Sentences with phrase «muddled thinking»

The expression of muddled thinking may give the impression that writing skill is inadequate, but in fact, clear thinking cures many apparent writing problems.»)
> Pearce's job is not to hide Schmidt's decline, it is to expose it and the muddled thinking which underlies it.
The mathematician rolls his eyes at his companions» muddled thinking and says, «In Scotland, there is at least one sheep, at least one side of which appears to be black from here.»
It looks to me like they have been a major distraction, a vehicle for muddled thinking, and a political device ably exploited by the core team in and around the IPCC.
But the opposite of clear thinking is muddled thinking.
The vast majority reflect muddled thinking on the subject.
There are some people to whom muddled thinking and self - deception are the two most unforgivable crimes in the world.
And while there are many illnesses and medications that can contribute to muddled thinking, that isn't what I'm talking about today.
Muddled thinking and forgetting names and words are so common today that it's considered a normal part of getting older.
Hard knocks from jousting, hawking and horseback riding may have left Henry VIII with traumatic brain injuries that muddled his thinking.
The history of research in this area is littered with poor science, muddled thinking and confusion, which is still with us today.
Claiming the previous government had been the victim of fear and muddled thinking by backing a state - sponsored form of multiculturalism, the prime minister will state that his government «will no longer fund or share platforms with organisations that, while non-violent, are certainly in some cases part of the problem».
In his resignation letter, Sir Ivan urged British colleagues in Brussels to challenge «muddled thinking».
«However they are increasingly being distracted by the latest muddled thinking to emanate from Government ministers.
But appearing on the Today programme, Duncan Smith claimed that there was no such muddled thinking and that the government's Brexit plan was clear.
It is time to challenge that muddled thinking.
Politics can be an «arena for angry minds», where muddled thinking and conspiracy theories become widespread
The Conservatives» rejection of all such possibilities rests on muddled thinking and empty assertions.
Theresa May's response to the London Bridge attack exposes muddled thinking and uses terror to further a broader agenda
This is muddled thinking.
The selection suggested muddled thinking, something is clearly wrong.
With muddled thinking like this I think we know where the problem at the club lies.
However by committing very human muddled thinking by way of logical fallacies, they demonstrate that their religion is no more than an indulged fantasy and that they are no more than a bunch of sanctimonious buffoons!
«This study suffers from the same negative stereotypes about atheists that most of society has, and it has simply reinforced that prejudice with more muddled thinking
Muddled thinking, shallow analysis, the madness of crowds, beliefs that are based on one's desires and biases, not evidence — these are some of the things that block progress on many fronts.
«Food is both the culprit and the treatment for a big part of our lack of energy, muddled thinking, and mid-afternoon drowsy eyes,» she writes, before offering advice on how to modify your diet to keep your mind and body on an even keel throughout the day.
Instead, try not to muddle your thinking, and look at each issue distinctly.
I thought I was the only one with the muddled thoughts during the day and additional side effect of being up all night!
More serious is the effect of sleeplessness on health: It muddles thinking and may increase the risks of obesity, diabetes, viral illnesses, heart disease, and depression.
Anxiety and panic set in, your heart begins to beat erratically, and confusion muddles your thoughts as your brain loses its ability to function.
His decision to probe deeper into his own muddled thoughts is also influenced by the fact that Shaw — think of a young, better looking John Kerry with a war record that, on the face of it, even Karl Rove couldn't question — is now a seemingly sure - fire candidate for vice president.
Mari's a very practical person who would never permit sentiment to muddle her thinking, until she falls head over heels in love with the duke, of course.
Divorce is particularly reviled for its power to destabilize and dysregulate people, muddling thinking and impairing decision making.
While they usually mean well, more often than not their comments do nothing more than muddle your thoughts and make you feel like you can't think for yourself.

Not exact matches

As for your definition in atheist, sadly I think you're missing something, the term God and god are muddled but have two separate meanings.
Were he up for tenure, and were he to appear before me, I would not approve someone of such shoddy scholarship, and muddled and arrogant thinking.
After all, Christians worshiped Jesus for several centuries before any of them thought to argue that God created the world out of nothing, and Augustine found the «books of the Platonists» so convincing mainly because the Manichaeans made such a muddle of their version of materialism.
The result is a complete muddle in scientific thought, in philosophical cosmology, and in epistemology.
Am I mistaken to think my MP's thoughts on this matter are somehow illogical, badly thought - out and in a frightful muddle?
According to this line of thought, the remedy to the subjectivist muddle is for the churches to preach better sermons — which is mainly suggested to mean the preaching of more doctrinally - substantive sermons.
«Sometimes I think my whole professional life has been based on this hunch I had, early on, that many people feel just as muddled as I do, and might be happy to tag along with me on this search for clarity, for precision.»
So my thoughts about the afterlife get all muddled.
The critical passage in Darwin's letter to Asa Gray is the following: «I can not think that the world... is the result of chance; and yet I can not look at each separate thing as the result of Design... I am, and shall ever remain, in a hopeless muddle» (Darwin F. 1888 Vol.
All seemed muddled to me, no wonder we are in such a mess with this type of thinking coming from the top.
I think you're getting muddled in the idea coquelin is an elite DM on the level of a Vidal....
i get wenger has faith in his players, and they can muddle us through to 4th / 3rd, but to go higher i think we need some more firepower.
English football's relationship with the ball - playing central defender is an interesting one: it (if we may for a moment reduce such a complex muddle of thought and action to a singular entity) loves them in theory, it sanctifies them when they're Bobby Moore, but it doesn't entirely trust them, and it certainly doesn't have time for them in the early formative years, when all that ball playing seems to detract from the serious business of stopping goals.
i think that perhaps when we were kids this wasn't «thought of» and so we just muddled through... but you have the power to help.
In that case, I think you either muddle through or you find a way to make cosleeping work for you and do it as safely as you can.
Many substances contain unseen elements to amplify their addictive qualities, may muddle an expectant mother's thinking, and overall put an unborn child at a significant disadvantage.
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