Sentences with phrase «much warm water»

There was so much warm water released by the 1997/98 El Niño that the sea surface temperatures for the entire East Pacific Ocean (from pole to pole or the coordinates of 90S - 90N, 180 - 80W) temporarily warmed 0.5 to 0.6 deg C. See Figure 4.
What does change is how much warm water is close to Antarctica.
The part of the Arctic that melts last gets just as much sun but not as much warm water.
It brought so much warm water across the ocean that it caused a step warming.
I suspect that 3 - year La Niña lasted so long because there was so much warm water in the western tropical Pacific (that was left over from the 1997/98 El Niño) that the tropical Pacific simply got stuck in La Niña mode until the warm water was distributed and dissipated.
It includes the super El Nino of 1998 which brought so much warm water across the ocean that it created a step warming.
The twenty - first century high itself is composed of two El Nino peaks with an abortive La Nina dip in between.The super El Nino brought so much warm water across that it lingered and blocked the expression of that La Nina.
Your post doesn't mention how much warm water to soak it in.
«The»97 El Niño was much stronger in the Eastern Pacific, with much warmer water up to the coast of South America,» Kovach said.
The fish inside the Biotest enclosure, while adjusted to much warmer waters than the Baltic fish, were only able to survive temperatures that were 4.6 degrees C warmer than the waters they were used to living in during the summer.
The fact that the same and similar corals thrive in much warmer waters to our north is ignored.

Not exact matches

The cyclone is expected to lose much of its punch over land but meteorologists warned it could reform again if it reaches the warm waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria, 250 km (155 miles) from the coast.
The planets orbit an «ultracool dwarf,» a star much smaller and cooler than the sun, but still possibly warm enough to allow for liquid water on the surfaces of at least two of the planets.
Reheat as much porridge as you need every morning by heating it up in a small saucepan with more broth or water, stirring, until warm and creamy.
Reheat as much porridge as you need every morning by heating it up in a small saucepan with more almond milk or water, stirring, until warm and creamy.
I worried about a number of other things during the process, too, like not having warm enough water, so the pre-ferment didn't ferment as much as I needed, or not knowing exactly how much to knead the dough or knowing when it would be kneaded properly.
Well, if you are washing the cabbage in warm water there is not going to be much yeast or bacteria on it so perhaps what it is doing is adding sugar.
I usually don't follow much of a ratio: I pour flour (s) in a big bowl, add whatever liquid I have around (non dairy milk, water, cold broth, maybe a little bit apple cider, or some beer too, which gives lightness to the crêpes), some flax gel (1 Tbsp ground flax seeds + 3 TBSP warm water), some salt or maybe a little sugar, sometimes spices like curcuma and black pepper, or tandoori spice powder etc, stir until the consistency pleases me, adding more liquid if necessary, let it sit for a few hours on my counter, and voilà.
Once warm toss in the zucchini zoodles and cook for about 1 minute trying not to overcook the zucchini so it doesn't pull much water from it.
No heating is required, though it is much easier to dissolve the honey in warm water.
If it thickens too much, just dilute it down with a little warm water before using:)
6 sundried tomatoes, soaked in warm water for a few minutes (I found this a little much and would try 3 or 4 next time)
Warm water will make it develop much, much faster, but HOT water will kill it so make sure you've hit that sweet spot before adding your yeast.
The company uses a block of ice in its marketing to high - end chefs and restaurants to emphasise the high quality of the kingfish it farms near Port Lincoln, and the cold - water environment which they claim makes it so much tastier than kingfish coming out of warmer waters elsewhere.
Note: Using a smaller cake pan will result in a longer baking time; adjust accordingly and keep an eye on the edges; if it browns too much while the center is still wet, wrap edges in foil; or if you are using a smaller pan, try placing it inside a warm water bath as Dorie Greenspan suggests.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the cashew butter, agave, tamari, as much or as little of the sambal as you'd like, the juice from half of the lime, and 2 tbsp warm water.
Both are perfect for little kids and the water was MUCH warmer in them than the other pools.
It is not recommended to wash in warm water, but you can because it allows for good cleaning action without as much fading, wrinkling, and shrinking.
It is also much faster and more economical than warming water in a pot or kettle and waiting for it to get the right temperature before placing the bottle inside.
You do have to experiment a little with the measuring cup to determine how much water you need to add in the warming chamber in order to get the perfect temperature for baby's bottle.
Sure, it helps that its 35 degrees, the water is warm and clear and the equipment is pretty much brand new.
Since I'm rarely the one to use stored breastmilk, I don't have much experience here, but I know that my husband places the frozen bag in a bowl of warm water for 10 - 20 minutes before using it, and that works fine for him.
I take a measuring cup of warm water and see how much it will absorb.
There are things that make it much worse, like tight muscles, posterior positions, and stress... and there are things that help, like counter pressure, massage, soaking in warm water, being upright or forward facing.
Besides warm and hot water aren't much suitable for baby's cloth.
«After the stump falls off, you can bathe Baby a few times a week (or just stick with the washcloth crevice baths), making sure not to dry out her skin by bathing her too much or using a harsh soap (warm water will do just fine).»
Diaper rashes can be prevented by frequent diaper changes, increasing air exposure by keeping the diaper off as much as possible and using a mild soap only after bowel movements (rinse with just warm water at other times).
Wash the cover in a sink of warm water with a lanolin shampoo and then squeeze it out a little to the point where it's not dripping too much.
Not much is mentioned again about the technique until the 1960's when a Russian scientist, Igor Charcovsky, began experimenting with the use of warm water immersion for women in labor to see how it affected their labor, the birth, and newborn behavior.
We hope she loves to swim in Puget Sound as much as we do, however we'll start her in warmer water, when we go to Maui this winter!
Once you get the hang of how much water you need to use to heat up the milk, these are wonderful bottle warmers with the added bonus of a mini milk fridge.
This bottle warmer has a unique reservoir capable of deciding for itself how much water it needs to use.
«The Thermos keeps pasta or soup warm, and a water bottle helps you avoid spending money on buying juice boxes and your children avoid consuming too much sugar.»
I think the reason I disliked it so much is that you'd get all the bath supplies ready, and that teeny tiny tub all filled up with warm (but not too hot) water and you'd get your baby undressed and wash them up and then into their pajamas AND THEN you did it ALL... OVER... AGAIN.
Hmm, i hope the warm bath or the warm bottle of water will make my baby stop crying so much.
These days the Martian atmosphere is thin and about 95 per cent CO2, but scientists think that 3 or 4 billion years ago the planet's gassy envelope was much thicker and even richer in carbon, making its surface warm enough to support liquid water — and possibly life.
Third, and perhaps most important, no matter how much cyanide rained down, it could become concentrated only in a cold environment — not in warm coastal lagoons — because it evaporates more quickly than water.
A very cold but relatively fresh water layer covers a much warmer and saltier water mass, thus acting as an insulating layer,» explains Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif, head of the Research Division at GEOMAR.
That's of particular interest to scientists studying global warming, because in those waters much of the carbon that's being released from melting permafrost is oxidized by bacteria into carbon dioxide, says Rose Cory, an environmental scientist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
That region, he says, is susceptible to even small amounts of warming and cooling from the atmosphere — and how cold the water gets influences how much or how little it sinks, thereby driving or delaying, respectively, the ocean conveyer belt.
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