Sentences with phrase «muckraker for»

Schulkin, captured in a secretly - recorded interview by a muckraker for the conservative group Project Veritas, claimed the municipal ID program was contributing to «all kinds of fraud» — including at the polls.
He is a spiritual muckraker for the republican's right wing.

Not exact matches

But hark, there's some good news for office muckrakers: Increasingly, academics are finding that gossip might actually be good for business.
The gold standard for this sort of true - life journalistic muckraker is, of course, «All the President's Men,» a movie that took place in the»70s, was made in the»70s, and tapped the alternating current of corruption and idealism that helped define the»70s.
In a 1906 speech, Roosevelt branded some of the muckrakers» methods sensationalist and irresponsible - an apt description for Brimelow's book.
For this project, Students team up individually or in pairs and become modern day «muckrakers».
Many of these «muckrakers,» including Ida Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens, worked for McClure's magazine.
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