopes to learn still more from them; but he can not agree with Radhakrishnan's conclusion that «Jesus» own testimony, philosophical truth and religious experience alike demand that He should be brought in line with the other great saints of God, who has not left himself without a witness in any clime or age.
I sometimes cheekily say I am wise, but then say the wiser I become the more I realise how minuscule the wisdom I have is and how much wisdom there is out there that I don» know about.
That «secular» literature might have meant something to someone in Solomon's court has been argued from time to time about certain proverbs and wisdom texts, but not about texts where God is the main actor in the story — and certainly not in the manner of Bloom, where J suddenly sounds like a skeptical college professor who is much more «mature and sophisticated» than the believers in his midst and their God.
The «Wisdom of God,» of which they made so much, was not a detached, impersonal entity; it had emanated from God: more simply, it was God himself at work among men.
Jesus» willingness to face death, specifically death on a cross, suddenly looks anything but arbitrary, and much more like the «wisdom of God» that the New Testament so surprisingly discovers in the crucifixion.
They use homeopathic and herbal remedies wisely, they have spent so much more time w / the families prenatally, and have each others wisdom to draw from.
Of course you must receive numerous emails like this but i just wanted to thank you for being so kind hearted to have written your book so to spread the much needed pearls of wisdom throughout the world!!!! To be honest with you, toilet training my daughter has done more than just got my daughter out of nappies, it has inspired me to have belief in myself and my daughter to be able achieve goals together.
I think this «inner wisdom» will be much more powerful and helpful as the child grows older.
There is so much information out there how to raise happy, confident, loving children that I decided to learn the tools, the wisdom from people who had more expertise.
Fortunately, you can benefit from the wisdom of others who've been there, weigh the pros and cons of domestic vs. international adoption, learn about open and closed adoptions, and much more right here.
I really did expect this argument to be pretty uncontroversial — after all, it is little more than the systemization of what is pretty much established wisdom on the subject.
The prevailing wisdom at the Capitol is this: Both chambers of the Legislature want a pay increase, but Assembly Democrats, especially those from the New York City region, want it much more.
But we must upend the conventional wisdom and nay - saying predictions by becoming much more involved in these elections to ensure stronger - than - ever Democratic turnout.
The fact that parts of this act were already ruled unconstitutional by a NY judge, with more still being appealed shows how much real thought was put into it; within the first few weeks of passing this debacle almost all police, armed guards etc. were violating the law because the legislators in their infinite wisdom forgot to exempt law enforcement, not to mention all the people who went to bed and then the next day — due to the fly - by - night method of governing — people woke up breaking the law without having done anything.
The inner eyelid of cats — more properly called the palpebra tertia but also known as the nictitating membrane, third eyelid or «haw» — has been regarded by some as a biological curiosity much like the human appendix or wisdom teeth.
«As much as conventional wisdom has been that it's menopause itself, and being post menopausal, that increases heart disease risk, it appears that the time leading up to menopause is associated with more rapid change in heart risk factors,» says Dr. Mark DeBoer, associate professor pediatrics at University of Virginia, who, with his colleagues, studied 1,470 women over 12 years.
The wisdom of naming this element after the Greek word for moon is illustrated by the ability of pure selenium to increase its conductivity as much as a thousand fold when a... Read more»
What a brave decision you «ve made in your life!I applaud you so much for this great leap of Faith and i «m more than positive that regardless of what comes your way, you will handle it with great wisdom and strength hun!
There's so much more living to do, I recon I'm ready to share some laughter and wisdom with that special one... here's hoping he's on this site!
While unfortunately this can not be the case for every single person, those who have aged tend to have accumulated more wisdom which can often translate in an all - around better dating experience and a much relaxed, open mind when it comes to meeting new people.
Dating wisdom and advice; the Jewish way in finding one's spouse Funny jokes, funny photos, cartoons, joke newsletters, and much more.
It comes close to being too much — there's a law of diminishing returns in the world of the cinema, where conventional wisdom has it that less is almost always more.
Duchovny shows signs of wit and wisdom [but this] feels much more written than lived... for every funny or gut - wrenching moment, three head - scratching ones are sure to follow.
Though support for these notions may be a mile wide, it appears to be little more than an inch deep — and to rest as much on pleasing sentiments and newfound conventional wisdom as on informed conviction.
This was a problem, because I wasn't sure that I had much more business offering wisdom on American schools than I did trying to fix a car.
Thanks so much for sharing more totally usable wisdom!
In short, I suggest that authors who want to be much more effective than 99 percent of authors in promoting their books go against conventional wisdom.
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