Sentences with phrase «much nobility»

The elegant black glass Schnauzer wags its tail with as much nobility as it can muster.
And so, what we have at Cahokia is very much a nobility.
As the natural end of temporal existence in Narnia, death was always to be anticipated and accepted with as much nobility as one could muster.

Not exact matches

One only has to look at L'Enfant's original plan for the buildings and parks of Washington, D.C., to grasp how much attention our nation's founders paid to splendor and simplicity, to virtue and nobility and beauty....
In some societies the line of division was not drawn so clearly between men and the animals, as between the nobility and the peasantry, the latter being treated with much the same attitude as the animals.
«The suffering of the poor is something very beautiful and the world is being very much helped by the nobility of this example of misery and suffering» — Mother Teresa.
It is infinitely comic that a man, moved unto tears, so much moved that not only tears but sweat trickle from him, can sit and read, or hear, representations of self - denial, of the nobility of sacrificing one's life for the truth — and then the next instant — one, two, three, slap - dash, almost with the tears still in his eyes — is in full swing, in the sweat of his brow, with all his might and main, helping falsehood to conquer.
The much - noted cool and abstract way of thinking of the oldest Buddhism surely corresponds very well to the figure of a master who fundamentally had no metaphysical nobility that would in any way have elevated him above the other creatures.
Rymer will grant to a black African not even the «dignity» of a name, much less the nobility of a soldier or the grandeur of a heroic figure.
It is just his nobility that makes Othello vulnerable, and in this he is very much like Hamlet.
She found much sympathy for the South in Europe, particularly among the nobility.
In 1675, they were adopted as the Royal Dog of France by the Dauphin in the court of King Louis XIV, and subsequently became much sought after by nobility.
After Ferguson, I wanted to do a matching version of the protesters but, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't give them the nobility they required.
They are very much the images we expect of nobility: Choreographed snapshots, focused on silver linings that still manage to capture the turbulence of familial duties through empty stares.
In the process, much of the life, eccentricity and nobility involved in the commitment to embracing risks by collectors, dealers and — I am afraid — even artists are being sucked out of our industry.
The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these.
And most of all, they make me laugh... Because, they look like little lions, with this nobility in their acts, and their look... and when it happened something funny to them (when they fall or they jump or they run madly...), it's always MUCH more funny!
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