Sentences with phrase «much of a waste of time»

When the supporting cast talk about how much of a waste of time Sportello is, we believe them in a heartbeat, taking one look at him and dismissing his talents.
The whole time I was thinking how much of a waste of time this was going to be... I can't remember when exactly my check arrived in the mail, but it was fairly quick!

Not exact matches

Over time, however, Handmaker noticed an uptick in the amount of waste and production and delivery errors: Too much excess paper was being thrown away in the production of business cards and other print jobs, and production delays and flaws were creeping up.
Climate change requires cooperation between countries over a period of decades but we don't have much time to waste
But if you're constantly trying to power through substantive knowledge work for eight hours or more a day, then it's pretty much guaranteed that you're wasting a whole lot of time.
After all, why waste so much time on planes if you can place a 3 - D version of yourself right in the offices of your prospects or your regional employees at a moment's notice?
As I spoke, I thought of how much morning time I wasted.
Although Apple regularly pushes out security updates, due to increased iOS product adoption — especially on the iPad, which has sponged 90 percent of the tablet market - digging into a Mac isn't so much a waste of time anymore.
Meanwhile, other members of the Big Six argue too much technology can be a bad thing, not to mention a waste of time and money.
It's also possible, however, that the guiltiest study participants were simply right in their estimation of the uselessness of doing nothing — for them, playing a videogame or indulging in a Simpsons marathon really might not help much with their stress levels, making them completely correct in telling themselves to stop wasting time.
After seeing how much time clinicians wasted because of poor organization, the Toyota team incorporated simple color - coding for procedures and moved supplies closer to where they were needed.
Like pretty much all of us, Yelp co-founder Jeremy Stoppelman dreads time - wasting meetings.
Having worked in the past for entrepreneurs whose micromanaging wasted «so much time,» Faught says he stresses to employees that if something goes wrong, there won't be any pointing of fingers.
Entertaining as it may be, it's mostly a waste of time trying to label what type of environment we're in, because much of the time, like today, we're in neither a bull nor bear market.
You can click the previous link to learn why indicators are a waste of time; I've discussed this a lot so I won't get into it much here except to say that if you want to truly simplify your trading you need to learn how to trade off of pure price action.
No matter how hard they try to avoid dubious online recommendations, much of their precious vacation time (and dime) is wasted on mediocre places that don't fit their vibe.
I'm not saying you should never get links from «low quality» sites or that you should waste much of your time monitoring your backlink profile for «garbage links.»
Much of that time is wasted, but they are an important cog in the machine that is our economy.
I'm not going to waste too much of your time on this strategy because Warren Buffet, the living Intelligent Investor, has tried and failed repeatedly to profit from bargain issues and since 1989 has publicly denounced what he nicknamed the «cigar - butt» strategy.
I have seen too many people waste too much of their day trying to come up with that killer «long tail» keyword, instead of spending their time more wisely on other equally important aspects of SEM.
The recommended Index Vairable Universal Life Insurance discussed on this podcast is pretty much a waste of time.
I pray to whichever holy name (God, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, Jesus, etc.) suits the ONE Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being that ignorance is wiped away from our species and we become a closer, more loving, peaceful creature and that we realize how much time we waste and how much further we push our fellow neighbor and brother under God, regardless of creed, away debating over who's God is better and discover the error of our ways before we destroy each other... before it's too late, because The End is Nigh!!!!! LOL!!!!! Really though, isn't the world full of enough tragedy, and aren't their so many more important things that need our energy and attention like the innocent children in Pakistan dying from diseases from the flood or the homeless children in our own country, or the lack of education, which is exactly what leads to this kind of debate?
I'm thankful for Armstrong's account because it is forcing me to realize, like I've always suspected, that so much of what we do is a complete waste of time and has nothing to do with what really matters.
This limits the amount of attention we can usefully give it, both because we have to waste so much time defining terms before we can discuss it, and because the fluidity of the terms is a sure sign that the idea will not make much difference in the end.
Wasting one's time with this much religious nonsense would go a long way to explaining why most predominantly fundamentalist Muslim countries can't make an economic success without sitting on top of an oil field.
How can atheists waste so much time on this effort when there are thousands of elderly dying in nursing homes without being converted?
The same goes for the Quran and the Bible... sad that so much time was wasted upon them as they are nonsensical and reflects your understanding of reality.
only reason y i say this is because of Santification, once we give our life to the Lord, we streight way (so to speak) begin the process of Santification, this is Christ making us like him, and this Is SUFFERING It does nt happen over night, but for the duration of our time here, as you have said, its sort of like sin being done unto us, and we are handleing it just like Christ did, (with Love) of coarse with the help of the Holy Spirit, This Does NOT feel Good At ALL since our soulful flesh is Corrupt, (but our spirit is saved) This is were your trails and tribulation, your own desire, and All play apart, Now Moment by Moment we choose by our own will, And Jesus helps in these times, as he was tempeted, but without sin, The devil can do nothing but try and decieve the Christian into thinking that he has to work for his salvation as you have said, this thing here is about your Inheritance In Christ, Its gonna be some show nought broke christian in Heaven, because their trying to set of for themseleve trasure on earth, and their is going to be weeping and gnat of teeth, but it wont be, because of their going to Hell, It will be cause they miss out on what they could have had, and it is Devistation, cause they waste so much time, and they wont be able to attend the wedding, supper of the lamb, they wont be, getting the position over city, galacy, ectt... just check it out some of the points i have made, God Bless you!
