Sentences with phrase «much younger one»

This would make the planets much younger than their hosts, which would explain their unusual heat and puffiness.
The team found they could replicate the healing abilities of the engineered mice by giving nongenetically altered ones drugs that help activate certain metabolic processes — the same pathway Lin28a stimulates — revving up and energizing cells as if they were much younger.
«Almost anything is possible,» Norell said, quickly adding that most DNA - extraction studies have been conducted on much younger amber, dating to around 20 - 30 million years ago, and even those led to questionable results.
But the clean water ice of Saturn's ring system suggests that it may be much younger, since interplanetary dust should pollute it over time.
While 210 million years ago might not sound terribly recent, the Arsia Mons site is much younger than the habitable environments turned up by Curiosity and other Mars rovers.
«I remember talking about this with other women my age when I was much younger,» says Linda Bartoshuk, a full professor of psychology at the University of Florida in Gainesville who has seen her share of gender bias among scientists.
But even if they prove to be much younger — 100,000 years old, say — that would be significant, says Berger.
On average, wolf - pack members were much younger, tending to be in their early 20s, as opposed to early 30s for lone wolves and late 30s for loner suspects.
The facial bones and teeth of these people, who lived 430,000 years ago, already resemble those of Neandertals, which are known from much younger fossils.
They must have made an odd couple: the short, rotund, Hungarian - born Kurti and the tall, dashing, much younger This.
«It was like you were looking at an animal that was much younger than it was,» Duffy says.
In addition, it will be interesting to see whether data collected from much younger children can be classified using this method, as the disorder typically emerges in the first few years of life.»
«It's possible this hot Jupiter is keeping the star's rotation and magnetic activity high because of tidal forces, making it behave in some ways like a much younger star.»
A reduction in harsh radiation therapy could be a big deal for many HPV - positive oral cancer patients, especially as they tend to be much younger (often in their 40s and 50s) compared with the previous majority of patients whose malignancies are linked to smoking or alcohol consumption.
When the rocket twin comes back to Earth, the Earth twin has aged more; the rocket twin is much younger.
BETA Pictoris, a star famous for the disc that surrounds it, is much younger than anyone had thought according to a group of researchers in the US.
By measuring the abundance of an isotope of the noble gas argon in the rock or its crystals, Gazel and his colleague Michael Kunk of the U.S. Geological Survey found that the magma was much younger than the last known volcanic event on the East Coast — which occurred when the supercontinent of Pangaea slowly pulled apart into North America, Africa and South America some 200 million years ago, forming the Atlantic Ocean in the process.
Thomas, who wrote a «Foreword» for «Out on the Fields» added «I'm very encouraged to see that more gays and lesbians are finding the courage to come out of the closet, certainly much younger than I did while playing sport.
Then he removes the nucleus from the donor egg of a much younger woman and in its place microinjects the genetic material of the older woman.
The particles» incredible brightness makes some astronomers suspect that the rings are much younger than the planet: If they were old, they would have been darkened by accumulated carbon from meteoroid impacts.
«The lover might be much younger.
«We were expecting to find rocks exposed for 20,000 years, the date of the peak of the last ice age, but these moraines were much younger.
AD is usually a late - onset illness, he notes, whereas breast cancer can affect much younger patients — and thus news of being at high - risk for breast cancer may be more traumatic.
Remarkably, these signs appeared around much younger stars than astronomers thought possible, suggesting that planet formation can begin soon after the formation of a protoplanetary disk.
In fact, HIV - infected patients accumulate mature cytotoxic T cells at a much younger age than an uninfected person.
«We're finding that the kinds of complex and strategic self - presentation behavior we see in adults appear at a much younger age than previously known.»
Amyloid — an abnormal protein whose accumulation in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease — starts accumulating inside neurons of people as young as 20, a much younger age than scientists ever imagined.
Amyloid — an abnormal protein whose accumulation in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease — starts accumulating inside neurons of people as young as 20, a much younger age than scientists ever imagined, reports a surprising new Northwestern Medicine study.
Blum said the work shows a need to rethink adolescent health interventions, which typically focus on youth 15 years or older, so that they target a much younger age group.
Children suspected of having been physically abused were much younger than those with unintentional injuries: three out of four were under the age of 1, with an average age of 4 months.
The best intensive care nurses never do become inured to the daily tragedies they witness, and helplessness in the face of imminent catastrophe, especially when it involves a patient not much younger than oneself, is unbearable even for the most stoic of professional personnel.
«This earliest known record of a coelacanth nursery foreshadows a much younger counterpart, known from the 300 million year old Mazon Creek beds of Illinois in the United States,» says Gess.
«The black hole's behavior may be a local example of events that commonly took place when the universe was much younger.
And deep within the heart of just about all of these stellar clusters are strange populations of stars called blue stragglers, which appear much younger than their companions, even though they should all be the same age.
ACENET, the European Network in Applied Catalysis, is a much younger initiative than NICE, but it also aims to bring together academics, industrial scientists, and policy - makers into a «real community» focusing on sharing knowledge and training students and professionals.
By 2002, at 22, he was teaching pupils not much younger than he was.
Meltzer's research team found that nearly all sediment layers purported to be from the Ice Age at 29 sites in North America and on three other continents are actually either much younger or much older.
While this meant examining the experiences of much younger children than had been researched before EU Kids Online began its work in 2006, there is now a critical need for information about the internet - related behaviours of 0 - 8 year olds.
Babies used to be introduced to solid foods when they were much younger — at three months and then four months, but in 2002 changes were made to recommend solids were not given until 6 months, due to research showing waiting can reduce the risk of babies having certain illnesses, such as gastroenteritis.
Steve: So you are back 40 years, and you are, you know, yet to be TV's John Rennie, and what I mean [is], I remember it, as well — sure it is, I'm much younger than you, but...
According to the researchers, the newly described penguin lived about 61 million years ago and reached a body length of approx. 150 centimeters — making it almost as big as Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi, the largest known fossil penguin, which lived in Antarctica around 45 to 33 million years ago, thus being much younger in geological terms.
The artefacts uncovered so far are thought to be much younger than the skull.
And the more recent excavations have indicated that the charcoal lay in a section where older sediments had eroded away and been replaced with much younger rock.
A little more than a decade ago, postdocs were rare in France, in part because the traditional mode of recruitment at universities and public research organizations allowed researchers to get permanent positions at a much younger age than in most other countries.
He was also openly homosexual; his lover and secretary was a much younger Albanian man named Bajazid Elmaz Doda.
The spectacular discs that ALMA has imaged around much younger stars, such as HL Tauri, contain much more material that is in the process of forming planets.
California, we have very poorly consolidated sediments that are much younger.
On average stars in spiral galaxies tend to be much younger than those in ellipticals.
«Very impressive,» said Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, who met a much younger Chelsea many years ago.
Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer has no qualms about hiding his new relationship with a much younger woman just weeks after his divorce was finalized.
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