Sentences with phrase «much prayer for»

It is therefore imperative not only that there be much prayer for the delegates charged with responsibilities in the United Nations, but that there be much more linkage of prayer with education for peace and political action.

Not exact matches

This makes three weeks of regular warnings from Goldman and other banks that stocks have soared on a wing and prayer, with investors hoping for, and pricing in, something that may be forthcoming only belatedly, if at all, and only in much watered down form, and perhaps without much effect on corporate earnings after all, especially since the US corporate tax code, as it is, already provides companies countless ways to shelter their income.
Most small - business owners need a bank loan at one time or another, and applying for one involves much more than filling out paperwork and saying a prayer.
Not only is there an enormous risk of a single glitch in execution destroying much of the stock's value, but also you are relying on a hope and a prayer for things to work out satisfactorily.
Judaism was good enough for Jesus so if G - d doesn't hear the prayers of Jews, you guys are pretty much screwed too.
So much for prayer or at least their version of it.
Prayer — does it really disturb people that much that someone prays for guidance or courage or for their child to get well?
People pray for their golf - score, so you would think their prayers during tornados and hurricanes would be much more earnest and heart - felt, yet christians have no more ability to survive natural disaters than the general population.
because we know how much effect prayer has ever had: absolutely none (other than keeping a lot of idiots occupied for a while, and a few other non-divine side effects)
Considering that the temple was an official place of religion, it is surprising how much of this recognition of the true character of Yahweh has been preserved in these prayers for humble persons who need salvation from the wicked.
Unless these aliens brought some kind of evidence for their religion and the existence of their deity, such as a demonstration of the power of their form prayer, I really have to much to rethink.
I doubt Mr. Bell is trying atheism as much as he is choosing to live without prayer to God for a while.
Nowadays, the annual Mass and Prayer Vigil for Life, held the night before the march in the vast basilica, has become such a crammed and cramped experience that youth groups who wish to attend must arrive four to six hours early if they want so much as merely a space to sit on the floor.
For much of my life, my prayers have been marked by anything but simplicity.
And, in a very strange reinterpretation of American history, Huckabee declared, «I believe America is an exceptional country created out of the providence of God because of the prayers of people who, on their knees, begged for a place where they could be free and raise their children in the freedom to worship and to speak out and to protest, and where every person was equal to every other person in intrinsic value and worth and no person was worth more or worth less because of how much land they owned, what their last name was, what their occupation was and what their bloodline was.»
The scholar metaphor is useful for worship and Bible study, but books like Andrew Murray's With Christ in the School of Prayer don't have much to say about faithfulness in the workplace.
I feel that I am in a Job experience (have been for years) and don't understand why my prayers haven't been answered for a much loved child who suffers unbearably, yet reached out to God himself and was apparently ignored.
«I care so much for our city that I'll do anything, and so just starting with prayer is what I think we need to do,» Briggs said.
(Matthew 6:8) Prayer was not begging a reluctant deity for his best gifts, as though he were an unjust judge or a surly neighbor in bed with his children unwilling to arise and answer a call for help — although if patience in prayer could accomplish its end even in such cases, how much more with the righteous and mercifuPrayer was not begging a reluctant deity for his best gifts, as though he were an unjust judge or a surly neighbor in bed with his children unwilling to arise and answer a call for help — although if patience in prayer could accomplish its end even in such cases, how much more with the righteous and mercifuprayer could accomplish its end even in such cases, how much more with the righteous and merciful God!
That might not sound much like prayer if you're more used to thinking of the Bible as something you read for information or instruction.
Even if we can not pray for some of these goals with much affirmation — even if we find ourselves praying for the salvation of liberals before Christ returns, or the redirection of evangelical social concern to its proper sphere of evangelism and world mission, or the disappearance of the electronic church — God will answer our prayers, with corrections if necessary, and will either change our minds or the minds of those for whom we are praying.
Why waste so much time on prayer, building churches, etc, for a god that does not exist?
When understood this way, prayer become much less of a mystery about how to pray and what to pray for and who can pray and where to pray, and much more like a conversation we have in everyday life.
As I read this prayer, it almost sounds as if the prayer is a small part of a much longer conversation He has been having with God for a very long time.
I have a Sister who swears by «the sinner's prayer» but is beholding to «the secret» and her life has not been radically transformed, she still engages in sexual activity outside of the confines of marriage and feels this is natural... I would never be able to participate in this sordid activity now that i am truly saved for there was a time i myself was being deceived in much the same way as my Sister is now, I just couldn't bring myself to do these acts and further, would not place myself in such a predicament that I would..
When we consider prayers for material goods, we must move much more cautiously.
