Sentences with phrase «mud cores»

The researchers did a preliminary head count, took drone images and collected mud cores during a 2015 expedition.
Studies range from documenting bloom dates of trees and flowers to extracting mud cores from the ocean floor.
As a professor at the Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University she's spent decades analyzing mud core samples drilled from lakes around the world to examine climate and fire going back thousands of years.
Scientists drill mud cores into the sediments under the oceans, ice cores in the Arctic and Antarctica, examine tree rings, or use the chemistry found in caves (stalagmites) as climatic proxies.
Analysis of pollen in mud cores from the bed of a lake near the Andean fortress city of Ollantaytambo, Peru, reveals that, there at least, the agricultural revolution happened very quickly, some 2700 years ago.
In 1964, Paul Colinvaux began his life's work — trying to understand the ice - age climate of the Amazon through mud cores and the pollen found within.
Mud cores pulled from marshes in the city show that the sea level is already rising faster there than at any time in the past 1,500 years, according to research published in the Holocene Journal in January.
Mud cores show that sea level rise is happening in the region faster than at any other time over the past 1,500 years.
In kid - friendly language, the authors incorporate the work of nearly forty - five scientists into easily - understood reads, ranging from Dr. Camille Parmesan's information on the Edith's checkerspot butterfly, to Dr. Lloyd Keigwin, who studies ancient ocean mud cores.
Attractive photographs of the natural world, working scientists, easy to read graphs, and kids in action frame the many short essays, which examine a range of topics from CO2 capture in the rainforest to mud cores taken from the bottom of the ocean.
In the months ahead Powell and his graduate student Timothy Hodson will measure the orientation of tiny magnetic mineral grains up and down the mud cores, allowing them to determine how long ago the mud and rocks were laid down and therefore when the environmental change happened.
Recently, he and his colleagues examined samples of a mud core extracted from between 860 metres and 1626 metres beneath the sea floor off the coast of Newfoundland.
Within a mud core retrieved from the bottom of Sluice Pond in Lynn, Mass., a light brown layer of sediment stands out amid darker layers of organic - rich sediment, the researchers report March 27 in Seismological Research Letters.
This, along with carbon dating of tiny plant pieces found in the mud, will allow the team to put firm dates at points along the mud core, calibrating it in time.
When Norwegian researchers brought up a mud core from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean in 2010, they were orchestrating a family reunion.
How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate: Scientists and Kids Explore Global Warming by Lynne Cherry and Gary Braasch, explains how scientists piece together Earth's «climate history» from tree rings, mud cores, ice cores, and other sources.
The authors explain how scientists piece together the Earth's «climate history» from tree rings, mud cores, ice cores, and other sources; how this history compares with recent climate patterns; and how greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide - much of it human - made - are impacting climate.
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