Sentences with phrase «mug of water»

I recommend heating up along side a coffee mug of water.
to a warm mug of water and swirl until nicely combined.
What I would do, is always have a mug filled with water on the bedside table, so while baby would nurse (or I would pump for when she no longer woke up at night) I would make it my goal to drink at least half of the mug of water.
Stock if you had some but if not a mug of water but not too much - or a stock cube is OK.
Half hour later I had another tablespoon followed by another mug of water and stirred 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in my coffee.
She reached for a mug of water on the nightstand and with a spoon tapped at the film of ice that had formed during the night.
The Yupiit also had a word for the moments when it was so cold that a mug of water thrown into the air would harden like glass before it ever hit the frozen ground: cikuq «erluni.
Use half a mug of water while shaving, get rid of hair by dipping the razor in the mug and churning it.
Every time one of these is used to heat a mug of water (about 280mL) for tea or coffee, starting from 25 degrees Celcius, I calculate that 0.018 kWhs is wasted in boiling that extra 200mL.
Don't even try the K8 Note to dunk it into a swimming pool, or spill a mug of water.
I enjoyed — maybe too much — spilling a mug of water on the iPhone 7 and then dunking it in a water pitcher.
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