Sentences with phrase «much stuff on»

I would say probably because I have too much stuff on our front... [Read more...]
Cluttered kitchen with too much stuff on the refrigerator.
For months I didn't even have access to my table because there was just so much stuff on it.
there is so much stuff on the side tables my drink would not fit.
And its 1920 × 1080 resolution makes videos look sharper and gives you room for twice as much stuff on your desktop as a laptop with a 1366 × 768 screen.
We've got so much stuff on sale, that we're starting today.
There's only so much stuff on the game board.
Not that I had much stuff on it at that time, I did backup what user stuff I did have.
None of things have not happened to my cruz And I have had it for almost a month it goes pretty fast, maybe y ’ all got to much stuff on it
/ I like the this tablet, but I don't buy that much stuff on Amazon The Kindle Fire has been built around the idea that you would consume on Amazon.
I just went to the DC store and the SA told me that the reason why they have no put out a lot of the new arrivals was because they have so much stuff on sale they needed to get rid of.
He told ClaretandHugh: «I see so much stuff on there about this player and that player — it's a 24/7 relentless social networking spotlight and can become daft.
To be that big and do that much stuff on the court?
Miller also says that many pitchers try to get so much stuff on the ball that it takes them out of good fielding position, but that line of thinking doesn't wash in the case of Mussina, who's a two - time Gold Glove winner.
«There are all these eight - pound packs out there that have too much stuff on them, like extra zippers and pockets.
Seriously, you couldn't buy that much stuff on eBay for that cheap.

Not exact matches

But I think over time because Hinge is getting better and better, you'll be able to use it for a broad array of purposes and one of them will be if you're serious about finding a specific kind of person, it will actually be a great platform for that and still in a much lighter - weight way then having to fill out a whole profile and just using people's ambient information because there's so much information that already exists about people through their interactions that they already have through Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and all these different kinds of platforms that allow us to match you up probably better than stuff you would say about yourself on an online dating site because frankly its more validated and it's more real.
However, if you've reached the point where you are spending too much time on the non-critical stuff, can't keep up with demand, or don't have some of the skills needed to take the next step, it's time to reach for the calculator and figure out if an extra pair of hands can be justified.
There is so much weird stuff on Etsy, in fact, that it has spawned a fan site, (tag line: «Where DIY meets WTF»).
Yes, I could have figured this stuff out on my own, but it would have been a much slower process, and I would have paid dearly to learn it.
If I wasted all that time on all that stuff I wouldn't have accomplished nearly as much in my career, I would never have ended up as successful as I have, and my life wouldn't have been so fulfilling.
While the book is stuffed with helpful big picture observations, it doesn't offer much in the way of specific on - the - ground ideas — though Keen does call for reforms to data privacy and gig economy labor laws, and for a serious discussion of a universal basic income.
As she grows older, and / or as the brand adds new stuff to their lineup, you can count on our family adding much more to our lineup.
«That means that the vast amount of stuff that we are publishing on Clinton will have much higher impact, because it won't be perceived as coming from a «pro-Trump» «pro-Russia» source,» WikiLeaks wrote.
«They're not making much money on that stuff as a lender,» says Andrew.
Much of the reporting on the first McGowan government budget has centred on payroll tax hikes and the new gold levy, but there is a lot of other stuff in there that bears examination.
It's got all this stuff in the news, with ghost cities and real estate markets crashing, but when we think about it, if the U.S. economy is forecast to grow somewhere between 2.75 % and 3 % for 2015, and China is growing at 6.5 % or 7 %, we're still looking at essentially twice the U.S. [growth rate] on a much bigger base than 10 years ago,» she says.
«They won't liberalize dairy very much,» said Gary Clyde Hufbauer, a former U.S. Treasury international trade official who is now a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington D.C. «They might do some token stuff on ice cream but it won't amount to anything.»
If you deprive yourself too much on the small stuff, you'll end up splurging on something crazy later on when you could have just planned for a morning latte and stayed on track.»
Because what ends up happening is the same thing that happens when you focus too much on protecting yourself from anything — you miss out on the good stuff, the most important stuff.
A lot of email marketers make the mistake of focusing too much on the «salesy» stuff.
When we purchase new stuff — no matter how much we anticipate the buy bringing us joy — our upgraded circumstances soon become just another thing we take for granted and we move on to wanting something else.
Lots of people say they want to ditch cable TV for the Web, but can't because they want to watch sports — specifically the stuff on ESPN, which has a hammerlock on much of the sports world.
As long as the job is getting done and the employee isn't spending too much time doing personal stuff on company time, a hands - off approach is best.
«Right now it's much easier to get more focused on the short - term ICO money stuff,» says Chris Dixon, a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz.
Use it to identify potential contacts and reach out to learn as much as you can — the stuff they don't share on their company profile.
But, while that might be great for companies wanting to sell as much stuff as possible, many would - be buyers aren't so hot on the idea of being followed around during the course of their daily on - and off - line activities.
«Really: I spend that much time doing stuff I enjoy, that isn't on a task list anywhere.
«They tried everything out there, and couldn't get hooked on difficult - to - use software that tracked so much more complex stuff than they needed to.»
Here's the good stuff: Instead of having to pay a 55 % estate or gift tax on the 30 % stock transfer, the child pays much less because, the IRS says, the GRAT diminishes the value of the stock.
(The actual «most popular» list would be pretty boring, Google says, because it wouldn't change much: We search for generic stuff like «weather» and «Google» year after year, although I'm convinced that this list is more interesting than the search engine is letting on).
You filled them from the top like a garbage bag, While they're comfortable to carry, the fact that they're basically just large open sacks on a carrying frame meant that all of your stuff would get wrinkled, you'd need to unpack the whole bag any time you wanted to look through what you had, it was tough to stay organized, and you ultimately couldn't fit all that much.
DUBNER: On the other hand, I could say, «My goodness, for seven cents of every dollar I earn, look at how much stuff I'm getting,» right?
«Consumers are putting a plethora of stuff on their systems often without knowing much about it.
LaVorgna is a hack who has spent his career on Wall Street preaching fairytales about the economy as a means of assisting the snakeoil salesmen at his bank in their efforts to stuff as much high - commission junk into investor accounts as possible.
This wasn't a concrete suggestion, as much as a recurring theme in feedback, that I chose to address and then finetune in our FTHM (Friday Town Hall Meeting) where people can put anything on the agenda and we demo stuff to each other.»
Nor did it look much like a technology company; selling stuff on the internet is more L.L. Bean than Google.
Keyword stuffing: This is the most common of black hat SEO or spam techniques and can become a problem on site simply by placing too much focus on certain keywords in the rush to improve search engine rankings.
Renting vs. owning in retirement Comment: Based on last week's retirement newsletter, I propose a sixth question to help narrow things down: How much «stuff» do you feel is necessary?
IF you were to look at creation it - self and how complex and in order things are surely after a few days of thinking about it you would have to say there must have be a creator in all of this stuff going on??? there is to much out there to say it all happened by chance or accicedent... you do nt have to go past the moon or the nearest planet to see what im talking aobut i will pray that God will reveal him self to you and you too can see what im talking aobut... you can emial me if you like randytherealtor7 at yahoo com
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