Repetition of words — even great words like those of the Lord's Prayer — is mere muscular exercise, and our Lord himself warned against supposing that we could be heard for our much speaking.
Much can be said about the content of Jesus» prayer, especially that the primary prayer request of Jesus for all who would believe in Him is that we would be unified (John 17:21).
If this is God's world, he can do much — in us, through us, for us — in response to prayer.
Jeremy Myers, i think you are wrong and David is right, so many out there are preaching you can live any way you want and be right that Grace covers any sin, they really believe that, that is not what the bible says, God was very concerned about sin so much he sent Jesus his son to die on a cross for us, if we accept Jesus as our savor then we are to obey his commandments, not break them, we are to live a righteous and holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates sin,
Some brief appearances from a vicar, some short prayers for safety and a small subplot involving the earl's anti-Catholic views are pretty much the sum total of Downton's engagement with God so far.
But it is still true that when the chief act of worship on a Sunday is in Anglican circles Mattins or Morning Prayer and in «reformed» churches a much more sermon - centered type of worship, there is also a liturgical or quasi-liturgical setting for the proclamation of the gospel.
... and how much worse it would be if she had relied on prayer rather than science - based medical care for her child.
James says that the prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much (James 5:16), and James gives the example of Elijah whose prayers kept it from raining for three years, and then prayed for it to rain and it did.
In the meantime, thank you so much for your prayers and support as I've written.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support, your congratulations and joy on our behalf.
But if you try sometime to not pray at all for yourself, you will see how much you normally do pray for yourself, and like Jonah, how self centered your prayers really are.
The prayer is wry and ironic but hardly a formula for personal success much less a substitute for the prayer of Jesus.
for the man that says prayer is for the weak Harvard medical school researchers show prayer absolutely changes brain waves, much like running.
Speaking about the importance of prayer during this difficult time, Rev Long said that while it may be hard knowing what words to say to God, people should pray that «some sense of peace for those that have suffered so much might emerge».
His books, Jesus For President, The Irresistible Revolution, and Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers, are gentle yet challenging introductions to a way of life that much of the Western Church has forgotten, but which, he argues, has always been central to our faith.
I still kept a round of duties, and would not suffer myself to run into any open vices, and so got along very well in time of health and prosperity, but when I was distressed or threatened by sickness, death, or heavy storms of thunder, my religion would not do, and I found there was something wanting, and would begin to repent my going so much to frolics, but when the distress was over, the devil and my own wicked heart, with the solicitations of my associates, and my fondness for young company, were such strong allurements, I would again give way, and thus I got to be very wild and rude, at the same time kept up my rounds of secret prayer and reading; but God, not willing I should destroy myself, still followed me with his calls, and moved with such power upon my conscience, that I could not satisfy myself with my diversions, and in the midst of my mirth sometimes would have such a sense of my lost and undone condition, that I would wish myself from the company, and after it was over, when I went home, would make many promises that I would attend no more on these frolics, and would beg forgiveness for hours and hours; but when I came to have the temptation again, I would give way: no sooner would I hear the music and drink a glass of wine, but I would find my mind elevated and soon proceed to any sort of merriment or diversion, that I thought was not debauched or openly vicious; but when I returned from my carnal mirth I felt as guilty as ever, and could sometimes not close my eyes for some hours after I had gone to my bed.
The general idea is that there is as much proof for a deity they call the «Flying Spaghetti Monster» as there is for a loving, Triune God (or any other deity), so they «worship» an imaginary, spaghetti - like thing and conclude their prayers with «Ramen» instead of «Amen,» which is admittedly clever.
Meanwhile, this is a prayer - book that could usefully be ordered by groups and parishes and widely distributed - it would come in handy for common prayer at meetings of Catholic women's groups and youth groups as well as having much value for private devotions.
The fact is that a lot of people use «thoughts and prayers» as an excuse for not really doing much of anything, as we've seen in recent years regarding mass shootings in America.
Prayer begging for health, safety, eternal life and much more groveling.
As for the children of the Most High God, the prayers of the righteous availeth much.
Doubtless much that passes for prayer is a routine and meaningless exercise dictated by custom.
I choose to react as with prayer and with as much grace and compassion as God can help me to muster for you, fishon.
Notice, then, that in the prayer Jesus taught the order of things is this: first, identification with God, his will, his kingdom of sovereign love; next, asking for daily bread or what is needed to make life possible; then, deliverance from evil and from the test that will be too much for us; and all of it, as Matthew's gospel recognizes when it adds the doxology to the simpler Lukan version, to God's glory — so that the divine will may be done, and be seen done, «in earth as in heaven.»
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