Sentences with phrase «much warmer than»

It is much warmer than it has appeared on my monitor.
Yes, carpet is much warmer than hardwood or tile.
That's much warmer than the Tecra Z40's top temp of about 93 degrees under the same testing conditions.
Turning on «low blue light mode» reduces the blue level of the display, making it appear much warmer than usual.
Attendees enjoy a well hosted slate of speakers, great company, and time away from the usual hustle, plus it's usually held somewhere much warmer than BC.
After getting back home to Corvallis, Oregon, I read a letter to the editor of our local newspaper claiming that it was much warmer than today during the medieval warm period.
Life thrived when the planet was much warmer than now.
blew away all temperature records, and was much warmer than Hawaii in the lead up to those storms has nothing to do with it.
More recently, in the prior period between ice ages, just 125,000 years ago, the Earth also was much warmer than today and the sea level much higher - by about 13 to 20 feet (4 to 6 meters)(IPCC).
It is generally accepted that the Earth has been much warmer than today, for example, in the time of the dinosaurs (the mid-cretaceous period) when the CO2 was 2 to 4 times greater than today (NOAA).
He obviously missed the fact that the troposphere is much warmer than predicted by the DALR.
By capturing thermal radiation (heat energy emitted from the earth's surface components and re radiating it in all directions — part of the same process that is accepted (somewhat like the «earth revolves around the sun accepted») to keep the planet much warmer than it would otherwise be in the absence of any of these molecules — it actually «cools.»
It is also the greenhouse gases that help produce the morning temperature inversions where the atmosphere is much warmer than the surface.
However, there is not a strong validation that raising the mean will also raise the number of «much warmer than average» outlier heat waves.
During boreal winter (December 2016 to February 2017 - DJF) it was much warmer than average throughout the Arctic, whereas in spring (March to May 2017 - MAM) the relative warmth was less widespread, with a region near the Greenland Sea being particularly cold relative to the average.
Net result of these differences means the North Pole is much warmer than the South.
Life thrived when the climate was much warmer than now — so what persuasive evidence to we have that warming would be net bad for life on Earth.
I am a student at university studying general sciences and a colleague of mine claims that ice core samples prove that the earth is much warmer than in the past (in particular before the industrial revolution).
The glaciations from MIS 16 onwards have been much colder, and the interglacials from MIS 11 have been much warmer than during the previous 2 million years.
The Earth was much warmer than today in the early Cenozoic.
There have been times on earth when it has been much warmer than today, and times when it's been much colder.
Solar activity in the 18th century was as high as in the 20th [and GCR flux about the same too], but the climate now [as per Javier's plot] is much warmer than then.
Henry Hub spot prices began the year relatively low and fell throughout 2015, as production and storage inventories hit record levels and fourth - quarter temperatures were much warmer than normal.
(1) a slight increase in the price of coal, and a significant decrease in the price of natural gas; (2) the weather conditions, with no extremely hot days in the summer and much warmer than usual winter temperatures leading to heating degree days decreasing by 12.6 %.
On Aug. 14, 2003, a news release summarizing July temperature patterns began as a draft with this headline: «NOAA reports record and near - record July heat in the West, cooler than average in the East, global temperature much warmer than average.»
This top layer can be so much warmer than the deeper water that it often makes me a bit nauseous as I come to the surface after a deep dive.
How could that be given that for most of the past 600 million years, the planet has been much warmer than today, with much higher levels of carbon dioxide than today?
There could be hundreds of spikes in the actual temperatures from the Holocene much warmer than at present and they would simply have averaged them out.
They do not exist or they would have occurred long ago as our climate has been much warmer than now several times in the current interglacial.
But the data also shows the warm years were much warmer than warm years now in this two past decades — supposedly the warmest decades on the last 1000 years.
That's not even right; the 1940s are arguably when the land and ocean temperatures were much warmer than normal for the first time in decades.
How would one region of the earth remain perpetually MUCH warmer than the rest for Centuries?
What's bad is that they mentioned MWP about 22 times and concluded that this information showed that the modern period was much warmer than the MWP despite the failure of the proxies to work in the modern period.
The BIG question is why the pause 1940 - 1976 is so much warmer than the pause prior to 1910.
The planet has been much warmer than that in the past.
JC says «The BIG question is why the pause 1940 - 1976 is so much warmer than the pause prior to 1910.
Judith Curry wrote: «The BIG question is why the pause 1940 - 1976 is so much warmer than the pause prior to 1910.
Fort Yukon has recorded Alaska's coldest ever temperatures but this winter temperatures have been much warmer than usual, leading to dangerously thin ice
We know that parts of the Arctic were ice free for thousands of years and much warmer than the present day.
(2) with respect to Steve's comment: «What's bad is that they mentioned MWP about 22 times and concluded that this information showed that the modern period was much warmer than the MWP despite the failure of the proxies to work in the modern period.»
This makes it clear to what extent the variability in the inflow of «warm and salty» North Atlantic water at times of positive values of the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) dominates the temperature of the Atlantic water mass by importing «vast quantities of heat» into the Arctic Ocean to induce core temperatures in the intermediate layer in Nansen Basin that are much warmer than in the Canadian Basin, far downstream.
The difference in global average between the 1982 - 83 El Nino event and the 1997 - 98 event may give an indication of how much warmer than 1998 the yet to come next major El Nino year will be.
In other words, if 2012 were as much warmer than 2011 as 1997 was compared to 1996, and still the overall trend would not fall into the predicted range, then there are some serious problems with the predictions.
Obviously much warmer than we were in 1991 and Pinatubo is a distant memory.
Another question is how do you explain the two periods in the last ten thousand years when temperatures were much warmer than today?
evidence also indicates that the Earth was much warmer than it is today and of course, much colder at times as well.
So when I wrote «That is, all the data points except the extremes are represented 12 times, and the extreme results (2009 is much warmer than the other years) are less represented.»
Most of earth's history during last 500 million years has been much warmer than our present average temperature.
What caused it to be much warmer than now 1000 years ago?
Throughout the geographic temperature map provided by NASA, we find that most global regions experienced much warmer than normal temperatures — with the equatorial, tropical, and Northern Hemisphere zones showing the greatest departures.
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