Sentences with phrase «much teaching about»

One of these issues has been put to me in words like these: «Altogether too much teaching about prayer, particularly in circles that are highly orthodox and consider themselves also highly biblical, amounts to telling us that we must cringe before, imperial majesty, as if we were in the presence of an oriental despot.
Firstly, I believe that we can never hear too much teaching about what it really means to walk in love, and if there is anything that the Church worldwide is lacking, it is probably that genuinely walking in love with everybody.
I think of Mr. B. often and how much he taught me about authentic yoga.

Not exact matches

Consider how much time politicians, educators and researchers spend talking about how to teach the next generation to be innovative.
«It taught me about adjusting the brand to your customer, and while I was doing that, I was learning so much.
Their business stood out because, despite accepting both male and female clientele, the Westropp sisters wanted to have an all - female board of directors and teach women about money during a time when men still controlled much of family and business finance.
In a broader sense, Cook says that Jobs taught him the value of intellectual honesty — that, no matter how much you care about something, you have to be willing to take new data and apply it to the situation.
Each woman I've come across has taught me so much about doing things THEIR way, regardless of how things are «supposed» to be done.
It's taught me so much about what it means to be a leader.»
These trailblazing business owners have much to teach their contemporary counterparts about taking risks and acting independently.
Turns out, they have much to teach even the most high - flying professionals about maximizing career satisfaction.
As Richard Branson has explained, «Small businesses are nimble and bold and can often teach much larger companies a thing or two about innovations that can change entire industries.»
In the future, I want to open my own restaurant in Englewood, and Starbucks is teaching me so much about how to interact with people and learn about business.
By the end of the four days, the educators know intimately about the monetary policy process, and they can teach other teachers and their students much more accurately.
According to Lawrence Summers, former director of President Barack Obama's National Economic Council and former U.S. Treasury Secretary — he is also President Emeritus of Harvard University at the top of a shortlist of potential candidates to replace current chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke — the events of the last few years have thrown into question much of what he learned and taught about coherent economic models.
As much as my parents taught me about financial responsibility which sparked my interest in investing and then eventually pursuing financial independence, they haven't always followed their own advice.
That little girl taught us so much about life.
It's truly a learning curve, but each step has taught me so much about myself and what I'm capable of.
She's actually thinking about teaching in Central America, where there's high demand for English - speaking teachers and the pay relative to the cost - of - living is much higher:
In «Clark Smart Parents, Clark Smart Kids,» he addresses everything from allowances — when and how much to give — to teaching teens about credit cards and navigating the purchase of a first car — how to get it, pay for it, and insure it — to saving for college, paying off loans, staying out of debt, and much more!
It teaches you a lot about sizing, it teaches you a lot about life, no matter how much you think you have your arms around a situation, you never do» Kyle Bass
A good friend of mine (who went beyond the call of duty to teach me much about fixed income despite his role at an investment bank that could not benefit from our relationship) took a macroeconomics class taught by then Professor Yellen when he was getting his MBA at UC Berkeley.
ReadWrite — Unlike most of the other blogs in this category, ReadWrite doesn't necessarily teach you about content marketing so much as it gives you content to write about.
The prof. may have taught in a seminary, but he certainly didn't know much about ministry.
I am grateful that God allowed me to witness t his loving expression, it taught me so much about how to continue living my own life and what I MUST teach my children.
The «student» has much to teach about «real theology.»
Many religious people I have talked to don't even know much about their faith, only what they are taught by rote.
And, of course, there is much dispute about the «magisterial» status of national bishops conferences, with the Holy See tending to downplay their teaching authority.
The religion I was in as a youth didn't teach about a trinity so Mary never came into the picture so much.
Psychologists have taught us much about ourselves in ways that seem quite different from anything we learn from Jesus.
Stop worrying so much about offending people and get back to teaching!!!
It is a practice older even than St. Benedict, who, along with St. Paul, has taught me much about prayer.
I've been reading the monastics recently, and it strikes me that while much of modern evangelicalism echoes their teachings on self - control and self - denial when it comes to sexuality, we tend to gloss over a lot what this great cloud of monastic witnesses has to say about self - control and self - denial in other areas of life — like materialism, food, relationships, and hospitality.
Teachings about the Trinity, the Incarnation, and so forth that have not only been grounded in large portions of Scripture but have also been accepted by the vast majority of Christians in history — those we can pretty much give our lives to.
These experiences and teachings from the Word about the spirit realm / deliverance / inner healing have helped me very much as a young Christian, and have been very much ingrained into me.
Think about how much of a better place this world would be if we were all following Christ's teachings.
As Wellhausen once remarked, everything that Jesus said (save, I think, his teaching about God's «seeking the lost») can be found in the highest and best Jewish teaching; although Wellhausen had to add that much more may be found in this teaching which Jesus eliminated or rejected — our Lord's human genius here, if the word may be used, was in his selectivity.
It's hard to believe that there is so much information about this one chapter, and most of what you are saying contradicts everything I have been taught my whole life.
Doubtless much of what is believed and taught about it is wrong or partially wrong.
Among other controversial teachings of the Church, he developed a much needed line of thought about the sacramentality of the sexes in the plan of God (more fully outlined in Sexual Order and Holy Order, Faith Pamphlets).
Of course, as you say, being the church is about so much more than just reading, teaching, or singing songs.
But I have to say that I'm much more worried about the possible decline in the teaching of music in our schools than of RE as it has mostly become.
However, without a doubt, we can affirm that much wisdom about healthy family life, based on the experience of generations, has been taught by the churches.
What about it disturbs you so much that you put so much effort into avoiding it even though the Bible does indeed teach us to study that we may be approved, and to defend what it teaches us without fear?
One might go to another who has provided a wisdom about personal transformation absent in Jesus» tradition and teaching whose teaching is also capable of assimilating much that comes from Jesus.
Women of all cultures have much to teach black men about theology and the human struggle to be free.
If a teaching about God leads us to be terrified of Him, then we can pretty much believe that this teaching is not correct about God.
Critical thinking is simply that stage where we make decisions about how much of what we were taught as children we are going to carry with us.
I say «well maybe» because so much of the teaching about sola fide comes out of a certain reformation reading of Galatians Romans and Phillipians.
I have too much to learn and teach from the Bible itself to be overly concerned about fresh teachings from new men today.
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