Sentences with phrase «much variability exists»

For example, much variability exists in the methods and instruments used to assess the prevalence of symptoms and peer victimization experiences.
The purpose of the study is to identify and compare how much variability exists in the attitudes of prominent people in Australia and the United States who publicly identify as climate sceptics.

Not exact matches

Proxy records that document summer precipitation are much less common and, of those that do exist, some suggest wetter summers during the medieval period (22, 45 — 47), whereas others indicate decadal variability of both drought and wetness (48).
The power needs in their near - future will also be far greater than today, so today's existing natural gas infrastructure won't do as much to address power variability as it does in developed countries (and developing countries generally have little or no existing nuclear baseload power to help out).
Boyce et al have looked at stress reactivity in children and have shown that a high degree of variability exists.21 Traditionally, genetic predispositions were thought to play a major role in determining stress reactivity, but more recent data suggest that previous experiences also play an important role.22 Stress reactivity, much like brain development itself, results from a complex, dynamic interaction between genes (nature) and the environment (nurture) over time.
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