Sentences with phrase «much social science»

As with much social science dealing with matters of climate change, the survey seems to have less to do with shedding light on public attitudes and behaviour and more to do with trying to change them:
The main thing I learned from writing The First Love Story is that I can only take so much social science and brain scans at one time.
Much social science consists of uncritical backward - looking references, not to established data but to speculations and contrivances into which their creators have squeezed carefully selected or invented «facts», references that are mere appeals to authority, admiringly called «scholarship».
To date much social science research in communication has focused on either the message content or media effects - linear models.

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The fields of humanities and social sciences, on the other hand, carry much greater risk, while students in health or business face a more limited risk of ending up with lower incomes.
Success on social media is at least as much art as science.
And reams of social science research show that strong unions do much more than that: They bolster regional economies, increase democratic participation, and even strengthen the social safety net for non-unionized workers.
We know from various studies done in the social sciences in the past forty years, as well as from fifteen plus years of my being involved with personas, the trio of users / buyers / customers makes decisions based on much more than just content or information.
I often hear from «Mainliners» who essentially say, «Hey, we're much more open to science, social justice, political diversity, and LGBT people.
The development of a new philosophy of science which radically questions the earlier mechanical - materialistic world - view within which classical modern science worked and also the search for a new philosophy of technological development and struggle for social justice which takes seriously the concern for ecological justice, are very much part of the contemporary situation.
According to the Social Science Citation Index, more than 250 publications have referred to Berger's book, and the total number of references to related works ranges much higher.
The social sciences are currently in much ferment over these questions in general.
Underwood was concerned on the one hand that the overemphasis on the humanities in much of the church and in the liberal arts colleges be corrected by a stress on technical knowledge in the natural and social sciences.
Little is being done at Nanjing Seminary to teach such favorite American subjects as psychology or psychotherapy, but much is being done to expose students to sociology, social theory and social - science methodology.
For Man, by the act of «noospherically» concentrating himself upon himself, not only becomes reflectively aware of the ontological current on which he is borne, but also gains control of certain of the springs of energy which dictate this advance: above all, collective springs, in so far as he consciously realizes the value, biological efficiency and creative nature of social organization; but also individual springs m as much as, through the collective work of science, he feels himself to be on the verge of acquiring the power of physicochemical control of the operations of heredity and morphogenesis in the depths of his own being.
Those accustomed to reading analysis of faith - based reforms by sociologists, theologians and social workers can learn much from the political science perspective.
The practitioners of religion have often been much more attuned to the international realities of the present world than their counterparts in the social sciences.
I have always thought that the global warming, or «climate change» debate, was as much about social psychology as science.
Today, the movement has realized that science is much more likely to reach an audience which is increasingly looking for demonstrable evidence from which to base their position on social issues.
He devoted much time as well to the social sciences, participating, for example, in an interdisciplinary seminar called «The Birth of Civilization», under the direction of the great anthropologist Robert Redfield.
I do agree with some of Radical Orthodoxy's critique of the ideology that has dominated much of Western social science.
If I were choosing recent books in this area which most deserve to be read outside the country, I would start with Oliver O'Donovan's political theology in The Desire of the Nations; John Milbank's critique of the social sciences in Theology and Social Theory; Timothy Gorringe's provocative political reading of Karl Barth in Karl Barth: Against Hegemony; Peter Sedgwick's The Market Economy and Christian Ethics; Michael Banner's Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems; Duncan Forrester's Christian Justice and Public Policy; and Timothy Jenkins's Religion in Everyday Life: An Ethnographic Approach, which argues with a dense interweaving of theory and empirical study for a social anthropological approach to English religion which has learned much from thesocial sciences in Theology and Social Theory; Timothy Gorringe's provocative political reading of Karl Barth in Karl Barth: Against Hegemony; Peter Sedgwick's The Market Economy and Christian Ethics; Michael Banner's Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems; Duncan Forrester's Christian Justice and Public Policy; and Timothy Jenkins's Religion in Everyday Life: An Ethnographic Approach, which argues with a dense interweaving of theory and empirical study for a social anthropological approach to English religion which has learned much from theSocial Theory; Timothy Gorringe's provocative political reading of Karl Barth in Karl Barth: Against Hegemony; Peter Sedgwick's The Market Economy and Christian Ethics; Michael Banner's Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems; Duncan Forrester's Christian Justice and Public Policy; and Timothy Jenkins's Religion in Everyday Life: An Ethnographic Approach, which argues with a dense interweaving of theory and empirical study for a social anthropological approach to English religion which has learned much from thesocial anthropological approach to English religion which has learned much from theology.
Within the social sciences themselves much renewed interest in the social role of the sacred has been evident in recent years.
