Sentences with phrase «much sodium causes»

Too much sodium causes oedema because sodium holds on to water and keeps it in the body.

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Drinking too much water without replacing sodium can also cause hyponatremia.
Finally, salty snacks contain high levels of sodium that can cause a baby to retain water, and too much sodium is known to lead to high blood pressure.
Too much sodium might cause an infant's kidneys to fail and as we know, high levels of sodium can lead to high blood pressure.
Because babies» kidneys aren't yet mature, giving them too much water causes their bodies to release sodium along with excess water, Anders said.
Also, it contains too much protein, sodium, and potassium for your child's body to absorb and can cause harm.
Drinking too much water that your kidneys can not flush out in the limited time can cause hyponatraemia in which sodium level of body are significantly reduced.
Definition of toxin: any substance that creates irritating and / or harmful effects in the body A. External sources: pollution B. Internal sources: cellular wastes C. Any substance if too much, like water, sodium and almost all nutrients (in certain situations can cause a toxic environment 2.
Too much sodium can cause hypertension, forcing the heart to work even harder to supply the body with the blood that it needs.
Additionally, if you're of edema constitution, avoid high - sodium food as too much salt in your body can cause water to retain in especially your thighs and hips, depleting your bowels of adequate fluid for detox.
Just a bit too much sodium can cause a 2 pound swing.
Having too much aldosterone causes the body to hold on to sodium, resulting in salt and water build - up and a rise in blood pressure.
Too much sodium in the diet can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) and can also cause the body to hold onto excess fluid.
Similar to ingesting too much sodium chloride, taking too many potassium supplements can cause gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
This type of water retention is caused by too much sodium in the body, sitting or standing for too long, or pressure from body weight.
I think just kind of looking at some takeaways, the main recommendations is that, kind of the new science is that there is new science showing adverse health effects of low sodium intake, especially among individuals with diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, as well as people who are healthy and trying to limit their salt intake because of fear that too much might cause potential problems heart disease wise down the road.
If you are unaware of the dangers of too much of one of the «SALTS» out of balance with all the other essential «SALTS» i.e. sodium overload, then you might want to check out the levels of sodium chloride in any form of NaCl as the overload of sodium can cause many problems, unless it is plant based.
Too much sodium will also cause your blood pressure to rise, which is harmful to your overall health.
Like I said earlier, too much sodium is a major cause of fluid retention.
Work with your veterinarian on dosage; too much for longer than two weeks can cause sodium retention and accompanying swelling, high blood pressure and potassium loss.
Too much sodium can cause excessive thirst and diarrhea, so very salty chicken soup given to a sick dog can actually aggravate his problem.
Too much sodium leads to hypernatremia which can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, and problems with circulation in dogs.
A little sodium goes a long way, though, and too much salt can cause a host of health problems in your feline friend.
A. Sodium bromide (NaBr) can be used to control seizures and works exactly like Potassium bromide does, but is much less likely to cause difficulties for a dog's GI system.
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