Sentences with phrase «mucous plugs in»

Holding in the urine often is not a normal cat behavior and by doing this the urine starts getting more concentrated which leads to the formation of crystals or stones or even mucous plugs in their urethra.
Many pets with urinary tract infections will also often develop crystals or mucous plugs in the urinary tract which can create even more problems for the patient.
And for the record, a secure mucous plug in your cervix separates your amniotic sac and uterus from the rest of the world — including your partner during penetration.

Not exact matches

«FLUTD may be caused by diseases of the bladder including, FIC, bacterial bladder infection, bladder stones, mucous plugs that form in the bladder and pass into the urethra, or bladder tumors — although these are uncommon in cats,» she said.
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