Sentences with phrase «much progress towards»

Although Massachusetts made much progress towards meeting its RTT - ELC goals during 2014, the state's budget spend - down rate remains a challenge.
So far, there hasn't been much progress towards eliminating that debt.
Knowing that universal proficiency was not achievable, the federal government allowed states to define how much progress towards that goal would be deemed «adequate.»
The climate talks which kicked off in Doha, Qatar, this week, are unlikely to yield much progress towards a global deal to cut emissions.
Although Massachusetts made much progress towards meeting its RTT - ELC goals during 2014, the state's budget spend - down rate remains a challenge.

Not exact matches

The company is making good progress towards a sustainable return on equity of at least 10 % which is why the stock trades much closer to NTA today than when the Fund purchased it.
I'm also looking forward to my numbers this year and see how much progress I'm making towards being FI.
It is my opinion that much of the «progress» we have made has formed our collective conscience falsely and that defending the «classic» definition of marriage will help to form our collective conscience more towards a true conception of the human person and the rights that belong to them.
A sign of a much more enlightened electorate and progress towards a more perfect union!
FIFI shows that since 2010, other countries have made much better progress towards gender - equality.
When the membership process was entered into, it appeared that Turkey was making progress towards reaching the membership criteria, but then the AKP changed course and became much more authoritarian and illiberal in how it runs it's courts and elections.
Nor was it a story of steady progress towards any goal — the French Revolution did much to rendered the term anathema across Europe for more than twenty years.
«These targets must be the first step in a journey towards much greater sustainability; yet progress to date has been far too slow.»
Yes, you are trying to promote the perception that David Cameron and his team are moving towards the Libdems before we have produced our policies, much in the way you have hyped UKIP and a failure to progress in the North, Scotland or Wales before a vote has been cast in the upcoming elections.
But because the SNP will be in opposition, the emphasis will switch much more to the Scottish parliamentary party, and its ability to affect progress towards independence.
The field of stem cell biology has made major and continuing progress over the last few years towards achieving its much heralded aim of impacting human health.
To date, much progress has been made towards identifying extrinsic and intrinsic regulators of these processes.
The way to make progress with this exercise could not be easier, just bring your hands closer in towards the shoulders but still with the fingers pointing of to the side as they would be in a Crucifix position and you should find this not much harder that regular two handed press ups.
In addition, this way you are going to progress much faster towards the one arm push up (or any other movement you're aiming for).
BoF: What is your advice to fashion companies that have begun the journey of transitioning towards a more sustainable and circular model, but feel overwhelmed by the scale of change they need to make or worry that it requires too much investment to see any see real progress?
Thankfully, in Ireland, we are much further down that road and we are progressing rapidly towards seeing interracial dating as just another form of dating.
Still, the progress bar towards Legend moves absurdly slow, so I'll probably still be ranked Hero when Halo 4 hits no matter how much I play the game between now and then.
In Domain 1 of the leader model, data is used to track progress towards school and individual goals, much like in DQ1 of the teacher model, where students track their progress on a learning goal.
Administrators can easily monitor learner progress, run advanced reports on course completion, credits earned, participation, learning gains, progress towards certifications and much, much more — without the aid of programmers, database administrators, or other technical personnel.
You could keep a small buffer emergency fund and throw as much additional money towards your debt to make progress on paying down the principle balance.
As much as possible, avoid emotional decisions when it comes to money; many have the effect of hampering your progress towards achieving your long - term financial goals.
You can revisit the list every year to see how much progress you're making towards building a wealthier future.
Producing a decent return on equity for EIIB shareholders is obviously just as much about reducing equity as it is about continued operating progress towards an acceptable level of profit.
Find out how much progress Fractured has made in these exciting first months of work towards Alpha 1.
With this small team continually chipping away and progressing towards completion, I'm just that much more excited to finally get my hands on the final product.
Finding out where exactly you need to go to find specific crafting parts does usually require a little extracurricular research, but considering just how much of Warframe can be accessed without having to spend any real money, the grinding never really feels dull or drawn out (especially since you're most likely making progress on your current Warframes and items while you're working towards new ones).
Much of his recent work involves human interaction, progressing towards unexpected and / or unpredictable finales.
The point of all this is that there's even more evidence now — as Climate Progress puts it, «pretty much every major poll in the past six months makes clear that the public supports climate and energy legislation because it achieves multiple benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions» — that people want to get away from fossil fuels and move towards clean energy.
While much progress has been made, there are still significant opportunities for collaboration and innovation in this space to support accelerated progress towards a collective clean energy future.
«After decades of stagnation, fuel efficiency is now making steady progress towards much higher levels,» said Executive Director Steven Nadel.
Despite much discussion and good intentions, not much progress has been made in Canada towards shared print archives.
And I have told this story as much as anything in the hopes that it will begin productive conversations and — hopefully — further progress towards that kind of change.
A big, colorful chart that shows how much progress a child is making towards a savings goal can also help to motivate kids to save.
Periodically, counselors will do an assessment to determine how much progress has been made towards recovery.
While much goodwill and support for reconciliation is growing across the Australian community, racism, denial of rights, and a lack of willingness to come to terms with our history continue to overshadow the nation's progress towards reconciliation.
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