Sentences with phrase «mudra brings»

Samana Vayu mudra brings together these five elements, which is said to give therapeutic benefits.
Vyana Vayu mudra brings together these three elements, which is said to give therapeutic benefits.

Not exact matches

Hold My Heart mudra: Interlace your fingers, keeping your thumbs pointing upwards, and then bring your hands to your heart.
Anjali Mudra is a mudra of honor and peace, a holiday wish that we honor each other in hopes to bring peace to the world.
Center yourself by bringing your palms together in the middle of your chest (anjali mudra) before you attempt a handstand lift.
Then bring your hands into Anjali Mudra (Salutation Seal), but behind your back, a hand position technically known as prstanjali mudra (prsta, pronounced prish - ta, meaning «the back or rear of anything»).
Some study participants noted that when yoga was initially introduced at EUSD, it included cultural artifacts, such as Sanskrit language, mandalas, Hindu stories, prayer mudra (i.e. bringing hands together at one's heart), and a poster that outlined the eight limbs of yoga from Patanjali's yoga sutras.
Perform a revolved side angle posture by bringing your hands in a closed «anjali mudra» meeting at your heart and shift your shoulders down from your ears.
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