Sentences with phrase «much study indicates»

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As this study indicates, it is likely that the audience will fail to absorb as much as you expect.
While some studies indicate that harsher punishments deter certain crimes, few show this effect for major human - rights violations, and the ones that do are much disputed.
Other research and studies among evangelical youth, however, indicate that number is almost certainly much lower (see the study mentioned earlier).
In the 2016 Barna research study commissioned by Josh McDowell Ministry, church leadership indicated that this problem is much bigger than it was 20 years ago, yet only 7 percent of pastors said they have a ministry program for those struggling with porn.
Even a basic study of history indicates that Jews were MUCH safer living in Muslim countries than Christian countries for most of the time periods that both religions have existed.
Studies indicate that «losses in computer crime are much more severe than those in traditional crime» (Sieber, 1986: 34) and «the problems caused by computer crime are bound to intensify in the future».
Our initial study, based on attendance counts in Protestant churches in one Ohio county and Catholic churches in 18 dioceses, indicated a much lower rate of religious participation than the polls report.
Several anthropologists, studying the difference between magic and religion in primitive peoples, have indicated that the latter (religion) is much more an intended conformity of things human with the divine, whereas the former (magic) is the effort, by use of formulae or rites, to bring the divine into conformity with things human.
Most studies indicate that in the United States as much as 60 percent of all sexual abuse of minors takes place within families.
As much as I appreciate the effects of natural melatonin supplies, I am even more swayed by recent studies that indicate that the powerful antioxidants in cherries can play a role in reducing inflammation.
I'm trying to eat as much as I can because of its nutritional benefits: — they can help your diet by making you feel full (it's because they absorb 10 times their weight in water, forming a bulky gel)-- they are the richest plant source of Omega - 3 — chia seeds slow down how fast our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars, studies indicate they can control blood sugar — they are an excellent source of fiber, with a whopping 10 grams in only 2 tablespoons — chia seeds are rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, aging and cancer — chia seeds contain no gluten or grains — the outer layer of chia seeds swells when mixed with liquids to form a gel (this can used in place of eggs to lower cholesterol and increase the nutrient content of foods and baked goods)(More info here.)
But while an early study by Baade suggested that this period can last up to 10 years, follow - up research by Eckstein and Delaney indicates that the period has recently gotten much shorter.
And some studies indicate that the stigma of cohabiting — versus being married — impacts younger couples, probably feeling the need to follow a normative romantic path, much more than older couples, who seem to fare quite well cohabiting or even as living apart together couples.
Other studies indicate that divorced men drink more booze than their married counterparts and divorced women (although women in general don't drink as much as men).
Many kids are raised in emotionally, physically or verbally abusive households, and let's not forget that numerous studies indicate that kids who grow up in a high - conflict family suffer as much as those whose parents are divorced, and that they do often better if their parents split.
In addition to the horror the battered spouse and kids are going through, studies indicate it could cost businesses as much as $ 5 billion dollars a year and $ 727.8 million in lost productivity.
Studies carried out by Dr Drown clearly indicate that breastfed babies are much less likely to suffer from colic than babies who are fed with traditional old - fashioned bottles.
CARRYING: Studies indicate that babies who are carried by a parent in his or her arms or in a carrier for at least three hours during the day cry less than infants who aren't carried as much.
The analysis by parity indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in adverse neonatal outcomes for nulliparous women although the numbers are much smaller than the Birthplace in England study.
For instance, we have students in our study who are taking one AP or honors course, and they may indicate feeling as much stress as students who are taking 3 - 4 AP or honors courses.
Research using methylergometrine indicates that use of an oxytocic will hasten the baby's placental transfusion, but, in this study, the babies did not get too much blood.9
But ¨ variety of scientific studies indicate that rather than it being completely controlled by the environment, the baby's own maturational rate as influenced by its unique internal needs to awaken, to feed, to find reassurance, or to oxygenate, are as much influencing factors in night waking and «sleeping through the night» as is sleep location, per se.
Past studies have indicated that much of fathers» time spent with children is in leisure or play, whereas mothers tend to be more responsible for the «work» aspects of parenthood.
A study released last week indicates that Bill de Blasio's messaging had the greatest resonance online leading up to the New York City mayoral primary, but much remains unknown about the broader impact of the digital campaign on the electorate.
When infants in the Dartmouth study were shown a moving picture of a starfish, the left and right hemispheres of their brains lit up (dark red indicates high brain activity; dark blue, low activity)-- but not as much as when researchers spoke to them, saying: «Hello, baby.
