Sentences with phrase «much reference»

That's a good question, and it's a word that's tossed around pretty freely without much reference to whether or not anyone really knows what it means.
Even though I did not provide much references the writer still managed to perform a very extensive research.
It doesn't include much reference to books I haven't read myself, as I don't think it's fair to list off something I haven't been exposed to directly.
Similarly, pretty much every reference online only ever refers to familial status in regards to children, never mentioning anything else that would be covered under that act.
Your painting developed without much reference to what was going on in the world.
But what is in mind here is not so much a reference to kinship as a customary Messianic title.
Unwin says: «They're somewhere where I start to work out particular combinations of form, colour, mark... very much a reference tool in that it's somewhere to refer to that feels really close to first instinct.
And Michael Haneke's cautionary parable about disaffected, medium - cool adolescence is as much a reference point as Paranormal Activity and its sequels; here, the malevolent ghost in the machine is the spirit of Laura, who decides to take revenge on the classmates who she believes drove her to death one year ago by posting an unflattering video online.
Sony didn't make much reference to the Last of Us during its E3 conference but while the Last of Us wasn't completely relevent for E3 we at least know that we are getting a new trailer and...
To this date, de Moro has been the subject of over 250 of the painter's much referenced portraits.
I think No matter how much references you show current Obama supporter, they will not believe, all of the smart supporters have left him already which only leaves the loonies....
In other words, he believed the proposed appendix had too much reference to details not originally addressed and therefore would not accept it.
Their studios were covered with reproductions of pictures pasted to the walls, while in our case there was not so much reference to these things.»
I welcome very much the reference he makes, towards the end of what he has written, to the significance of the book of Hosea.
Since the nineteenth century, the sexual ethics of «the family pew» have been conceptualized in Old Testament terms without much reference to modifications introduced by Jesus» law of love.
Where there have been some, I suspect it is in places where the present Mass has been celebrated with as much reference to past forms as to any avant - gardeagenda.
Now a new Northwestern University analysis has poked holes in the much referenced «leaky pipeline» metaphor.
In case you missed it, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is «A Hideo Kojima Game», meaning he didn't care about what was happening with Konami at the time of development and added as much references to him and his studio as possible.
According to a much referenced 2000 UCLA study, friendships between women not only «soothe our tumultuous inner world, fill the emotional gaps in our marriage, and help us remember who we really are,» they're also good for women's health.
«East - West / West - East towers with the grandeur of Stonehenge or the ruins of a classical city,» wrote Hyperallergic, «and more than any work of Serra's I've ever encountered it establishes an organic relationship to its surroundings, the steel plates as much a reference to the earth's elemental forces and materials as they are to human industry.»
CWWith him it's not so much a reference to writing, it's like, if you're going to cover a canvas, how do you do it in the most economical or least compositional way?
This, apparently «modernist», concern with the properties of the material, however, is mitigated by the paintings» glossy, luscious surfaces and shapely abstract forms which seem to recall the advertising imagery of the car and food industries, as much referencing the flow of foodstuffs as the poured process of Morris Louis.
Last year saw the release of the much referenced Lancet report Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health.
Inevitably there was much reference to the applicability of the principles set out in Stack - v - Dowden [2007] UKHL 17.
That's a good question, and it's a word that's tossed around pretty freely without much reference to whether or not anyone really knows what it means.
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