Sentences with phrase «much uncertainty at»

This helps you avoid overburdening the company with an onboarding agenda that presents too much uncertainty at once while current employees attempt to meet the goals of their primary work responsibilities.
On Monday, days before a budget is supposed to be in place, Cuomo suggested the federal government and President Donald Trump's administration has made for too much uncertainty at the state level.
Too much uncertainty at che, whereas Arsenal seems like anything but uncertainty.

Not exact matches

Matthew Riley, head of research at Natixis Global Asset Management, told CNBC on Monday that «there's a lot of uncertainty at the moment, certainly geopolitical uncertainty from what we read is pretty much high although market volatility is quite low.
Admittedly, the latest numbers on economic activity at the end of 2012 have some wondering whether uncertainty matters all that much after all.
«While we are pleased the industry continues growing at faster rates than other sectors of the economy, we could be growing much faster, creating more new jobs and businesses, if Washington addressed the tax, spending and regulatory uncertainty plaguing the small business community in a meaningful way,» said IFA President & CEO Steve Caldeira.
That may help alleviate some of the tension at JFK right now, but given the size of the crowds and the uncertainty surrounding those who have been detained by customs officials, it will take something much bigger than a working AirTrain to bring calm to the scene.
You hedge your longevity risk, but there's so much uncertainty about what is the CPI at that point.
Our Africa Special discusses the rise of the secondary buyout; looks at the risks causing LP uncertainty; sheds light on where the best opportunities lie in the region; explores the emergence of fintech; plus much more.
But with only a few assets remaining, and not much uncertainty with regards to the value of the remaining assets, I think the stock is currently trading at an attractive discount.
However, with oil prices now at six year lows investor fears and uncertainty have sent share prices crashing by as much as 64 % in the last six months.
The rugged terrain of northwest Arabia, of which Syria and Palestine, it has sometimes been remarked, may be regarded as merely the largest and richest oasis, the numerous mountain peaks, the volcanoes apparently active at some period in ancient history, the desert with its speaking silences, the uncertainties of the weather in a land where all is dependent on the annual rainfall — all these and much more of the same sort are reflected in Israel's religion.
«At this point, too much uncertainty surrounds Murray Goulburn to warrant investment,» Ms Moore said.
The drama surrounding Wenger's future at Arsenal; the fan's genuine disappointments and angst; the uncertainty over the future of Sanchez and Ozil at the club — and so much more making negative headlines — is taking its toll.
stop buying into the rhetoric coming from the Arsenal PR team, according to Coq there wasn't any locker room issues with Sanchez, beyond the issues created by the uncertainty surrounding his possible transfer, which was caused by the club... like I said many times before Wenger and his propaganda machine created those stories to justify Sanchez's inevitable exit, much like they did many times before... I can only hope that the fans at the Emirates don't give Wenger a moments peace at tomorrow's game... stop being pawns and voice your opinions loud and clear
That the Times didn't report these findings, much less bother to interview anyone for the article other than Dr. McKee, wasn't at all surprising to me (and, I'm sure, to many scientists) for one simple reason: such uncertainty didn't fit the Times» 10 - year football = CTE meme.
«In the face of unprecedented uncertainty from the federal level, your partnership is more important than ever,» Mr. de Blasio told his audience, making a plea for unity to a legislative body that — on the Republican - controlled State Senate side, at least — has never had much use for him.
«There's so much anxiety because of the uncertainty at the federal level, especially for those who depend on support from government.
After days of uncertainty at the Capitol, the final negotiations played out among sleep - deprived officials on Friday, and the fine print of much of the spending plan was released shortly before midnight.
During the September Congressional fight over how much to provide and whether to offset it, Mulvaney posted a Facebook update in which he questioned the relationship between Zika and birth defects, and asked whether «we really need government - funded research at all» given this alleged uncertainty.
It also eliminates much of the uncertainty surrounding potentially ill effects; whereas various mathematical models may disagree about when and at what concentrations Arctic Ocean sea ice disappears, they all agree that at roughly 3 degrees C of warming, the far north will be ice - free.
With Justice League failing at the box office and much uncertainty about the direction of the DC universe, DC fans haven't exactly had as happy a time as those of rivals Marvel.
After days of uncertainty at the Capitol, the final negotiations played out among sleep - deprived officials on Friday, and the fine print of much of the spending plan was released shortly before midnight.
Given how much of a lower percentage the author tends to get from a publisher per sale and the uncertainty of being able to convert a casual reader into a regular, the author needs to be certain that the publisher can at least quadruple the book's reader - base before it makes sense to go with them.
Whether it is a question as simple (on the surface at least) as when to file for Social Security, or something much more complex as to trying to anticipate cost of living adjustments to future monthly benefits; Americans can be certain of one thing: the high level of uncertainty that each retired or near retired individual faces.