In a separate study, CT analysis of the inner ear of Archaeopteryx — a 145 - million - year - old creature considered to be a link between reptiles and birds — indicated that it «had hearing ability much like a modern emu,» says Paul Barrett, another paleontologist at the museum.
This study, however, indicates that weed - crop interactions are much more complex than researchers have thought.
«Although teen dating violence is typically viewed as a problem related specifically to adolescent development, our findings indicate that the risk for aggressive behavior and involvement in dating violence are related to stressors experienced much earlier in life,» says Jennifer A. Livingston, PhD, senior research scientist at RIA and lead author of the study.
Which process tops the list is unknown, says Röttgering: «This result indicates that we have to study much harder on the alternatives.»
Evolution has preserved the «neuropeptide Y (NPY) system», as it is known, in most species — indicating its importance — and much of our understanding comes from studying it in mice.
The chlorine content of specimens returned from the moon indicates that the lunar interior never harbored much water, in disagreement with some recent studies
Rahel thinks that «much larger studies will need to be completed in order to understand the... variation of these bacterial communities in healthy individuals and to determine if there are specific patterns that emerge from this variability that indicate normal and abnormal states.»
However, while other studies have shown that around 5 - 8 % of the genome is conserved at the level of DNA sequence, indicating that it is functional, the new study shows that in addition much more, possibly up to 30 %, is also conserved at the level of RNA structure.
Though burning natural gas produces much less greenhouse gas emissions than burning coal, a new study indicates switching over coal - fired power plants to natural gas would have a negligible effect on the changing climate.
A new study on white sharks in the western North Atlantic indicates they grow more slowly and mature much later than previously thought.
«However the problem is not only local — a number of studies have indicated that Arctic sea ice loss can affect weather patterns across the northern midlatitudes, including Europe, most of North America, and much of Asia,» Cvijanovic added.
Results from the study showed indicated that with carbon taxes set at $ 50 per ton and increased at a rate of 5 % per year would lead to a reduction in the total greenhouse gas emission in the US by as much as 63 %, confirms Reilly.
A study published today, by a group led by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), indicates that eliminating fossil fuel subsidies could curb global greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 5 % through 2030 while saving hundreds of billions of dollars in public money.
Estimates from the study indicate that the freezing line could lift by as much as 3,900 feet by 2100, which could expose the majority of glaciers in the region to temperatures above 32 °F in warm - weather months.
This plate, showing a skeleton from the right side, proves to be the hitherto unknown and much more complete counterpart of the Wyoming Plate B. Careful study and comparison of the new and more complete plate indicates that the specimen can not belong to Godinotia neglectus (see below).
«We indicated 23 years ago — in our 1994 Nature article — that climate models had the atmosphere's sensitivity to CO2 much too high,» said Christy, the lead author in the study, which has been accepted for publication in the 2017 fourth quarter edition of the Asia - Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences and is available online.
«Although teen dating violence is typically viewed as a problem related specifically to adolescent development, our findings indicate that the risk for aggressive behavior and involvement in dating violence are related to stressors experienced much earlier in life,» said study author Jennifer Livingston.
«Much to our surprise, the trial showed that patients receiving standard therapy compared to those receiving cetuximab with standard therapy had no difference in outcomes,» said study author Dr. Steven Alberts, a professor of oncology at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minn. «It also indicates that disease in earlier stages may be different than diseases in later stages.»
The study results indicate that cognitive decline could be delayed by as much as 2.5 years in older people who eat greater quantities of the berries, which are high in flavonoids
Another study, from Tufts University, followed people age 65 and older for three years and indicated that those with a higher intake of potassium — found in foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, and bananas — maintained more muscle than the folks who ate half as much of the mineral.
Get Enough (but Not Too Much) Sleep Studies indicate that seven or eight hours a night work best for most people.
Actually, saliva hormone testing is considered by many experts to be much more reliable (there are studies published that demonstrate it better indicates bioavailable hormones - i.e. what actually get into your tissues / cells to be used).
In the past five years several studies have been released indicating that in fact the link between these two conditions is much more direct than was originally understood.
While she makes some good points about eating too much unfermented soy, she feels a need to promote that myths that individuals on a plant based diet do not get enough vitamins, minerals and protein and of course claims there are not scientific studies that indicate saturated fat and cholesterol contribute to heart disease.
Recent studies indicate that as much as 78 % of individuals diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have SIBO.
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