And indeed many praying people have contributed so much in the development and progress of education, medicine, science, law, social work, science, agriculture, and culture, to name a few.
One wonders whether, in the future, when we shall know so much more about what literature says and how it hangs together than we now do, we shall come to see literary myth as a similarly constructive principle in the social or qualitative sciences, giving shape and coherence to psychology, anthropology, theology, history and political theory without losing in any one of them its own autonomy of hypothesis.»
Again, in the life sciences and in the social sciences much knowledge has been accumulated, but the function of such knowledge is not to extinguish the demand for research but rather to provide the basis for vast new explorations into the questions suggested by such knowledge.
The social - science literature is rife with examples of small, high - quality programs that seem to become much less effective when they expand and replicate.
You can find apps to supplement their learning in subjects such as math, science, social studies, and much more.
Like any finding in the social sciences, uncovering patterns is much easier than explaining them.
Not only does a fluent reader make the transition to being a fluent writer much more easily than a non-fluent reader, but as students get older reading plays an important role in math, science, and social studies, too.
In addition to social science research, much anecdotal evidence shows that youth in foster care benefit from contact with their fathers; youth often reveal that they value their relationship with their fathers, or wish they had more opportunities to get to know their fathers.
Much of contemporary social science and policy research is concerned with fathers» impacts on children's socioemotional development.1, 2 Yet material contributions made by fathers («breadwinning») remain central to an array of impacts on children, 3 including with respect to children's educational attainment and prospects for social success.
I don't really put too much stock in academic authority of people in social sciences until they talk about testable predictions like real scientists do; or at the very least deal with # s. Without that, they're just people who have opinions that are no more nor less valid than anyone who isn't an academic social scientist.
As a result, dams have received much criticism from academics in the social sciences, and national and international NGOs, culminating in anti-dam social movements like those seen against the Narmada project in India.
This event is intended to work toward the development of a social science of what has come to be known as Web 2.0 - a much heralded transition in Web media characterised by social practices of «generating» and «browsing», «tagging» and «feeds», «commenting» and «noting», «reviewing» and «rating», «blogging», «mashing - up» and making «friends».
While it is true that women face social barriers, as they do in much of the world, young women nonetheless comprise more than half of undergraduate enrollment in some science, technology and medical courses at major Arab universities.
The social media site's news - filtering program shuts out some opposing points of view, but not as much as its users do on their own, researchers report online May 7 in Science.
The Human Terrain Analysis Branch, by contrast, has kept a much lower profile, though it is also uses social science to collect cultural and ethnographic information for the military in Afghanistan and around the region.
«The only thing surprising in the data is how much the data from these absolutely brilliant women look like data from any group of high - achieving women in general,» says Diane Halpern, the dean of social sciences at the Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute in California.
Most relate to climate, environmental, and social science, but the new request appears to reflect a much more ambiguous filter: For the first time, it contains several awards in the physical sciences, including one that has led to patented software to detect whether a computer has been taken over by malicious software and another that explores a long - standing mathematical puzzle.»
A book we reported on earlier this month by historian of science Alice Dreger also describes some severe personal and professional consequences suffered much more recently by scientists who became involved, through their research, in disputes with strong ideological and social overtones.
The bill also makes deep cuts in funding for the social sciences and spells out how much money NSF should allocate to each of its six research directorates.
The other view of science fiction, figureheaded in retrospect by one Herbert George Wells — «H. G.» to pretty much everyone — was that actual science was best left to actual scientists and science - themed novelists should feel free to make stuff up if it helped uncover the social and philosophical pitfalls in humanity's road ahead.
Unfortunately, this approach doesn't appear to be helping to reduce consumption very much, even when we give consumers what policymakers thought might help: some guidance for how many calories they should be eating,» said the study's lead author Julie Downs, associate research professor of social and decision sciences in CMU's Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Scisocial and decision sciences in CMU's Dietrich College of Humanities and Social SciSocial Sciences.
In my paneled session on resource scarcity, I end my 3 - minute «pitch» hoping for not much more than small strides toward putting the problem of global forest sustainability — the pure science of which we all seem to agree is largely done — into the hearts and hands of some of these mind - blowingly successful businessmen and social entrepreneurs.
Some commonly studied networks include computer chip components and social media users, but University of Pennsylvania engineers are now applying network science to a much older system: the human body.
Much of the so - called social science was unconvincing to me as science in any traditional sense.
Šucha recommended that the scientific community rely much more heavily on the social sciences to «understand how the values are being formed, how they are being communicated, how they are being perceived, how the evidence is being perceived.»
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the NAM2014 conference, to our exciting science programme and many social activities.
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