This year's back - to - back increases in consumer spending, coupled with numerous reports showing robust consumer confidence in April and May, had prompted many economists to marvel at consumers» resilience in the face of so much economic uncertainty.
This year's back - to - back increases in consumer spending, coupled with numerous reports showing robust consumer confidence in April and May, had prompted many economists to marvel at consumers» resilience in the face of so much economic uncertainty.
The benefits of elite status may not seem like much in the absence of a first class cabin, but if you listen to the top - tier elites at other airlines complain about the stress and uncertainty surrounding their spot on the upgrade list, it doesn't seem so bad.
There is way too much uncertainty around this regulation at the moment and its not hard to see why some are worried when you look at the list of game requirements below.
In addition they vary in types by level and you can never be quite certain what the game will throw at you next, it is the constant uncertainty that made each level that much more of a thrill.
Second guesses and uncertainty gnawed at my conviction, much like they did when making some of the biggest decisions in Telltale's lauded The Walking Dead series.
Between 1901 and 2010, global sea levels rose by 0.19 ± 0.02 m, albeit at varying rates and spatial distribution (Church et al. 2013)-- these past values (including their uncertainty) are potentially much smaller than those associated with future projections.
We have been brilliant at communicating and encouraging the downside risk without much attention to the uncertainty at all.
Although there is some uncertainty as to exactly how much the humidity will increase it can be irrefutably stated that the feedback is at least another one degree celsius per doubling of CO2.
I think that Joe Public would be quite shocked that there is still so much apparent uncertainty in such a fundamental aspect of climate science, given the huge disruption already being caused by what may turn out to be premature attempts at mitigation.
In the study scientists at Scripps and their colleagues «have produced the first clear evidence of human - produced warming in the world's oceans, a finding they say removes much of the uncertainty associated with debates about global warming».
The notion to act in a way that avoids harm, or at least minimizes risk as much as possible, when faced with risk and uncertainty has been around a long time and is rather fundamental to many of our normal human patterns.
This line from the 2007 report's chapter on human health is about as straightforward as any language can be: «Despite the known causal links between climate and malaria transmission dynamics, there is still much uncertainty about the potential impact of climate change on malaria at local and global scales.»
While Annan and Hargreaves gave an upper limit (at 5 %) of 4.5 C, Annan suggests that this is actually being generous with the uncertainty in his blog — not that this matters so much until the technical paper comes out which demonstrates a narrower range.
I also hope that tussles at the edges of understanding, where data are scant or uncertainty is high, don't distract the public too much from the basics of climate science, which are boringly undisputed yet still speak of a rising risk that sorely needs addressing.
Too many uncertainties around what we will or won't do on mitigation at this time, as well as when and how much methane will release...
3) A much closer look at the extinction projections reveals layers of uncertainty on top of layers.
Steven E. Koonin, once the Obama administration's undersecretary of energy for science and chief scientist at BP, stirred up a swirl of turbulence in global warming discourse this week after The Wall Street Journal published «Climate Science is Not Settled,» his essay calling for more frankness about areas of deep uncertainty in climate science, more research to narrow error ranges and more acknowledgement that society's decisions on energy and climate policy are based on values as much as data.
As Professor Barry Brook, Adelaide University said a couple of months after your proclamation about the up - coming ice - age QUOTE: There are a lot of uncertainties in science, and it is indeed likely that the current consensus on some points of climate science is wrong, or at least sufficiently uncertain that we don't know anything much useful about processes or drivers» (
They no longer mistakenly assume that the facts can «speak for themselves,» and they've gotten much better at developing ways to communicate lucidly about complex challenges and uncertainty.
The latest assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change noted these concerns: «Despite the known causal links between climate and malaria transmission dynamics, there is still much uncertainty about the potential impact of climate change on malaria at local and global scales.»
So any uncertainty in initial conditions makes the later state that much more unpredictable; after a sufficient time for the exponential growth to get large the state of the system is essentially randomly selected from the ensemble of possible states at that point in time.
Ideally you'd show that people at CRU produce much lower uncertainty ranges than experts elsewhere if you absolutely insist on going after those people.
The climate wars at the big end of town fascinate me as, although I lean toward the inevitability of agw, it is clear the prominent personalities on that side of the debate have destroyed much goodwill and credibility with activism and attempts to hide uncertainty.
Over the longer term the sun varies (there is uncertainty as to how much) and in the medium term the oceans vary much more than we previously thought possible in that they can act as net absorbers or net emitters of previously acquired solar energy for decades at a time.
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