Sentences with phrase «much turbulence»

Earth's climate system is an immensely complex dynamic chaotic system, with much turbulence and boundary effects involved in the physics, chemistry and biology which go into make the total system.
That is, not much turbulence finds its way back to the helm.
«Ministers float in and out of the department, often for quite short periods of time» which created «too much turbulence», he said.
Far too much turbulence in what should have been a smooth flight.
And we wonder why there's so much turbulence in the civil service... You know, if anybody's left in a job for two years, they begin to feel as though they've been left on the shelf!
The highlight there was teaching racing starts, which caused much turbulence in the water, including unfortunately on the day of the police fishing race.
That our government would be rocked by so much turbulence?

Not exact matches

«The turbulence produces much more drag than the viscosity does.
After leading the market higher for much of the past two years, tech stocks have hit some turbulence.
Millennials frequently report a distrust of investing and stocks, in part because they've lived through so much market turbulence, says Daniel Sheehan, a certified financial planner on NerdWallet's Ask an Advisor platform.
Through the period of turbulence there has been a much larger premium placed on liquid assets.
But given the post-Benedict turbulence in the Church, which begins to resemble the chaos of the post-conciliar 1970s that Ratzinger rightly deplored (and did much to repair), it would have been useful to get some clearer answers from Last Testament about the months that led up to the papal transition of 2013 — and the reasons why things had come to such a state of affairs before Benedict XVI took the decision to step down.
Actually, though, her life was quite saturated in drama; and I was surprised to discover how much sheer turbulence and intensity there was in her life: her loves, her family, and her world ¯ it all makes for absorbing reading.
Yet If Arsenal want the best out of him then Wenger must show serious trust in his abilities even after Xhaka's return because part of Elneny's slight turbulence in form this season has been due to the addition of Xhaka who's presence seriously affected Elneny's moral and those who deep into things would've noticed the difference between last years Elneny (prior to Xhaka's acquisition) and this year's Elneny with majority of games Elneny coming off the bench yet the very last few games he started before the AFCON have boosted his confidence back and that very much reflected on his last performances before leaving to an extent that surprised quite a few!!
Confiscated teddy bears will not do much good, but a comfort item can do a lot to calm a child's nerves during take - off, landing, and potential turbulence.
«Does the right hon. Lady understand that it is not much fun standing on a platform and a high - speed train sucks you off because of the turbulence -[laughter]- or whatever.»
Having initially raised the prospect of severe turbulence for Britain, the group concluded that there were enough challenges ahead for the EU that they might feel that an agreement with Britain was very much in their interests.
It is true that Atiku's ambition and the traction it seems to be gaining may truly have brought the storm home much earlier than expected, but the Atiku challenge is merely a token of the series of turbulence that the APC invited on itself and should prepare for.
Today's leaders also seem much more interested in developing evidence - based models to help calm turbulence and reduce postconflict chaos.
Introducing ribs to the surface, the flow at the wall drastically changes and a situation is created that normally would only happen at much stronger turbulence.
On the other hand, if you get a dynamo going in the first place, turbulence may not be so much of a problem.
Although much of the cloud would splatter, shock waves and other turbulence would drain the angular momentum out of the inner 10 percent.
«We can certainly say it has evolved a lot in 20 years — it's much rounder, of course, but the changes to the shear in the internal cloud structures catch my eye; more swirls and turbulence in areas that used to be completely stretched apart into long streaks.
I have not even touched on increasing atmospheric turbulence, vibration, aircraft vapour trails, atmospheric degradation of optical surfaces, trails of aircraft, satellite and space debris on deep - sky photographic plates (one or more trails on one plate in three), sunlight reflectors and much more.
Globally, friction on raindrops dissipates almost as much atmospheric energy as does turbulence.
Eliminating turbulence can save as much as 95 % of the energy required to pump a fluid through a pipe.
But natural turbulence is key: in calm water, the dispersant won't help much, just as the measuring cup resting at the bottom of the soapy sink won't clean itself.
The major part of these energy losses is caused by turbulence, a phenomenon that leads to a drastic increase of frictional drag and hence much more energy is required to pump the fluid.
«Much like a teaspoon stirring a mug of coffee, the shocks lead to turbulence in the galactic gas.
At the planes» cruising altitude of 50,000 feet, the sky is 20 - 30 times darker than as seen from the ground, and there is much less atmospheric turbulence, allowing fine structures and motions in the Sun's corona to be visible.
The explanation is that turbulence is much less effective in scattering the fast ion wind in some devices compared with others.
The results showed that the steep gradient reduced the strength of the electron turbulence much more than earlier theories had predicted.
The spherical tokamak this research was based on enables the impact of electrons to be more readily seen, since the much larger ion - scale turbulence in such tokamaks is usually suppressed.
After much deliberation, I decided to go for the newest Turbulence Training workout, «Buff Dudes, Hot Chicks.»
Now it's not as much of an issue with the exercises in Turbulence Training because they are almost all dumbbell exercises.
So, after much research and asking questions in the Turbulence Training forums, I found the perfect pair for me.
«Test drive» this Turbulence Training workout for the next 60 days with absolutely no risk so you can see for yourself how much fat you can lose or how much muscle you can gain.
For example, when one partner discloses too much about the relationship - especially private secrets that the other partner does not want disclosed - this may cause turbulence
Buffett may not know much about how to make movies, but he does know his audience quite well, as Hoot is a great deal like his music — pleasant, easy - going, and worry - free entertainment, enjoyable precisely because it is free of turbulence, heavy drama, or provocative thought.
Because the TB is much bigger, but opened only partially, you still have the swirl / turbulence that the throttleplate creates, while also keeping maximum manifold pressure or volumetric efficiency.
The car handles bumps without transmitting much of the turbulence through the steering wheel or body.
Audi is claiming air turbulence has been reduced, with road and wind noise «much lower» than the old R8 Spyder.
The suspension system still has a lot of travel, but much of the turbulence is gone.
Deftly blending the romantic noir of the classic film Casablanca with a riveting, suspenseful narrative and vivid historical detail, City of the Sun offers a stunning portrayal of a time and place that was not only pivotal for the war, but also sowed much of the turbulence in today's Middle East.
The stock market's turbulence this year has caused many investors to question how much risk they are willing to take.
However echinocytes seem to be due to too much anticoagulant in the collection tube, schistocytes correlate well with blood flow turbulence, target cells with anemia, and spherocytes with auto - immune disease.
Much of this unique environment is washed each day by the tides, so organisms that live here are adapted to significant daily changes in moisture, temperature, turbulence, and salinity.
They are very much the images we expect of nobility: Choreographed snapshots, focused on silver linings that still manage to capture the turbulence of familial duties through empty stares.
The simplicity and purity minimalism offered in a time when there was so much social and political turbulence was something Jaar appreciated and wanted to bring to The Garden of Good and Evil.
It was painted at a time of great turbulence and poverty, which Turner's patron George Wyndham and his associates did much to alleviate.
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