Therefore they can not endure what even to them seems a contradiction, and which as reflected from the world around them appears much more glaring, that to be concerned for one's own soul and to want to be spirit is a waste of time, yes, an inexcusable waste of time, which ought if possible to be punishable by law, at all events is punished by contempt and ridicule as a sort of treason against men, as a froward madness which crazily fills up time with nothing.
I think much more could be said about that, even about the display of «dumb sheep» characteristics, but I don't think it's profitable to waste words nor time....
When you are involved with it you are not aware of it, when you get out of it and see what it is for the first time you feel embarrassed that you wasted so much time in a very demeaning existence.
Did you know that Bill Gates makes so much money every minute that if he is walking down the sidewalk, and sees a hundred dollar bill lying there, it would be a waste of his time to stop and pick it up?
Yep you are right, I moved down here in the state of Mississippi, north of Crystal Springs from Chicago when I was ten years old but still I visit once in a while, now it's twenty years and sad to not much has change, like the parts you said about non-whites discrimatory or rasicts at other non-whites, when I went to school here they treated me as a alien from another galaxy, they pick at my voice cause I didn't had that southern dialog, unlike them I said my words correctly, but not just me, they even hated at others who had better intelect I am not picking at them, It is what I went through all these years, Mississippi and mainly this small town of Crystal Springs see America in a crazy awful view, They don't like difference that even within they own race, ther not that politcal, when some one say God they got there vote, I don't to say much to waste your time, I still remember when I was ten years old I had a constanct back ground check on me to see were I really come from evn though I had the paper saying Chicago Illinois barely no jobs but a church on every street for a town barely under five Thousand, till this very day, they look at me like I am a alien, did you ever had that experiance down here damn my keybroad mess up,
So much so that it is a waste of time for me to dwell long on anything else.
I hope «Christianity» is the right religion, if it is not then I have wasted a lot of time and money, or perhaps not, for if one lives up to the values, beliefs and principles of true Christianity that one would be one of the nicest people to live on Earth with and as a child of 6 I realized I did not like any of the people in my neighborhood very much, not much at all.
But for the vast majority of us it is just as much a waste of time to dream of Golden Years of Retirement when the stern discipline of our low - sodium, low - cholesterol, low - fat diets will pay off in svelte, sexy bodies ready for all kinds of fun!
If the main reason our reps have been chosen because they believe and pray to the spaghetti monster in the sky, based on the mess hey have produced and keep making worse, there prayers have been a useless waste of time which would have been much better spent to actually work on the problem rather than praying about it.
never mind I see you have wasted too much of my time already.
So why do you suppose I would waste my time as I know enough about the ugly history of christianity to criticize it as much as I possibly can, hypocrite.
You spend so much time trying to photograph a great recipe just to find out all of that precious time and effort went to waste because Foodgawker, yet again, has declined your submission.
I made it today and I have to say this recipe was right on time because I had exactly three over-ripe bananas and I couldn't waste much time on cooking because I have a lot of studing to do for a test, so otherwise I would probably throw them away!But this recipe was so easy and I had almost all the ingredients at home!I made the sugar version and I added cherries instead of blueberries (blueberries are not such a common fruit here).
dear sir, we are interested in purchasing rice from your company and without wasting much time we will like you to us at williamblocer01 at gmail dot com with your price quotation of your parboiled long grain white rice so...
I have craved this most of 2017 (typically always wanting what I can't have) so made sure I hotfooted it there as soon as I wasn't pregnant (well not straight away but I didn't waste much time).
NAST regrets very much that the anti-GMO elements who destroyed the plants have caused the needless waste of time, effort, and materials in a lawfully - conducted scientific inquiry.
I hate having too much food waste and, next time, I would use 1/4 or 1/3 c. of sugar and adjust cinnamon proportionately for the coating and half the semisweet chocolate for the filling.
Companies across sectors have a difficult time measuring exactly how much of their waste stream is organic material and further understanding of how much of it is good, nutritious food that could go to those in need or be turned into energy or composted, as opposed to being sent to landfill.
Thanks so much — viewing it as a challenge to find new ways to adapt recipes is what has kept me going too, and not wasting time constantly lamenting all of the things I'm not eating.
Much of this food could instead feed hungry people, while at the same time reduce waste disposal costs and provide tax benefits for businesses donating food.
Both times I ended up with a bit too much of the beer / chocolate / butter liquid mix, and this time I've used it as the liquid for the icing, to save it going to waste.
Classic «wag the dog» rhetoric... let's stop wasting time discussing players who will never help this club in the future, reminds me too much of the Rosicky and Diaiby years, which provided our inept managerial hierarchy with a plethora of excuses for why we couldn't succeed at the highest levels and / or why we didn't make the necessary moves in the transfer market... this club will never win the EPL or compete in Europe until the Grinch who stole soccer and the Mustache who pays his ridiculous cheques are run out of town... hopefully they will take some of the overpaid and underwhelming deadwood players that WE»VE been supporting for years including Giroud, Walcott, Xhaka, Welbeck, Chambers, Monreal, Ramsey, DeBouchy, Campbell, Mertesaker, Coqs, Elneny, Cech and Wiltshire... if we don't Wenger will gladly renew their contracts and they will represent the bulk of our starting lineup once Ozil and Sanchez move on
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