Sentences with phrase «multi-decadal ocean climate»

Nieves said an example is the U.S. West Coast, where the phase of a multi-decadal ocean climate pattern called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation has helped keep sea level rise lower during the past two decades.

Not exact matches

First, it probably needs to be made clearer that generally speaking radiative forcing and climate sensitivity are useful constructs that apply to a subsystem of the climate and are valid only for restricted timescales — the atmosphere and upper ocean on multi-decadal periods.
The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) have all been found to significantly influence changes in surface air temperature and rainfall (climate) on decadal and multi-decadal scales, and these natural ocean oscillations have been robustly connected to changes in solar activity.
«The climate patterns responsible for the expected above - normal 2007 hurricane season continue to be the ongoing multi-decadal signal (the set of oceanic and atmospheric conditions that have spawned increased Atlantic hurricane activity since 1995), warmer - than - normal sea surface temperatures in key areas of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, and the El Nino / La Nina cycle»
Given those assumptions, looking at the forcing over a long - enough multi-decadal period and seeing the temperature response gives an estimate of the transient climate response (TCR) and, additionally if an estimate of the ocean heat content change is incorporated (which is a measure of the unrealised radiative imbalance), the ECS can be estimated too.
Since the heat storage capacity of the ocean is > 1000 times that of the atmosphere, having a solid handle on all these is crucial to accurately projecting even average mean climate across multi-decadal time.
This means that the heat content was «reset» to this earlier value, whereas the multi-decadal global climate model projects a more - or-less monotonic increase in ocean heat content.
A detailed reanalysis is presented of a «Bayesian» climate parameter study (Forest et al., 2006) that estimates climate sensitivity (ECS) jointly with effective ocean diffusivity and aerosol forcing, using optimal fingerprints to compare multi-decadal observations with simulations by the MIT 2D climate model at varying settings of the three climate parameters.
The multi-decadal climate shifts correspond precisely to changes in Pacific Ocean circulation, and in global hydrological patterns.
There are lots of experts on small subsets of all the physics that go into climate, radiative physics, clouds, aerosol, oceans, multi-decadal oscillations, solar, global ice, etc..
The near - linear rate of anthropogenic warming (predominantly from anthropogenic greenhouse gases) is shown in sources such as: «Deducing Multidecadal Anthropogenic Global Warming Trends Using Multiple Regression Analysis» «The global warming hiatus — a natural product of interactions of a secular warming trend and a multi-decadal oscillation» «The Origin and Limits of the Near Proportionality between Climate Warming and Cumulative CO2 Emissions» «Sensitivity of climate to cumulative carbon emissions due to compensation of ocean heat and carbon uptake» «Return periods of global climate fluctuations and the pause» «Using data to attribute episodes of warming and cooling in instrumental records» «The proportionality of global warming to cumulative carbon emissions» «The sensitivity of the proportionality between temperature change and cumulative CO2 emissions to ocean mixingClimate Warming and Cumulative CO2 Emissions» «Sensitivity of climate to cumulative carbon emissions due to compensation of ocean heat and carbon uptake» «Return periods of global climate fluctuations and the pause» «Using data to attribute episodes of warming and cooling in instrumental records» «The proportionality of global warming to cumulative carbon emissions» «The sensitivity of the proportionality between temperature change and cumulative CO2 emissions to ocean mixingclimate to cumulative carbon emissions due to compensation of ocean heat and carbon uptake» «Return periods of global climate fluctuations and the pause» «Using data to attribute episodes of warming and cooling in instrumental records» «The proportionality of global warming to cumulative carbon emissions» «The sensitivity of the proportionality between temperature change and cumulative CO2 emissions to ocean mixingclimate fluctuations and the pause» «Using data to attribute episodes of warming and cooling in instrumental records» «The proportionality of global warming to cumulative carbon emissions» «The sensitivity of the proportionality between temperature change and cumulative CO2 emissions to ocean mixing»
Although not a focus of this study, the degree to which the oceans themselves have recently warmed due to increased GHG, other anthropogenic, natural solar and volcanic forcings, or internal multi-decadal climate variations is a matter of active investigation (Stott et al. 2006; Knutson et al. 2006; Pierce et al. 2006).
Given that, «Climate simulations suggest that multi-decadal periods of high and low variability in the phenomenon known as the El Niño - Southern Oscillation in the tropical Pacific Ocean may be entirely unpredictable» DiNezio, 1014, we can not have confidence in any of our current ENSO forecasts
There are a number of inter-decadal and multi-decadal cyclical patterns observable in the climate system, particularly in ocean surface temperatures.
They are dealing mostly with the atmosphere - the climate models are even more compromised when trying to deal with the effect of the oceans with their multi-decadal and possibly multi-century patterns.
Sadly, the climate science community has been on a multi-decadal quest for proof of the «GHE» hypothesis, last I checked they are pointing towards the «deep oceans» as the location of their prey.
Multi-decadal regime shift — chaotic — unpredictable — involving abrupt shifts in ocean and atmospheric circulation — show the dynamical mechanism at the core of climate on a global scale.
Scientists know of and study many different types of climate variations, such as those on decadal and multi-decadal timescales in the Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans, each with its own unique characteristics.
Observe the stricking difference in the level of alarmism between the politicians and the quasi-humility of the climate modellers describing the uncertainties in predicting the natural multi-decadal phenomenon which are greatly influenced by ocean circulation.
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